Feminism: Ideas, Beliefs, and Movements

More than half of the world's population slightly consist of women and they play important roles such as mothers, producers, managers, community developers, and organizers. Their role in the social, political and economic development of societies is also more than half as compared to that of men by virtue of their dual roles in the productive and reproductive spheres. In societies all over the world, women are important part in the balance of power. Today, majority of the decisions made in the world that includes economical, social, political and educational are been made by both man and woman in an equal way.

This was not the reality years before. Women have spent most of their time looking for their rights by all the means and thanks to the conception of Feminism that helped women in all the domains of society. Feminism always had the social and political rights for woman as their top demand because their participation in formal and informal structures in society were insignificant.

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Women needed the opportunity (feminism) to prove that her efficiency in the society is equal to man throughout her role in all fields as well as at home (GHORFATI, 2015).

Feminism is a belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes (Valenti, 2007. Pg. 9). However, no matter how simple and powerful this definition is, feminism is not a clear-cut concept that can be precisely defined and delineated. It does not begin with a specific event at a particular moment in time; it does not identify with any one political organisation or movement, and cannot be defined by the contributions of a handful of great thinkers.

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Generally, feminism is a platform in which values are given to women and their contributions. Though it is possible for anyone to be a feminist in a population whether men, women, girl or boys. A suitable description of feminism would a movement or revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. According to Valenti text, these boundaries are seen as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone understands the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality, but feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women eradicated and brought to an end.

The area of politics were men can dominate and women are just to follow, is an example of discrimination. From where I come from, men are known to be superior and leaders in everything. While women are supposed to obey and follow instructions. Worst of all, both genders do not have equal rights when it comes to education, jobs and much more. Back in my home, I did not have the permitted to say my opinion on certain matters even if I have a lot to give. This is because; I was the youngest and above all, a female. My opinion does not count if the males in my family were involved. It took quite a few years for me and my sisters to finally speak our mind and have our inputs in family discussions. From this, I would say that feminism is that voice or movement that is able to put women in the map to get something out of the society. "Feminism is not just about the organisations you see at protests or what you hear about in the news" (Valenti, 2007 pg. 7). Feminism from a political perspective is all about rationality. All humans should be given equal rights in and out of the home and, in politics. My argument here is that women ought to be given a fair chance and not looked down on. During the recent U.S presidential election, Hilary Clinton was a female candidate who would have probably become the president. I might not know much about politics, but this can necessarily be an example of feminism in play as equal right to contest was considered.

Equality is simply every male and female having a chance at everything. Females should not be required do the work or put in too much effort if they will end up been ignored. I remember working at a company back in my country, when it was time for staffs to receive recognition for our involvement, effort and time, I and other female staffs faced ill and unfair treatment. Although I was not expecting much but when I thought about my hard work compared to other male counterparts who spent their time playing at work, I felt cheated and discriminated. Some females and I who believed deserved better treatment, wrote letters to the management requesting that our performance within the department be re-evaluated. After much disturbance, we received a much better reward. Feminism in this aspect is fighting for your right as a woman. "Feminism in political philosophy involves a commitment to the equality of women, or, in more radical form, the emancipation of women" (Feminism, Political, 2001).

Looking at feminism in the economical aspect, I have noticed that women are under-represented. Many people have come to believe that the world is a man's world and women have no place in running it. Men are physically stronger than women, no disputes about that. Men are the ones who ought to provide and support the family no dispute about that too. But then again, women can also do it all. Women should be the ones to decide on what they can do. There are some jobs that men can do better when compared to women because of their physical attributes, for example, police officer, a firefighter and so on but that does not mean women cannot do these jobs. All I am saying here is that women should have the choice to choose what they want to do regarding their occupation.

One of the most influential and well-known feminist in America is probably Beyonc?. In 2014, during the MTV Video Awards, I watched her on the television performing in front of a huge banner with the description "FEMINIST" written on it. This action was eye-catching because everything including the costumes they worn was mind blowing and the songs performed were popular. Beyonce using this notion to get everyones attention, I would say projected sexual confidence and self-reliance for women. Not just that, she also supports her message with economics by filling her management company with female executives and staff, and touring with an all-female backing band. Looking back to some popular movies from the past, some movies were considered racist to women and there were lots of negative messages about single women. Now, I think that has changed. It does not matter what everyone thinks. What matter is that women should be treated fairly and equally.


Over the years, woman are seen as unequal citizens, they suffered from bad treatments, discrimination and racism under man domination and rules. Despite these problems, they could challenge them and prove themselves over the society. Woman in the past was living unequal and unfair life. She was prevented from doing any political, social and economical activities and her only job is being a housewife who takes care of home and children. At that time, woman was under the control of man who dominates all the fields in which he represents the symbol of power. After all those problems, suffering and misery woman in the entire world started to find ways to improve herself and to change her position in life. They tried also to join their efforts, dreams and wishes to form a universal idea that speaks about all women in any place in the world this leads to the appearance of Feminism. By the coming of Feminism, woman was able take back her rights in addition to changing her negative image. Feminism proves that woman is capable to play important roles the same as man. Moreover, the most important goals of Feminism were giving woman her total freedom in addition to equal opportunities in the representation of the political and social events (GHORFATI, 2015). In addition to reading Valenti Jessica's guide to why feminism matter, I can say that I have come to understand feminism more and, not what the society term it to be which is, women been selfish and wanting everything. Feminism is women speaking up for themselves. It is not just fighting for women's right on various things but standing up against bias in the society. There is no ulterior motive as to why feminism movement is rising up sand upheaving. It is just a fight for equal right as humans. Understanding the definition of feminism, I see that everyone are feminists because we all want the same thing and the opportunity to do them without been chastised for it.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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Feminism: Ideas, Beliefs, and Movements essay
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