Community Diagnosis

Categories: CommunityFoodHealth

A community is a group of organisms or populations living and interacting with one another in a particular environment. People with common agenda, interest, or cause, who collaborate by sharing ideas, informaton, and other resources. In communty health nursing, community is the client who needs promotion and preservation of the health of the population.

Community diagnosis is a means of examining aggregate and social statistics in addition to the knowledge of the local situation, in order to determine the heath needs of the community.

It is a tool to disclose the hidden problems that are not visible to the community people but are being affected by them. This tool is important and has helped many communities in improving their health status.

The main purpose of community health and nursing services is to improve and sustain the health situation of the community that doesn’t have access to basic health care services and to help individuals who need help to promote quality care for the whole community.

This study will mainly benefit the people in Barangay 842, District VI of Manila.

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The researchers were optimistic that through this study they will be able to assist the community in developing measures that will enable the local residents to identify and manage their own health related problems and be able to achieve good health.

Read more: How to write a diagnostic essay of my self.

This study aims to present the nature of the community of Barangay 842, District VI, Pandaca Manila thus aiding the nursing students to practice their knowledge and skills with discipline accuracy and in logical manner like contributing to the improvement of the condition of the locality.

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The community as the center of this study provides them to do their role in the field of health care as a responsible health nurse. It can produce data and information that can help to determine and identify needs, interest and problems of the community through joint efforts and cooperation among students and the people affected. Recognizing their needs, interest and problems of the community will enable them to plan the action needed, offer proposals, alternatives and solution and solve these problems with unity and coherence to have a better community setting. Community diagnosis provides the students exposure to the real-life situations, thus developing their decision-making skill and learn on how to deal on different people and situations in a right and ethical manner that we will encounter while conducting this study. It also helps them develop our knowledge, skill, attitude, cooperation, and participation on improving the condition and organizing a community and learn how to deal on a chaotic situation effectively. In addition, nursing practice in the community - The community diagnosis helps raise the level of health dissemination of the community. This will also help students to maximize our potential and to render the potential on preventing diseases, promoting health and organize and participate on the development of health plan that will benefit the community to attain optimum health to individuals, families and communities.

After two weeks of gathering information at Barangay 842, Pandacan Manila BSN level Group 1 will be able to identify their community’s health concerns and make actions towards acquiring of health resources and services. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES

1. To assess the health condition and needs of the community and identify existing health programs and resources available. 2. To identify the health conditions that requires the highest priority and needs to be addressed. 3. To plan with the barangay officials and health care personnel a program that will help resolve the health concerns and needs of the barangay.

Scope and Limitation
The prioritization of the problems observed and stated by our group focused more on the gathered data from the families interviewed residing
from Barangay 842. The content of the data gathered from the random sample may not be reliable enough to represent the whole community of Barangay 842. However, the study may post significance in the sense that it may be useful in determining the problems of the community.

Methodology/Tools Used
There are 110 family respondents which compromises of 496 individuals in Barangay 621 Zone 62, District VI,, Sta. Mesa, Manila for our Community Diagnosis. This family represents the people we interviewed. This survey will serve as the representation of the community. The main method we used to assess the problem of the community is “survey” by means of survey forms. We assess the community by asking questions through interviewing that is clear and specific that can gather exact and specific answers. In addition, we gathered data through “observing” to complete the data needed in the survey form. The survey form was adapted from the Municipal Health Department and was modified by Mr. Kenneth Joe Lovely RN, faculty member – College of Nursing of Universidad De Manila. We used a “spot-map” to locate the area for our community diagnosis.

Data Gathering Procedure
The community assessment was conducted over the entire Barangay 621 Zone 61, Sta. Mesa, Manila. Only 110 families are surveyed to represent the entire community. All the questions are restricted in the survey form that is made by the Municipal Health Department and modified by Mr. Kenneth Joe Lovely RN, faculty member – College of Nursing of the Universidad De Manila. All the data gathered was according to what the researchers see and hear. The history of the barangay is available at the barangay hall of the community.

The barangay 621 is one of the Barangay at Sta. Mesa, Manila. It has a total number of populations of six thousands four hundred forty. Juan Philip P. Manabat is the current Barangay Chairman. It is bounded at the Cordillera

Tagalog is their medium of communication, but as we observed there are also other languages that present in the community such as Bisaya, Cebuano, Ilocano, etc. the Barangay boundaries are 590 north, 603 east, 611 west, and 630 south. Approximate land area of more or less 6.5 hectares. Covering the streets of Jacinto Zamora Link and Valenzuela Street. The existing facilities in the community are: * Water pumps

* Half courts

The most common means of transportation in their street are pedicabs but some of the people that live there also use motorcycles and cars. The road of the streets are fully cemented, there are also parts of the roads that are rough roads.

