Effective Communication: Various Techniques of Sharing Ideas

Effective communication is the most important factor in determining the manager’s potential success. It has become the top priority among businesses and institutions because the members can share information, make decisions and coordinate different activities through effective communication. If the manager does not manage communication well, the results can be more than he can handle. Thus it is of critical importance that managers know how to manage communication to be able to achieve their goals.

Studies conducted among top executives, managers and CEOs show that effective communication is among the top skills one should have.

There is a survey conducted by Roffey Park which shows that 84. 6% of 372 managers believe that effective communication is needed to be a good leader (Peak Communication Performance, undated). But, effective communication is very indispensable not just in businesses but also in healthcare systems. It tells a lot about an institution and its relationship with its clients. A healthcare which facilitates effective communication among its members and its clients will likely be successful.

According to the New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) (2007), hospitals are aware that “effective communication is critical to providing high quality, safe healthcare.

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” This is to ensure that patients who are deaf, or have problems with hearing, and those who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have equal access to the hospitals’ programs and services. To be able to achieve that goal, effective communication is required. The manager’s role Since we are talking about healthcare here, a manager should make sure that the community the hospital serves gets the best service it can provide.

It is his role to make sure that the patients have free and informed consent.

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Although it is hard task to attain this goal within a population that has limited English proficiency, managers should see to this problem in an effective way. The manager should also lead in being aware and complying with regulatory mandates which seek to protect the privacy and interests of the patients who have needs in communication. The manager should bear in mind that meeting these needs may involve the family which has an important role in the recovery and care of the patient.

It is also the manager’s role to let the hospital know of prioritizing the goal of overcoming language barriers in LEP patients and their families. To better serve the community, it is a priority to reach the multicultural groups which have often been deprived of privileges from the healthcare community. New Jersey, the NJHA shows, faces a difficult challenge when it comes to communication because of the changing demographic in the state. Twenty six percent of its population speaks a language other than English. Out of the two million population of New jersey, up to one million speak Spanish rather than English.

Eleven percent, on the other hand, speak English less than “very well. ” This statistics presents a problem to the hospitals in New Jersey because the challenges concern communication, comprehension and resources and appropriate training of staff (NJHA, 2007). The manager must put himself in the other person’s position to improve his perception. He is also tasked to improve his physical process of communication through appropriate use of feedback, active listening and speaking skills and simplify language so that he can communicate complicated ideas across.

Moreover, the manager’s roles include managing conflict, especially between employees. This is important because unresolved conflicts can result to resignation. A manager who is effective in communication is needed in times of conflicts. The manager should also communicate well with his peers and superiors and the whole healthcare team to facilitate sharing of information and good decision making. Competencies and Techniques The manager recognizes competencies and techniques to improve his communication skills.

These techniques can help him communicate well with the diverse communication needs of the healthcare community. To communicate with patients who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired and those with speech defects requires finding out how the person communicates best and unending supple of patience. It is better to recognize that these persons who have special communication needs communication differently than normal people do. One technique is to talk to them slowly and use short, concise sentences. There are also things to consider when communicating with them, depending on their disability.

The manager must look for alternative ways if communicating with a patient proves unsuccessful (National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, undated). The competencies of a manager, on the other hand, include motivating, developing and directing people, critical reading, writing and speaking skills, communicating effectively, developing rapport with healthcare providers and patients, observing, listening and eliciting information, using logic and reasoning, decision making and leadership skills. The list can go on.

The most important thing is that a manager should be knowledgeable as to how he should work with the people around him and to provide care for the patients. In effective communication, the manager expresses his thoughts, ideas and feelings in both written and oral means. Moreover, effective communication helps in achieving the goals of an organization. It is a must for every manager to develop such skill to be able to be successful in delivering the best service the healthcare can provide. REFERENCES Amori, Geri. (undated). Effective Communication after an Unanticipated Outcome.

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. (undated). Effective Communication Techniques. Retrieved on September 13, 2007, ADA Document Portal Web site: http://www. dbtac. vcu. edu/adaportal/Communication/communication-techniques. html. New Jersey Hospital Association. (2007). Effective Communication in Healthcare: Interpreter/Translation Services for Limited English Proficiency Populations in New Jersey 1-5. Peak Communication Performance. (undated). The facts are in: Success Depends on Effective Communication. Retrieved on September 14, 2007 from http://www. peakcp. com/proof. pdf.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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