Conserving Biodiversity In The Animal World: Why Zoos Are Bad

Biodiversity contributes to human welfare and our decisions have influences on both biodiversity and ecosystems. Loss in variation of living things and vegetation has become a global issue, because it reduces nature’s ability to supply us with resources and services. I chose this topic because I want to explore further how the choices we make as humans impacts variation and its loss. I find this topic very intriguing because we can learn how living organisms interact with nonliving things and comprehend variation in an environment.

I hope to grasp more on how it is possible to maintain biodiversity without changing the lives of the creatures. The reason that I selected this question is because as time goes on our decisions are having a great impact on diversity. There are many citizens and programs trying to conserve biodiversity, this can be done in different ways. The methods we choose to conserve influence animals and I wanted to uncover if putting animals in zoos is maintaining biodiversity.

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Also if there are better solutions than encaging these creatures and removing them from their home. It's important to get an answer to the question: why are zoos bad?

Zoos provide citizens with opportunities to encounter creatures of all kind; however they are kept in cages to entertain guests. Establishments, like European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, make it a primary concern to enlighten their guest regarding animals, to start awareness. Organizations invest their wealth in maintaining animals and their homes. 5,624 different species are at risk of being threatened or are endangered; approximately 2.6 million animals are accommodated in 800 zoos worldwide.

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As stated by “the dodo” a study in journal science had analyzed 2.6 million animals. 25% defined as the world’s bird species, 20% mammals, 4% amphibians, 12% reptiles. Only 9% of the creatures are endangered.

Countless zoos assert they are helping creatures from becoming extinct however a large number of animals found in zoos aren’t endangered. Majority of mammals situated in zoos are captive-bred (including endangered) and can’t be free in the wild since they aren’t prepared with skills needed for it to survive. Captive breeding causes change in behavior which in result affects the chance of its survival. Zoos make money but majority of the money doesn’t go to conservation programs or communities where the creatures inhabit. As said by PETA a study in 2011 established that North American zoos invested less than 5% of their earnings towards conservation; nearly half of all establishments spend less than 1% of their income on conservation. Zoos now dedicate less effort into preserving biodiversity.

Animal health is a problem on account of confinements that are agonizingly deficient for mammals. As a result the creatures generate atypical behavior, medical problems, and die an early death. Zoos say they breed animals to secure population; nonetheless researches displayed that many mammals in hostage aren’t jeopardized. Numerous creatures are captured for unique features to get attention. The mammals housed in zoos aren’t in jeopardy, and those who are will never be released. Claims of preservation from zoos are overdone. Zoos unquestionably offer education about animals and different species. Regardless, seeing animals kept in fake environments; don’t inform the citizens about the animal/species in the natural territory. Animals’ normal performance is less noticed because their needs aren’t met. Their native hunting and mating instinct are stopped by maintained feeding and breeding regime. The creatures lack privacy and chances for exercise. All of this directly explains why zoos are bad.

Improving animal wellbeing needs monitoring daily the animal’s physical state, mental state including the surroundings. These elements weren’t monitored often since animal welfare audits didn’t require it. Daily observations helps maintain animals, in addition, record their response to change, that helps prevent animal abuse. A solution for Zoochosis is offering toys; it distracts animals mind from its stress and affliction. Improving confinements does affect mammal’s manner and is a cure. Foods that take longer to digest are given to animals as a disturbance. It is preferred to prevent Zoochosis; this can be done through having strict laws that shield animals, the rules defend captive creatures. To prevent animal cruelty and Zoochosis, zoos that focus on gaining money must be shut down, and citizens should be educated on the negative impacts of zoos. The population should stop going to zoos, the less people buy tickets it reduces their profits which then forces them to close. The creatures will return to their typical habitats.

I personally understand why zoo are bed. It`s a method of amusement for the public. They don’t do much about biodiversity loss, although there seem to be many claims that they are trying to. Majority of zoological parks spend much less than 1% of the income they gain towards conservation. Countless mammals encaged in zoos aren’t jeopardized, which clearly defies the point. Zoos aren’t a solution to maintaining variation but rather a con, imprisoning animal’s cause depression and results in signs of Zoochosis. I believe it is better to let the animals dwell in their homes. There are better alternatives for zoos such as safaris, they leave the creature enough space to climb, run and stay active. Safaris are full of exotic plants and beautiful landscapes, providing a natural habitat. Many safaris have good surroundings and also help save biodiversity. There are a multitude of threatened animals kept in safaris, example, 5,000 black rhinos found in Namibia safari.

To sum up, zoos don’t help maintain biodiversity; the income they earn doesn’t go to preservation programs. The mammals are caged in place of being helped in their habitat, and aren’t necessarily treated well. Zoos may claim to be helping biodiversity; however they are just finding ways to earn money. They don’t frequently focus on animal health, later causing psychological illnesses. Lots of mammals situated in zoos aren’t even threatened. Zoos are just for amusing people, they have started to care less about maintaining biodiversity.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Conserving Biodiversity In The Animal World: Why Zoos Are Bad. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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