The Barangay 621, Zone 62, District VI of Manila was created around 1970’s through the effort of their ancestors. Their Barangay Patron is Saint Labrado which is the Patron Saint of Farmers which they celebrate every 3rd week of May in commemoration of their ancestors.

The Barangay 621, Zone 62, District VI of Manila is the 2nd Barangay that can be seen when entering the Bacood Area. The best landmark of this Barangay is the Bacood Park which is within the jurisdiction of this Barangay. Barangay 621 has an estimated land area of more or less than 6.5 hectares. Covering the streets of Jacinto Zamora Link and Valenzuela Street.

The boundary of the community is a river at the south near the Pandacan Bridge (Zamora Bridge). The certain spots of the Barangay started from a house near the river.
Consequently, the houses were mostly were wood type houses and some are concretes. A lot of stray dogs and cats can be seen in the streets. During anytime, its an extreme hotness while as nighttime approaches, a little bit
breeze of coldness can be felt. Polluted air can be inhaled due to the cars passing by.

The nearest schools in the Barangay are Regina Apostolorum Academy, Tzu Chi Great Love Campus which is near some basketball courts and near the Pandacan Bridge (Zamora Bridge). Some children go to the Bacood Elementary School which is in the other Barangay near Barangay 621.

Utilization of their own resources was one of the main factors in their livelihood. Sari-sari stores are the primary livelihood in the Barangay. Others also exists such as junk shops, karinderyas, pedicabs are rented for transportation purposes. The Barangay hall is just near the houses and there are Barangay tanods in yhe community, which provides safety and security.



Chapter II
The Community and Population Group

Population of the Barangay6440
Total Families Surveyed:110 Families
Total Population of Individuals Surveyed:496

Sex Ratio: (SR)
Sex Ratio:= MaleX 100
= 251 Males / 245 Females X 100

= 102 Males per 100 Females
The Families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa St. Brgy. 621 zone 62 accounts for 110 families in whom individuals are 496, there are 251 Males and 245 Females. Using the above formula, the computed sex ratio is 102 Males per 100 Females. The sex ratio of individuals who is <1 year old is (7),
while individuals who are between 15-64 years old has the computed sex ratio of (1.04) and individuals who are above 65 years old has a computed sex ratio of (0.79).

The number of Males is slightly similar with the females. From this it is advantageous to be benefited by both sides of the sex population. In the culture of Philippines the Males are out to provide for their monetary requirements while Females are depend solely to the family. In barangay 621 zone 62 the culture of the Philippines is highly appreciated, they believe that Males are the one to provide for their monetary requirements and Females are left in the house doing household chores and taking care of their child.

In Barangay 621, the decision making; Males are the one who decide in every situation, Patriarchal developed, they have enough strength in protecting their families, that whatever happens still their decision is the best.

The relationship between Males and Females is highly interdependent and changes in one may influence other. By simply, hen Females and Males are out to work, to provide for their monetary requirements. Their child will be left and will be taking care by others.

Table 1

Age And Sex Distribution Of Individuals Among Families Surveyed Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Age| Male| %| Female| %| Total| %|
<1| 7| 1.41| 1| 0.20| 8| 1.61|
1-4| 21| 4.23| 17| 3.43| 38| 7.66|
5-9| 19| 3.84| 21| 4.23| 40| 8.07|
10-14| 14| 2.82| 20| 4.03| 34| 6.85|
15-19| 18| 3.63| 24| 4.84| 42| 8.47|
20-24| 32| 6.45| 23| 4.64| 55| 11.09|
25-29| 24| 4.84| 20| 4.03| 44| 8.87|
30-34| 32| 6.45| 24| 4.84| 56| 11.29|
35-39| 24| 4.84| 23| 4.64| 47| 9.48|
40-44| 18| 3.63| 15| 3.02| 33| 6.65|
45-49| 7| 1.41| 9| 1.82| 16| 3.23|
50-54| 8| 1.61| 15| 3.02| 23| 4.63|
55-59| 10| 2.02| 14| 2.82| 24| 4.84|
60-64| 6| 1.21| 5| 1.01| 11| 2.22|
65-69| 4| 0.81| 5| 1.01| 9| 1.82|
70-74| 5| 1.01| 6| 1.21| 11| 2.22|
75-79| 1| 0.20| 2| 0.40| 3| 0.60|
80-84| 1| 0.20| 0| 0.00| 1| 0.20|
85-89| 0| 0.00| 1| 0.20| 1| 0.20|
90-94| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00|
95-99| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00|
100 and above| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00| 0| 0.00|
TOTAL:| 251| 50.61%| 245| 49.39%| 496| 100%|

