Electric Cars Advantages and Disadvantages

Electric cars are now gaining more interest every year and it is for a good reason. Battery powered cars have many advantages over their combustion engine counterpart. One of these advantages is the tailpipe’s emission pollution. Gas powered cars must use fuel that gives off chemicals that cause a greenhouse affect such as carbon dioxide. Because electric cars run off electricity and not gas, they don’t give off any chemicals. The only pollution that these cars cause is from the making of the electricity that they run off of.

The important thing about this is that there are many ways that people are charging their cars without polluting such as solar energy but there is no fuel to power combustion engines without pollution. Many people are getting solar panels for their homes to charge their car and save money. The only cost of solar panels is to buy the panel itself, so it is free energy after that. Another advantage of electric cars is that electricity is cheaper than gas.

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One of the reasons it is cheaper is because the owner can charge their car at their home so they don’t have to go to stations that might charge more money. Also, according to Brad Berman, electricity costs around 2 cents per mile while gas costs more than 12 cents per mile. That means that soon electric cars will cost the same as gas powered cars, but the fuel will be 6 times as cheap.

Electric cars have many advantages but there some disadvantages as well.

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Some of the common disadvantages include driving distance, charge time, and the price of the car. As of right now, the average distance an electric car can drive on a full charge is 100 miles, but this number is increasing every year. Some of the newer cars can drive longer like the Tesla Y that is going to come out in 2020. This car is estimated to cost 48,000 dollars and it could drive up to 300 miles on a full charge. The Model Y costs a lot of money, but this is actually less than most electric cars which is another downside of them. The average price of an electric car is 55,000 dollars compared to the 36,000-dollar average cost of a gas car. This is a high price difference, but the price of electric cars is coming down thanks to the Tesla Model Y and other cars. Also, the average price for gas cars is coming up. Another downside of electric cars is the charge time. For most electric cars it takes around 4 hours to fully charge. This isn’t that bad but if you go on a long trip you would have to stop for long periods of time to charge. People would much rather choose gas cars because it only takes a few minutes to completely refill their car. One misconception about electric car chargers is that there is not many. This is not true, and they are common, especially in bigger cities. Most of these chargers are also even fast charging but it will still take multiple hours to charge. Just like all the other issues surrounding electric cars, recharge times are also being improved.

Electric cars are have become more popular lately and it has been for a good reason. Things like the improvements of batteries and learning of the effects of pollution have boosted this. If more of the world switched to electric cars many positive things would happen. The most important thing is that pollution would drop significantly. Tailpipe emissions are responsible for a large portion of our pollution. This issue is very important, and we need to do something about it if we want to keep the earth healthy. Because of this and the dropping of prices and cheaper fuel, it would be silly if everyone didn’t adopt electric cars. 

Works cited

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Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Electric Cars Advantages and Disadvantages. (2024, Feb 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/electric-cars-advantages-and-disadvantages-essay

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