Effects of Dowry System

Dowry system makes women’s life practically miserable and full of hassle. Most of the cases we see not only the husband but also the groom’s family are not satisfied with the receiving amount of dowry. Groom’s family become greedy and their expectation increase from time to time .Ultimate result is, groom’s family want more money and monetary help as dowry in many issues and occasion. This is the reality which is happening in our society. This bad practice degrades the position of women and break down our country’s and society’s reputation.

The dowry system has so many negative and bad impacts.

It increases the child marriage. Behind the increasing of child and pregnant women mortality rate, the dowry is responsible to some extent. Many unemployed person get interest to do child marriage because of dowry. As a result, these immature female become mother at the early stage. Most of the time they give birth premature baby.

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In some cases child miscarriage happens. Even these women have a lot of grievous chance to die at the time of giving birth to a new child.

This system works as a barrier for the girls to get an education ,even minimum primary education properly in this rural area and if fortunately anyone gets proper education her dowry increases negatively. Because in the eye of society she is much older in marriage market.

When rural women can’t fulfill the demands of their husbands, they face physical and mental tortures in the most cases.

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We see husbands beat their wife without thinking about her feelings. These tortures turn to mental tortures in the long run. Women feel afraid about their future. They can’t think to punish their husband with the help of the court. They can’t share their feelings with anyone. Ultimately these torture lead to suicide in many cases.

Dowry is not only curse for the tortured women but also for their poor children. These tortured Women always remain at higher risk of miscarriages because of dowry violence. They are always at the risk of giving birth of low weight children, which often leads to neonatal death.

Children who notice their parents’ quarrel and physical torture of their mother, they remain in risk of less emotional development. They feel guilty for their mothers’ condition. This violence may affect their academic life and also their future condition in the society. It may develop many negative effects such as- behavioral problems and depression. It may create drug or alcohol habit. They may involve in crime. It can also create a mentality of violence against women (Ariyathilaka, Kaushalya Ruwanthika,2010).

Dowry has also a negative impact on a bride’s family. When a girl gets married, her parents have to pay money most of the time before and after her marriage. Sometimes these poor parents need to spend their savings and last capital. As a result, they can’t afford money and face great problems to survive in the old age.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Effects of Dowry System. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/effects-of-dowry-system-essay

Effects of Dowry System essay
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