Decoding Success in Fashion Marketing: Cartier's Elegance Strategy

Before we think about the example of a style related marketing project, first we need to see in short, what are the factors that make the marketing project successful in the target market where it is marketed? We can see that marketing project are a sort of interaction tools that companies utilize to send their message throughout to the consumers they are targeting. The more the interaction procedure will be clear and appealing, the more the item will receive response.

Nevertheless, in order to interact efficiently, recognizing a specific target audience is very necessary so that the campaign can be designed accordingly.

Thus when we talk about a fashion marketing project, we can take a look at the example of Cartier, which is a fashion brand and has its own shops and outlets across US, CANADA and UK.

What they have done is that they have selected a dark elegant color scheme in all of their marketing campaigns which include marketing for sunglasses, jewelry, perfumes and purses.

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Being a fashion brand, elegance is one of the features that they have to concentrate all along because of the fact that the market they are targeting includes the elite class in the town which can afford expensive branded Cartier products. Thus in all of their campaigns they only have a single image in their advertisement which is placed in such a way that it tells the entire story and shows all the elegance of the product.

Moreover, the use of text is also very low because what the brand wants to show the target market is that the product itself shows what its elegance really is and they themselves do not need to show that to the elite class because the company wants to portray that every product that Cartier markets is unique, classy and branded.

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Thus, in the elite class, this type of elegant and simple fashion marketing has been very successful whenever Cartier launches a new product.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Decoding Success in Fashion Marketing: Cartier's Elegance Strategy. (2016, Sep 29). Retrieved from

Decoding Success in Fashion Marketing: Cartier's Elegance Strategy essay
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