Drugs - Introduction and Conclusion

Categories: Drugs

Drugs are a major issue in our society today. They are a problem for many reasons, but the most important is because they are addictive and harmful to your body.

I would start off my paper by writing about different types of drugs and the effects it has on society these days. The drugs, the side effects, and how these affect our loved ones. From experience, I can say that using drugs and going the wrong way will always bring problems to the table, emotionally and financially.

I will also be talking about drugs and where they come from, who the bad people are that sell these drugs to our kids, and our friends.

I will show statistics from previous years to now, to see how far and what the outcome has been. Ignacio, show me, don’t tell me about your introduction and conclusion. This is not meant to be a hypothetical exercise, but one in which you actually write an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

For my conclusion, I would paraphrase what I have talked about in the body of my paper into just a couple of sentences.

I will reinstate my thesis statement to keep the reader involved in the article.

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In conclusion, I have talked about the effects of drugs in our society, and what the outcome and problems it makes within our community and our family. I will also conclude that there is a better way instead of using drugs, the best way is to seek an education and try and stay busy instead of going the wrong way about thinking of using drugs.


  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/symptoms-causes/syc-20365112
  • Drugs
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Drugs - Introduction and Conclusion. (2016, Jun 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/drugs-introduction-and-conclusion-essay

Drugs - Introduction and Conclusion essay
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