Drinking And Driving Essay Examples

Drinking And Driving - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Drinking and driving means the continued or compulsive use of alcohol in a car. The causes and effects of drinking and driving are many. One of these reasons may be that sometimes the person who had a few drinks did not realize that they were influenced by alcohol. Another cause may be peer pressure when a friend or family member drinks, puts pressure on the person, makes them think that drinking is a must-have, or that the person thinks that drinking is cool and that it makes all their problems fade away. Drinking and driving also has many effects such as fatal injuries, causing others problems, and sometimes losing their own lives in a car accident. Alcohol is an intoxicating substance made by distillation rather than fermentation. Alcohol destroys many cells and organs in the body. The liver, for example, is responsible for breaking alcohol down, so it receives the most damage.

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