Table 1 shows the percentage distribution of age and sex in Brgy. 621 zone 62 Old Sta. Mesa St. Manila City as of February 2013. The data shows that 1.61% belong to the age of less than 1 year old, 7.66% in 1-4 years old, 8.07% in 5-9 years old, 6.85% in 10-14 years old, 8.47% in 15-19 years old, 11.09% in 20-24 years old, 8.87% in 25-29 years old, 11.29% in 30-34 years old, 9.48% in 35-39 years old, 6.65% in 40-44 years old, 3.23% in 45-49 years old, 4.63% in 50-54 years old, 4.84% in 55-59 years old, 2.22% in 60-64 years old, 1.82% in 65-69 years old, 2.22% in 70-74 years old, 0.60% in 75-79 years old, 0.20% in 80-84 years old, 0.20% in 85-89 years old, and 0.00% in 90-94 years old and above. Based from the data presented in Table 2.1 the majority of the Population is in the age of 20-24 years old (55 individuals), 25-29 years old (44 individuals), 30-34 years old (56 individuals) and 35-39 years old (47 individuals). The Community has an expansive population which shows the large number in the young and middle adulthood, based from Pilitteri the age of young adulthood is 18-25 years old and middle adulthood is 25-60 years old. In the young adulthood it is consider as a formative years that stress the importance of parental guidance. It is the time that young adulthood forms his identity and begins
to find intimacy. In addition they are still economically dependent; they are still studying and starting to create their own career. In the other hand the middle adulthood ages 25-39 y/o in Brgy. 621are just starting the productive years of life, their just having their own career and families, from this it can be said that middle adulthood is still slightly economically dependent. There are certain programs that will benefit the young and middle adulthood like having a livelihood program that will enhance their skills and having a seminar focusing about business in a small amount of capital.

Table 2 Percentage Distribution Showing The Civil Status Of Individuals Who Is 15 Years Old And Above Among The Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Civil Status| f| %|
Single| 175| 46.54|
Married| 165| 43.88|
Separated| 4| 1.06|
Widow| 10| 2.67|
Common Law| 22| 5.85|
Total| 376| 100%|

Figure 3 Percentage Distribution Showing The Civil Status Of Individuals Who Is 15 Years Old And Above Among The Families Surveyed In Brgy Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Table 2.2 majorities of the respondents fall under the single status accounting 46.54% of the total population surveyed; followed by Married individuals which is 43.88%; 1.06% of the population surveyed are separated; while 2.67% are widow; and 5.85% of the population surveyed are in a common law.

Based on the data, most of them are individuals who have their own spouse and partners, some have their spouse but because of problems they separate, some have their own spouse but their partners left in because of medical
conditions or problems, and there are still individuals who choose to be in a single relationship, focusing in the other matters such as on their source of income and most of the times they do not have focus on taking care of their health.


No. of population 14 y/o and below + no. of 65 y/o and above DR =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------x 100 Total no. of population 15-64 years old.

= 120 (14 y/o and below) + 25 (65 y/o and above)
351 (15-64 y/o)
= 145/351 X 100 = 41 per 100
The computation above shows the dependency ration of individuals in barangay 621 zone 62 districts VI that is 41 and as interpreted as moderately low. There were 120 individuals who are 14 years old and below, while 25 individuals were aged 65 years old and above. Dependency ratio measure showing the number of dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age of 65) to the total population (aged 15-64). Also referred to as the "total dependency ratio”. It also measures the number of people either too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people within working age. The current dependency ratio of the barangay 621 zone 62 district VI is 41%. That means for every 10 working adults, there are 4.9 people that need to be supported, be it through social security or childcare. Therefore, a lower dependency ratio is better for economic growth. Not only does it mean more people in the workforce are contributing to national productivity, but also that more resources can be directed towards investments in growth initiatives. Table 3 Percentage Distribution Showing The Occupational Status Of Individuals Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 20013

Occupational Status| F| %|
Employed| 163| 46.4%|
Unemployed| 172| 49%|
Self-employed| 16| 4.6%|
TOTAL| 351| 100%|

Figure 4 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Occupational Status Of Individuals Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City. As Of February 2013


Table 3 shows percentage distribution of the occupational status among the families surveyed. Majority of individuals were unemployed that has a percentage of 49% of the total population surveyed, followed by employed individuals which is 46.4%of the total population, and lastly, 4.6% of the surveyed individuals were self-employed.

