Heroic Characters in The Outsiders

Categories: BraveryCourageHero

There are many heroes in the book The Outsiders by SE. Hinton. In my opinion, the most heroic characters are Johnny, Ponyboy, and Cherry. A quality that Johnny has is that he is brave. Johnny takes a risk when there was a fire in an old church. In this way, Johnny shows bravery.

Johnny is heroic because he never gives up and always keeps on trying. Johnny values love and support, even though he didn’t receive any love or support from his family.

Even though he didn’t receive any love from his family he cared about his brothers and guided them. He gave good advice and was a good role model. Johnny shows bravery by saving the children in the fire and sacrificing his own life to save them; only a hero like Johnny could show such bravery. “I should be scared, I thought with an odd detached feeling, but I’m not. The cinders and embers began falling on us, stinging and smarting like ants.

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Suddenly, in the red glow and the haze, I remembered wondering what it was like in a burning ember.” (Hinton 82)

Ponyboy Curtis is a heroic character because he was courageous enough to save the children in the fire. He also stood up to the Socs in the park by saying to them that they were “White trash with Mustangs and Madras.” (Hinton 51) His loyalty is displaced a few times throughout the book. Ponyboy is the greatest person who sees that people should be treated the same and is courageous.

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Ponyboy has loyalty which makes him a hero in the physical deeds he does and also his attitude towards social division.

Another hero in The Outsiders is Cherry Valance because Cherry acts as a spy for the greasers, and in doing so wants not only to help the greasers but the Socs as well. “Ponyboy… I mean… if I see you in the hall at school or something and don’t say hi, well it’s not personal or anything, but…” (Hinton 26 ) She wants the fighting to an end, and she does whatever is necessary to even the sides and balance the power between the two rival groups.

In conclusion, three heroes in The Outsiders are Ponyboy, Cherry, and Johnny. They each are heroes in their own kinds.


Hinton S.E. The Outsiders New York Dell Publishing,1995

Updated: Nov 16, 2022
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Heroic Characters in The Outsiders essay
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