Ethical Dilemma You Have Faced Essay Examples

Ethical Dilemma You Have Faced - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

When I was 19 years old, I was back at home for the summer after my freshman year of college. My older brother had come to visit our parents and me. He didn’t live too far away, only about a 45-minute drive, so his visit was nothing out of the ordinary for us. Later that day during his visit he pulled me aside and asked me for a favor, he told me he was tight for money, which sadly has never been out of the normal for my brother and was not the first time he had asked me for money. He told me how his kids, who were not that much younger than me, being 17, 15, and 12 respectively, needed money for going to vacation bible school and he didn’t have enough money. So, he asked me for 60 dollars so that they could go to vacation bible school and told me he would pay me back the following week. I obliged and gave him 100 dollars.

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