Occupation is a source of income and it influences the economic status of each family. Therefore, 51% (46.4% + 4.6%) of the total populations surveyed are able to provide needs for the family.

Table 4 Percentage Showing The Types Of Occupation Among 621 Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013
Types of occupation| F| %|
BLUE COLLAR JOBSCarpenterCollectorCasherDriver CheckerTechnicianSewer encoderFactory workerOnline seller’Vendor Call center agentLaundry womanBuy and sellMaintenanceWelderExtraSalesman/ladyLine man’Fair collector’Construction workerMinerStreet sweeperOffice clerkBand trainerBakerDelivery manRegistrar officerSecretaryMessengerSecurity guardJunk collectorUtility/crewPainter supplierStudio photographerOFWTOTAL| 1121121322131873231171131262221111123126119| 0.62%0.62%1.24%6.83%1.24%8.07%1.24%1.24%0.62%1.86%11.18%4.35%1.86%1.24%1.86%0
.62%0.62%4.35%0.62%0.62%1.86%0.62%1.24%3.73%1.24%1.24%1.24%0.62%0.62%0.62%0.62%0.62%1.24%1.86%0.62%1.24%3.73%| WHITE COLLAR JOB:Businessman/womenAccountantTherapistAnalystPoliceEngineerManagerSupervisor’TeacherGovernment employeeTOTAL| 4611322431642| 2.48%3.73%0.62%0.62%1.86%1.24%1.24%2.48%1.86%9.94%| TOTAL| 161| 100%|

Figure 5 The Frequency And Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Types Of Occupation Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013


The table shows the percentage distribution of different types of occupation in which people in the community were able to generate incomes. It can be gleaned to the table that vendors are the main occupation within the community which has the percentage of 11.18% of the total individual surveyed, next is the government employers which accounts (9.94%) technicians (8.07%). These are the top 3 occupation where the families in the said barangay earn their incomes. Some of the occupations stated above are the same in percentage. The kind of job they have implies is their current economic status. It just depends on the capabilities of the individual as well as the determination to do so. It may affect the health status of the family by means of nutritional need. Because in the table, it clearly says that vendors were the most or majority has this occupation therefore, this kind of job hasn’t enough money or budget to provide nutritious foods for the family. This table also implies that the reason why most of the respondents have a blue collar job type of occupation is because of educational status of the respondents in the community. Most of them are high school graduate.

Table 5 Percentage Distribution Showing The Combined Monthly Family Income Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Combined Monthly Family Income| F| %|
< P1,000P 1,000- 5,000P5,001- 10,000P 10,001- 15,000P 15,001- 20,000P 20,001- 25,000P 25,001-30,00030,000 and aboveTOTAL| 216282617966110| 1.8%14.55%25.45%23.64%15.45%8.2%5.5%5.5%100%|

Figure 6. Percentage distribution diagram showing the Combined Monthly Family Income among Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City. As of February 2013


Table shows combined family income of the residents in in Barangay 621 zone 62, district VI Sta. Mesa, Manila. The data shows that 28 out of 110 population is which is equivalent to 25.45%has combined monthly income of 5,000-10,000 while 6 out of 110 residents or 5.5% of the total population has a monthly income of 30,000 and above.

There is 41.8% of the total family surveyed who said to be poor. Majority of them has an income of 5,000-10,000, since the respondents do not have a good source of income and practiced self employment. This might give problem to big sized families because it cannot attend to the different needs of each family member.

Health can be affected when income of the family is not enough because it can be taken for granted due to some needs that they considered being more important. The capability of having a better health care attention will depend on how the people see the availability of resources and maximizing it according to their needs.

According to National Statistics Coordination Board that a family of five with total monthly income of less P10, 000 is considered poor. The NSCB explained that the new income threshold covers only basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and transportation and does not include spending for recreation and health needs.


Literacy Rate:

LR = No. of population 8 years old and above who can read and write _________________________________________ x 100
Total no. of 8 years old and above
------x 1oo
= 99%

The most common definition of literacy rate is the ability to read and write at specified age. Information in literacy, while not perfect measure of educational results, is probably the most easily available and valid for international comparisons. Low levels of literacy and education in general, can impede the economic development of a country in the current rapidly changing, technology driven.

The literacy rate of brgy. 621 zone 62 District 6 that has been assessed shows that majority of the total population were able to read and write, comprehend and understand simple things. A literate person can mediate their world by deliberately and flexibility orchestrating meaning from one linguistic knowledge based and applies or connects it to another knowledge base. This data proposes that people in the community can actively participate to several health related activities and during the implementation process.

