Free Thyroid Support Supplement Samples

Free Thyroid Support!

It is estimated that over half a million from many a countries suffer from thyroid problems. A thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland in the human body that is generally found in the front of the neck. It protrudes slightly in men, and is also known as the Adam’s apple. This gland produces hormones called Thyroxine or T4 and triiodothyronine or T3.

It is well known that the human body is made up of cells. These cells need the hormones produced by the thyroid gland to be abple to work normally.

These hormones are also responsible for weight management and energy utilization in adults and growth in children. Should the thyroid start functioning abnormally, it can produce too much or too little of the growth hormone which can severely affect growth and weight management, eventually leading to trips to the doctor for treatment and to Thyroid support clubs for support with many of these clubs offering absolutely .

Thyroid problems are basically of two main types.

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There are times when the thyroid gland malfunctions and releases way too much thyroid hormone into the body. This problem, usually occurring in adults, is also called Hyperthyroidism. This leads to problems like excessive weight gain or height gain, poor bones etc. Infact recent researches have linked diseases like osteoporosis and even Arthritis to thyroid problems.

In kids, exists the opposite to hyperthyroidism, which is hypothyroidism or the lack of thyroid hormones in the body. In such cases the gland is unable to produce thyroid hormone leading to retarded growth.

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This problem occurs in babies as well, especially if the baby inherits thyroid problems from either parent or parent’s family. The thyroid gland may not be present in new born babies with hypothyroidism or may be malformed or may be fully formed but unable to produce hormones.

Thyroid treatments can be expensive and thyroid support groups also charge membership fees and although there are many a support club that offers free thyroid support, this is not a problem that anyone should have. Infact to make things easier, a general search on the internet, for can bring up some very effective and economical samples that can be safely tried by self or taken on the advice of a General Practitioner or a family doctor, who knows about the family history and the root cause of the thyroid problems. Many a thyroid Support groups also know where to get free thyroid support samples!

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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