Bullying In Schools Essay Examples

Bullying In Schools - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

The chosen sample in this study reveals that females (63%) are dominant over males (37%); this may be because females are more comfortable to talk about sensitive topics and to share their opinion about them. Concerning grades (Q2), first-year students make-up for the majority about 40%; when it comes to bullying, first-year students are known to be the most targeted ones since they’re younger and physically weaker compare to the other grades; followed by that comes second-grade students about 28%; and then third-year grade students by 32%, they’re known to be the responsible for most bullying incidents. After that, the participants were asked to give their definition of bullying (Q3), most students believe that bullying is an unacceptable attitude that is meant to cause pain to victims both physically and psychologically, and it can even lead to suicide.

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