Reflective Journey: Growth and Discoveries in English 10

Categories: English Language

Personal Growth in Reading and Writing

The importance of taking English to me is that I learned how to read, write and understand different word concepts. This year in 10th grade English class, my reading skills have improved and Essay/paragraph writing has improved also. In my 9th grade English class, when reading books/novels, my understanding of the story didn't always connect. Now in 10th grade I find it easier to understand the stories. Over the course of taking English 10, I have learned to take my time when reading and not rush.

I also learned when writing, I need to recheck my sentences to say what I mean.

Enhanced Reading Experience Through Engaging Texts

Night by Elie Wiesel and Athletic shorts By Chris Crutcher should be taught again in English 10 because the story in Night is inspirational and shows people character and ties to family. Athletic shorts was different because it was not just 1 story, there was six different short stories that had variety but together they showed how people can get through conflicts or tough times.

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Reading this book and stories, has helped my reading skills to improve because they made me curious to know what would happen at the end of the story. I think the more I read, the better reader I become.

Challenges in Writing Assignments

The Emotional Poem and Book Club Project/During Reading Assignment were the challenging aspect of writing for me. The Emotional Poems were hard because words sometimes cannot really tell your feelings.

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The Book Cub Project was challenging because I found it difficult to find six songs with meanings that were similar to the book, Before We were Free. The meanings of the songs that I picked seemed too specific and not general enough to fit the story. As a result, I would advise new students in English 10 to be prepared to not give up, to try to be creative and ask you teacher for help.

Benefits of Collaborative Learning

Practice with Working with a partner and Working with a group of other students benefited me because working with one partner gives you the chance to talk one to one and you can get more time to learn more information from that one person. When working with a group of people, there are more views but on the other hand, it is hard to speak up to have your view heard. I think this type of work has helped me with friends and may help my communication skills for future jobs. As a result, I think my listening and speaking skills have improved slightly because feel like I participated more in class this year than other years.

Exploration of Themes and Moral Reflection

My experiences in English this year, from Night, have helped me to understand the good theme of family helping each other and the bad theme of cruelty towards other humans. Both Elie and his father help each other at the concentration camps by sharing food and water. Elie also motivated his father when they had to move to another camp to keep going in severely cold weather with no shoes and very little food. The cruelty towards other people made it hard for Elie and for myself to understand how God could let this happen.

Personal Growth and Future Goals

As a result, I now believe that it is important for family to help and motivate each other. I also believe that if actions towards other people are truly wrong and cruel, that everyone should try to stop this. At the end of English10, I find it easier to understand the stories that we read. I also found that organizing my thoughts and ideas was harder in the beginning of the year, but now it is easier when I try to have a rough draft of ideas and then re-organize the rough draft . I do think that there were many homework assignment that I should have completed and did not.

Lessons Learned and Future Plans

Reflecting on my English journey, I have come to recognize the importance of familial support and the imperative of standing against cruelty and injustice. The themes explored in Night have left a profound impact on my understanding of human nature and the power of compassion. Additionally, the challenges I faced in organizing my thoughts and completing assignments have taught me the value of perseverance and time management.


In conclusion, the journey through English 10 has been one of growth and discovery for the author. From grappling with challenging emotional assignments to delving into thought-provoking literature like "Night" and "Athletic Shorts," the author has honed their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. While some tasks posed difficulties, such as crafting emotional poems or selecting appropriate songs for a book project, the author persevered and sought guidance when needed. Through collaborative activities, the author developed their communication skills and learned the value of diverse perspectives. Importantly, the themes of family support and standing against cruelty, as evidenced in "Night," have left a lasting impression, shaping the author's beliefs about human decency and compassion. Looking ahead, the author is determined to approach their English studies with diligence, recognizing the importance of completing all assignments and embracing learning opportunities, even when faced with challenges. This reflective journey underscores the transformative power of education and the ongoing pursuit of knowledge.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Reflective Journey: Growth and Discoveries in English 10. (2016, Sep 21). Retrieved from

Reflective Journey: Growth and Discoveries in English 10 essay
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