Hispanic/Latino Culture

Hispanics or Latinos are defined as a people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish speaking culture. This term “Hispanics” was created by the U. S. federal government in the early 1970’s to refer to Americans born in a Spanish speaking nation or with ancestry to Spanish territories. Hispanics people are vibrant, socializing, and fun loving people. Among various facts associated to this culture is that they have a deep sense of involvement in their family traditions and cultures.

Hispanics / Latinos have strong non-verbal and verbal ways of communication.

To better understand one another they overly rely the use of non-verbal communication. This includes facial expressions, hand and body movements, physical touch, voice pitch, voice sounds, and physical appearances. A Hispanic mother screaming as her child takes their first steps is a type of sound and facial expressions use to show emotion without words. A firm handshake is a common practice between people as greeting and as they leave.

A hug and a light kiss on a cheek are also common greetings practices between woman, and men and woman who are close friends or family.

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Children are also though to practice this ways of greetings to their elders in a way to show respect. Men also hug each other in sign of affection. Making eye contact when being spoken to is also a sign of respect, especially if the person is elder. I remember if my mother was talking to me as a child and I looked away, I was in so much trouble!

Non-verbal communication is very important in face-to-face communication also because it shows feelings, intentions, and reactions.

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In the Hispanic culture respect is highly valued and shown by using formal titles when communicating verbally. Communicating phrases are used daily like “A sus ordenes” (at your command), “para servirle a usted” (at your service), “mi reyna” (my queen), or “mi rey” ( my king). When it comes to advice, Hispanic families prefer to communicate with their elders because of their experience.

For example, when one becomes sick the elder may advice a safe simple home remedy. The Hispanic culture has different values, beliefs, and traditions. Family is highly value. Family is a close-knit group and the most important social group to gather in any events or special days. The Hispanic “family unit” includes not only parents and children but also grandparents and extended family. Individuals within the family have moral responsibilities to help other members of the family experiencing financial problems, unemployment, health conditions and any other life issues.

They show the importance placed upon relationship within their family extending a hand in good times and bad. Respeto y dignidad (respect and dignity) are other important values of the Hispanic culture. Children’s are taught to avoid confrontations with parents and older persons, and to be obedient and respectful. The Hispanics believe that the father is head of the family and the mother is to take care of home. Naming children after grandparents and parents is fairly common.

A well-known tradition is the celebration of a fifteen year old girl called Quincenera. Hispanics culture and traditions are based around celebrating and spending time with love ones. Hispanics usually give great importance to and place great value on looks and appearance as a sense of honor, dignity, and pride. Formal attire is commonly used for going to church and all religious celebrations as well as parties, social gatherings, and work, Although this tradition seems less common in Latinos that have been in the USA for a while.

Tennis shoes and jeans however are becoming more popular among Hispanic woman particularly in non-formal events. It is very important to know that most Americans who were born in or have ancestry of a Spanish speaking nation see themselves and refer to themselves by their ethnic identity. For example, they prefer usually to be referred as Cuban, Mexican, Colombian, or Puerto Rican, not as Hispanic or Latino. Being a diverse mix of many countries there is no doubt we form the most rich and unique culture growing in the USA.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Hispanic/Latino Culture. (2017, Jan 31). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/hispaniclatino-culture-essay

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