Consequences of Male Offspring Preference: A Threat to Society

Categories: Gender

Nowadays, the majority of people have accepted lots of originalities, such as couples living together before marital relationship, men staying home as home-husbands and divorce. However, in developing nations, a significant percentage of the population are still holding an extremely severe choice for male offspring and yearning to have a male infant, despite the truth that women can look after their parents physically and mentally far much better than their male peers. It is worth looking into the factor for and some negative continuous consequences of this male choice.

The description can be traced to the conventional male-centered culture. Since the primitive era, ladies have become the valuables of their partners, and their significant job was producing a male successor for their hubby. This is due to the fact that just males can maintain the family name and the inheritance. In addition, as Tina Rosenberg explained in her article "The Child Deficit", a boy is a monetary required for parents.

Just children take duty to look after their aged parents, and children have restricted contact with their parents soon after they end up being somebody's other half.

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If a couple could not produce a child, they would think they are the most miserable couple on the planet and would suffer long-term isolation in their old age. Moreover, some countries hold a very strange superstitious notion, that if a woman offers birth to more than 3 children, her spouse will pass away. It is barely unexpected that the strong decision to have infant young boys can cause catastrophic effects.

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After a long history of son preference stemming from the old culture, some nations are now dealing with extremely severe gender imbalance. This arises from the extreme measures which have actually been used to get rid of an undesirable infant woman, for some individuals choose to go to any lengths to get the type of baby they want. The very first of them is sex-selective abortion.

Now, high technology like ultrasound scanning makes it very easy and convenient to achieve that goal. Its popularity and prevalence has caused numerous fetuses to die before they can see their Mom’s face. The second action is infanticide. Some infants have chance enjoy the sunshine and mom’s smile for a little while before their parents arrange their death just because they are not male descendants who can carry their family name and bring honor to their family as their parents think. Although some girls are lucky enough to stay with their dear mommy for several years, at last their mothers have to abandon them due to the family or society pressure. Even worse, some girls are neglected to death. These facts are heartbreaking, these parents are unforgivable and the consequences are very serious. According o the observation of Tina Rosenberg in her article, “The Daughter Deficit”, in India and China, more than 1.5 million fewer girls were born each year than it is predicated.

Also, according to census data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the gender ratio was 117.7 newborn boys for every 100 girls in 2012 in China. This means that millions women are missing and there would be a dramatic excess of men. However, the impact of male preference goes beyond the immediate consequence of the disordered ratio of males to females, and it brings about more complicated implications in the long term. This unbalanced population can lead to a series of social problems. The serious gender imbalance has produced a large number of extra young men. Obviously, when they reach adulthood, some of them would find it extremely difficult to get married. With the poor prospect of getting a wife, some young men would resort to alcohol and drugs as comfort, while some of the others might take risks or get into fights in order to improve their prospects.

Even more, some desperate young men are likely to blame their whole predicament on the society and government. As a result, they would pursue revenge on society, and cause a lot of trouble for innocent people. Eventually, everyone, including people who criticize the unfair treatment towards girls, will suffer from the serious consequences of an unstable society. In conclusion, the essential reason for the bias in favor of male offspring is the traditional man-centered culture, and it causes a series of negative effects. If society doesn’t take it very serious and make some changes, it can be foreseen that our brilliant culture would collapse due to this unfair preference.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Consequences of Male Offspring Preference: A Threat to Society essay
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