Table 6 Percentage Distribution Showing The Educational Status Of Individuals Surveyed Among Families In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013
No formal education| 4| 1|
Elementary Level ( under graduate )| 4| 1|
Elementary graduate| 20| 4.7|
Elementary presently studying| 34| 8|
High school level ( under graduate )| 33| 7.8|
High school graduate| 107| 25.1|
High school presently studying| 29| 6.9|
College level ( under graduate )| 72| 17|
College graduate| 76| 19.1|
College presently studying| 27| 6.8|
Vocational graduate| 17| 4|
TOTAL| 423-4(no formal education)= 419| 100%|

Figure 7 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Educational Status Of Individuals Surveyed Among Families In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Analysis and interpretation:
The educational status of individuals surveyed in brgy. 621 zone 62 district 6; majority of the population were under the elementary level (undergraduate) 1%, followed by who are elementary graduate 4.7% and who are elementary (presently studying) 8%. Individuals who are under category of high school (undergraduate) 7.8%, followed by high school graduate 25.1% and high school (presently studying) 6.9%. Individuals under the category of college level (undergraduate) 17%, followed by college graduate 19.1% and college (presently studying) was 6.8%. An individual under the category of vocational graduate was 4%. Educational attainment is a term commonly used by statisticians to refer to the highest degree of education an individual has completed. However, educational attainment of the people in the community is low. Majority only reached high school graduate. This primarily indicates that the community has a low educational competence compared with people with higher educational background who are more competitive, have better quality life. Families who have a low socio economic status are more like to have insufficient resources or time availability to provide children with academic or support. The state of the educational system in the Philippines is a great are of concern. The data about the employment status and average income of families correlates to the low people educational level of most of the individuals in the community. Educational status of
people in level should be addressed to the local government of manila on order to accessible. School facilities and structures that will enable them to learn new things.

Table 7 Percentage Distributing Showing The Place Of Origin Among the Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Luzon| 46| 25.4|
Visayas| 34| 18.8|
Mindanao| 9| 5|
NCR| 92| 50.8|
TOTAL| 181| 100%|
Figure 8 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Place Of Origin Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

The table shows that majority of the respondents were originated in NCR that accounts for 50.8%. Individuals who are originated in Luzon have 25.4% of a total population; Visayas have 18.8% and Mindanao have 5%.

The majority of the respondents came from NCR specifically in Manila. This would imply a problem in terms of teaching; it may influence the culture, lifestyle, health attitude, practice and human’s physical outlook. In province they most believed on “albularyo” or “hilot-hilot”. It also may affect the acceptability of health information of the people of brgy. 621 zone 62 districts 6.

Table 8 Percentage Distributing Showing The Religion Of Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013
Roman Catholic| 142| 78.5|
Iglesia ni Cristo| 8| 4.4|
Born Again Christian| 29| 16|
Pentacosta| 2| 1.4|
TOTAL| 181| 100%|

Figure 9 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Religion Among Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

This table shows that the majority of the individuals surveyed were roman catholic was 78.5% of the total population; followed by born again Christian 16%; then Iglesia ni cristo 4.4% and Pentecosta 1.4%.

Religion may influence culture, lifestyle, health attitude, practice and human’s physical outlook. It may affect the acceptability of health information or services. Like Saksi ni Jehova, it was the religion that they not allowed to transfuse blood even it is most needed. This data implies that catholic have a greater part in their population. Other religion may imply some health problems regarding in their beliefs.

Table 9 Percentage Distributing Showing The House Ownership Of Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Owned| 75| 68.2|
Rented| 34| 231|
Rented-Free| 1| 1.2|
TOTAL| 110| 100%|

Figure 10 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The House Ownership Among Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

This table shows that most of the family in this brgy. owned their house with the percentage of 68.2%’ while the other family has a percentage of 31%
rented houses. They almost lived in brgy. 621 zone 62 districts 6 since birth.

It may imply a positive outcome for families in this brgy. because most of the families have owned houses. Like they not need to pay a monthly rent for their house and that money may be the source for their health sources.

Table 10 Percentage Distributing Showing The Land Ownership Of Families Surveyed In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Owned| 53| 48.2|
Rented| 57| 52.8|
Free-Rented| 0| 0|
TOTAL| 110| 100%|

Figure 11 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Land Ownership Among Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013

This table shows that rented lot was greater part with the percentage of 48.2%’ while the owned lot were 48% of percentage. Based on our surveyed the families rented their lot in the government. This may cause a problem in the family if they don’t pay for the monthly rent.

