Defence the planet and the human welfare


The whole humankind or human beings collectively now has the ability to maintain the environment and its resources at a certain level through different developments, so that the upcoming future generations will not be exposed to a dangerous environment with limited resources.


The motive behind the goal is to fight hunger and poverty once and for all, while defending the planet for sustainability. The goal has its own needs and policies that must be complied with which some might require cooperation from governance states and different sectors of the economy.

Its policies seek to meet the needs of all humanity by providing food security and improved nutrition.


There are root causes to the above-mentioned goal that are preventing progress or transformation that we seek. The root causes are poverty, inequality, violence, conflicts, diseases, climate change, food prices and food shortages.

Poverty out of those mentioned above is the main cause of hunger as many people don't have land for agricultural purposes: subsistence farming, or don't have enough money to buy everyday food or can't afford basic, staple food.


Government Outlets

The strategy ensures that the prices of food products from certain buyer's markets are fair for the public.

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Also make the food basket to be accessible to the rural communities that it is economically fair, the environmental impacts are reduced and respectful to the natural resources from the environment.

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Providing food through the coupon system that is free food to the poor and people exposed to hunger.

Optimization of land and agrarian reform contributions to economic empowerment of the vulnerable groups

Government food purchase programme

A law that strictly force government departments and entities to support subsistence farmers by buying at least 35% of what they produced rather than spending all the money in big commercial farmers. This initiative in one way or another decreases hunger to the small unrecognised subsistence farmers whom if the law didn't exist wouldn't benefit as big markets wouldn't buy from them but only support the big commercial farmers.

Subsistence/small holder producers

The policies allow unemployed people or anyone with a small plot of land to start growing subsistent crops and cash crops that rely on family members as part of the labour to make a living and eradicate hunger and food insecurity.

Establishment of food insecurity information system

This are systems that the government created to acquire data of availability, access, utilization and stability of food security status of different households and then assist them in various ways possible in terms of food coupons.


They differ in categories, there is Child Support Grant, Older Person's Grant and Disability Grant.


Identifying food insecure communities, through knowledge and integrated built systems and then provide updates to funders and volunteering organisations that are willing to help in the best possible ways.

They are aiming or at a stage where South Africa can produce efficiently and sufficiently in abundance so that the domestic market does not strain from farmers who does not want to sell around the country but whom are willing to export to the international countries with buying power. At the expense of food security.

They are achieving the goal by improving the entry levels of smallholder farmers and giving them space and opportunities to make a living and introducing them into commercial agriculture and then grow their business without competition from the pioneer commercial industries or farmers affecting them adversely in one way or another.

Advising those people who has access to full agricultural land to utilize it in a beneficial way that would result in a boost in reducing hunger and food insecurity in different households.

Finding ways on how to promote different crops and livestock from the agricultural view so that they have a nutritional diet and avoid planting same crops every time or crops that are not nutritional, so experts in this departments are hired to help promote relevant and important crops to plant for the benefit of their nutritional well-being.

Finding alternative ways on how to help the rural poor people whom are exposed to hunger and food insecurity due to natural disasters like droughts, climate changes, unemployment and diseases that affect them or diseases that usually affect the crops and livestock.

As we are living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, different policies allows for technical companies to come up with initiatives that would result in quick production and alternative ways to deal with crops that have got short live spans so that farmers don't benefit only for a short period of time but they do benefit for a long period of time or they are in it for the long run.



The international countries prioritise food over trade as the world is divided into rich and poor countries, but the question is why are there poor countries with so many hungry people and rich countries with so little hungry people? And why so many poor hungry people can grow food in abundance on the land they own? Our country has got so many hungry people but again export food to countries with people who are already well fed, prioritising trade over food. The lesson behind this is that some international countries don't prioritise trade over food, they feed their people first then trade the remains.

The second lesson is that disasters, be it natural or in other forms should not be used as an excuse to why they don't meet the goal of reducing hunger to zero. For there might be drought in a certain country which lead to reduced food production from the agricultural department affecting commercial and subsistence farmers thus affecting the zero-hunger goal.

The third lesson is that progress can be fragile unless it is promoted or constantly supported, as it is not enough to see or implement alternative methods that will bring progress or gains for a limited period, then after the timeframe the gains unravels. There should be much greater investments to support vulnerable households prone to hunger and food insecurity and these investments should also offer protection to current assets and income while also allowing for sustainable developments and sustainable use for future income flows.

The last one is that there are too many countries being left behind. Lacking geopolitical resonance and some facing few major crises that affect the human welfare. There should also be clearness in how donors and international agencies prioritize their aid resources.


The international countries promote and prioritise sustainable agriculture so that they can eradicate hunger and food security by first providing for their people and own based markets and industries.

Factors that promote threats in one way or another to child sustainability and the main goal which is zero hunger are reduced to the minimum so that progress wont stall. Some of the factors include increase in population growth due to high birth rates, large number of people from the population being unemployed and lastly age dependency.

The policies behind the aim of achieving zero hunger, the organisations that provide funding and different levels of governance strictly make sure that children from their early upgrowing stages are not robbed of food with good nutrition, better schools than average with a good learning environment and child protection.

The relevant institutions and organisations that are the ones monitoring these goals are supervised on a timely basis so that progress is being made and if there is no progress recruitments are done to yield the expected results to achieve the relevant goal, they are then backed up by appropriate legislative laws, policies and funders to make sure that the goal is achieved and a success.

All individuals are strictly involved in child sustainability as the correct upbringing of a child is the best way to fight food insecurity like if the mind is right, correct mentality and the kids are not exposed to hunger in early stages of life then they will contribute to the development of the nation as hunger will be tackled from infancy stages.


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Updated: May 19, 2021
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