Table 11 Percentage Distributing Showing The Ventilation Of Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

Well-Ventilated | 80| 72.7|
Poor-Ventilated | 30| 27.3|
TOTAL | 110| 100% |

Figure 12 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Ventilation Among Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013

This table shows that most of the family has a greater well-ventilated house with a percentage of 80%, while the remaining family has a percentage of 20% poor-ventilated houses. The well-ventilated house may circulate through and freshen. And To expose (a substance) to the circulation of fresh air, as to retard spoilage. It may imply a health threat for poor-ventilated house to transmission of communicable diseases for the family members.

Table 12 Percentage Distributing Showing The Length Of Residency Of Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013
< 6 mos.| 0| 0|
6 mos. – 1 YR.| 9| 5|
1 – 5| 2.2| 12.5|
6 – 10| 2.2| 12.5|
10 yrs. & above| 128| 70.7|
TOTAL| 181| 100%|

Figure 13 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Length Of Residensy Among Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As Of February 2013

This table shows that <6mos. as a zero 0% of residency, 6mos.-1yr 5%, 1-5 yrs and 6-10yrs of residency were 12.5%, and 10 yrs and above have a percentage of 70.7%. This means most of the family were born, grew up and build a family. This may imply a positive outcome for the family in this brgy. because they almost memorized the way going to health center, chapel, highways, schools and hospitals.

Table 13 Percentage Distributing Showing The Type Of Housing Of Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As
Of February 2013

Makeshift| --------------| 0%|
Wood (Light)| 34| 31|
Concrete (strong)| 33| 30|
Mixed| 43| 39|
TOTAL| 110| 100%|

Figure 14 Percentage Distribution Diagram Showing The Type Of House Among Families Surveyed: In Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City 6 As Of February 2013

This table shows that mixed (wood and concrete) made most of the house in the brgy. . 621 zone 62 district 6. Mixed have a percentage of 39%, concrete (strong) 30%, wood (light) 31% and makeshift has 0%. This may imply for health threat for the families in this brgy. because most of the house made of light and concrete materials. Like emergency fire and earthquake, it may destroy definitely and may cause of an injury and death of the individual.

Table 14 Percentage Distribution Showing Water Supply of Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa Brgy.621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City

As of February 2013

Level| F| %|
I. Point Source II. Communal Faucet System III. Water Works System| 08228| 07525| Total | 110| 100|

Figure 15 Percentage Distribution Showing Water Supply of Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621 Zone 62, District 6, Manila City

As of February 2013


The Table shows that almost half of the total population used the Communal Faucet system as the common source of water supply with a percentage of Seventy five ( 75%). Water works system is the second most common source of water supply with a twenty five percent ( 25%) and lastly none of the population was able to use point source.

Majority of the houses in Brgy. 621 Sta. mesa street. uses Communal faucet as a source of water supply or the commonly known as “ poso “, it is also a groundwater which uses sinking pipes in the ground. If properly done and given a favorable ground condition, this could provide quality water but if improperly done. On the other hand water works system is to be used. Point source has zero point percent. ( 0% ).

The date gathered implies that the community generally uses Communal faucet system that are considered to be unsafe because it requires maximum treatment of disinfections. Insufficient knowledge and inappropriate practice in handling of water from the source to the storage point in the house could contaminate drinking water. People who get drinking water from pipe water facilitates are not exempted from diarrhea. Because half of the population used Communal faucet system that’s why the area is possible for Diarrhea.

Table 15 Percentage Distribution Showing Excreta Disposal of Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa Brgy. 621 Zone 62 District 6, Manila City

As of February 2013

Excreta Disposal| F| %|
I. Pit Latrines II. Pour Flush toilets III. Auto Flush toilets IV. Balot System/ Wrap and Throw V. Other, Specify:____| 0961400 | 0871300| Total | 110| 100|

Figure 16 Percentage Distribution Showing Excreta Disposal of Families Surveyed in Old. Sta. Mesa Brgy. 621 Zone 62 District 6, Manila City

As of February 2013


The table shows that the most common excreta disposal in Brgy. 621 Sta. Mesa street. Is the Pour-flush toilets with a percentage of eighty seven (87%). Second is the Flush toilets with a percentage of thirteen (13 %). Lastly the Balot system/ wrap and throw has zero percent (0%).

The type of toilet is an essential factor in considering bacterial contamination through stool. It is imperative to have a good type of toilet as to avoid spread of diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, etc. Majority of the houses uses Pour-flush toilets or the regular removal or disposal of waste in a sanitary manner it is hygienic and needs only an exact amount of water for flushing. However, the percentage of families use Flush toilets is also significant especially that it is the next commonly used excreta disposal method.

Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard and lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Normally it is the wet waste that decomposes and releases a bad odor. This leads to unhygenic conditions and thereby to a rise in the health problems. Educating the people in the proper refuse disposal should be given priority in maintaining a healthy and safe environment.

Table 16 Percentage Distribution Showing Garbage Disposal of Families Surveyed in Old. Sta. Mesa Brgy. 621 Zone 62 District 6, Manila City

As February 2013

Garbage Disposal| F| Percentage|
I.DPS(collected)II.Open dumpingIII.Burning| 10910| 990.90| Total| 110| 100|

Figure 17 Percentage Distribution Showing Garbage Disposal of Families Surveyed in Old. Sta. Mesa Brgy. 621 Zone 62 District 6, Manila City

As February 2013


The table shows the result of one of the environment indicators which is Garbage disposal the community of Brgy. 621 Sta. Mesa street. They are listed as follows; DPS (collected) has a percentage of ninety nine (99 %), second the Open dumping has zero point nine (0.9 % ). Next the burning and waste segregation has zero percent (0 %).

The people in the community should also be educated on proper segregation of garbage, between the biodegradable which can be used as animal feeds or natural fertilizers, and non biodegradable which can be recycled and can be a source of income. The disposal of wastes in or the land without careful planning and management can present a danger to health and the environment.

The Garbage disposal in Brgy. 621 have a normal way of disposing excreta the DPS (collected). Open dumping has one point twenty five percent and the other has zero percent.

Chapter VI
Health Indices

Table 17 Percentage Distributions Showing the Food Storage Practice of Families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013
Food Storage Practice| F| %|
Refrigerator| 50| 45.45%|
Table| 40| 36.36%|
Cabinet| 9| 8.18%|
Storage Box| 7| 6.36%|
Basket| 4| 3.63%|
Total| 110| 99.98%|

Figure 18 Percentage Distributions Showing the Food Storage Practice of Families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013

This table presents the Food Storage Practices of families in Old Sta. Mesa. Data shows that majority of the families store their food in the refrigerator; it has a percentage of 45.45%. Most of the respondents prefer to place their food in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage of food. On the other hand, some families store it in table, baskets, cabinets etc.

The word “storage” means the safe keeping of goods. So in this case, most of them have a refrigerator as their Food Storage at their own houses because it is important to store their food in a cool, dry and clean place in order to prevent food contamination that may lead to spread of certain diseases.

Table 18 Percentage Distributions Showing the Ways on Storing Food of Families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013
Ways on storing food| F| %|
Covered| 96| 87.27|
Uncovered| 14| 12.72|
Total | 110| 99.99%|

Figure 19 Percentage Distributions Showing the Ways on Storing Foods of families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa Brgy. 592, Zone 58, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013


The data above shows the Ways on Storing their food whether it is covered or not study revealed that most of respondents, which accounts for 96 families of 87.27% claimed of keeping their food and other perishable goods “covered”, and 14 families of 12.72% claimed that they kept their food “uncovered”.

Covering their food is a practice that will prevent food contamination which is defined as the food that are spoiled or tainted because they either contain microorganisms, such as bacteria, parasites, or toxic substances that make them unfit for consumption ingesting contaminated food has a great impact to one’s health because it results in diseases that affect millions of people every year.

Table 19 Percentage Distributions Showing the Infant Feeding Practices of Families surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City
As of February 2013
Infant Feeding Practices ( 0-6 months)| F| %|
Mixed| 0| 0|
Breast Milk| 4| 100|
Commercially Prepared milk| 0| 0|
Total 4100%|


The Above data shows the percentage distribution of Infant Feeding Practices; 100% of the population practiced breastfeeding. They are aware that Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. And their Health Center motivates and promote breastfeeding. Although the government issued an Executive Order 51 that aims to contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants by the protection and promotion of breastfeeding and by ensuring the proper use of breast milk substitutes and breast milk supplements when these are necessary, on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution.

Table 20 Percentage Distributions Showing the Immunization Status of Children in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City
As of February 2013
Immunization( <1y/o )| Target Population| No. of Infants Given| %| BCG| 8| 8| 100%|
OPV1 2 3| 886| 843| 100%50%50%|
DPT1 2 3| 886| 854| 100%62.50%66.66%|
HBV12 3| 866| 753| 87.50%83.33%50%|
AMV| 3| 3| 100%|
Fully Immunized Child| 3| 3| 100%|


Immunization is the process by which vaccines are introduced into the body before infection sets in. Vaccines are administered to induce immunity thereby causing the recipient’s immune system to react to the vaccine that produces antibodies to fight infection.

Base on this study, 3 out of 3 has been fully immunized (able to receive complete vaccines before the child reaches 1 year old). The data above revealed the immunization status of the infants in Old Sta. Mesa. It shows that all of the target infants have been immunized, for BCG. Some of them doesn’t comply with the said schedule of their vaccine, may be the infant suffer from colds, fever or other common health problems.

Table 21 Percentage Distribution Showing the First person Consulted in times of illness of Individuals among Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City
As of February 2013
First person Consulted in times of illness| F| %|
Doctor| 86| 78.18%|
Relatives| 10| 9.09%|
Nurse| 7| 6.36%|
Albularyo| 3| 2.72%|
Neighborhood| 2| 1.81%|
Midwife| 2| 1.81%|
TOTAL| 110| 99.97%|

Figure 20 Percentage Distribution Showing the First person Consulted in times of illness of Individuals among Families Surveyed in Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City As of February 2013


The Table shows the first person consulted in times of illness and majority of the respondents which accounts to 86 or 78.18% consult doctor in times of illness while 10 or 9.09% of them seek to advice to relatives and 7 or 6.36% seeks the help of nurse. This only means that the most of them are aware when it comes to the medical services available in the health center even though it is far from their places. Having awareness in the availability of medical services in the health center and encourage the residents of this community to utilize it.

And the residents of Old Sta. Mesa are aware that they must first seek health advice or health consultation from the Health Center especially the Physician/Doctor.

Table 22 Percentage Distributions Showing the Communication Network --- Health Information among the Residents of Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City. As of February 2013
Health Care Personnel| 69| 62.72%|
Television| 19| 17.27%|
Radio| 12| 10.90%|
Newspaper/Fliers/Posters| 7| 6.36%|
Phone| 3| 2.72%|
Barangay Officials| 0| 0%|
Total| 110| 99.97%|

Figure 21 Percentage Distributions Showing the Communication Network --- Health Information among the Residents of Old Sta. Mesa, Brgy. 621, Zone 62, District 6, Manila City. As of February 2013


The table above states the sources of health information; 69 or 62.72% of the population obtains health information from health care personnel while 19 or 17.27% gains information through the use of television, 12 of them or 10.90% use radio as an information source, whereas 7 or 6.36% usually reads newspaper of fliers then, 3 or 2.72% affirmed that they gain information through the use of phone. Lastly, none of the total population asks information from the barangay officials.

Sources of reliable health information are essential to the community because this will serve as their guide in decision making when it comes to their health. Most of their sources are health care personnel; reliability of health information is imperative because this will help in achieving and uplifting their health status. They can obtain this to those people who have knowledge in rendering health care services.

After three days of conducting an interview within Barangay 621, Sta. Mesa Manila, the researchers have obtained significant data to diagnose and conclude health conditions of the community. The researchers found out that majority of the respondents are unmarried and are dominate by males. The data gathered also showed that many of them are unemployed. Majority of the families in the area are considered to be earning below the minimum wage. This income is said to sustain the needs of each family member. The data reflects that most respondents had graduated high school and also, most are Catholics. It is shown that a number of respondents came from the Luzon areas especially in NCR. And majority of the houses of the respondents have adequate ventilation and are made from mixed concrete and light materials. The water of the respondents is supplied through waterworks system. Most of
them also use pour flush toilets and they dispose their garbage through truck collection. Regarding their health status, the gathered data shows that most respondents have refrigerators for their food storage. Furthermore, most mothers patronize breast feeding rather than the bottle feeding; however, the mother had their children receive immunization for their children protection. The researchers also found out that the respondents seek help from the hospital and consults doctors whenever they experience deviation on their health. Also, the data shows that most of the respondents receive health information from other health care personnel.

From the observation and information gathered during the interview, the researchers were able to identify some of the community’s needs that should be give priorities. These problems are the one that makes hindrances to their progress not only as an individual but also as a society. CONCLUSION

After scrutinizing the data gathered, the researchers came up with the conclusion that the barangay have problem when it comes to their economical status because majority of them are earning below minimum wage which could signify shortage in resources and also could affect their health status. Also there is a problem to their availability in space for living for majority of the houses is too small for the number of crowd living in it. Therefore, there are posing no difficulty in the spread of communicable diseases within the community and so, in solution to this, the health care team should provide health teaching within the barangay regarding proper segregation and disposal of the garbage, and also proper sanitation. But aside from those, the researchers concluded that there are no other signs of threat within the community.

The whole community is so far healthy for they have access and utilize the health care facilities like the nearby health center (Esperanza Health Center) and many of them are conscious to their health status as evidenced by their regular visit in the said health center and other health care institutes.


* To counter the fire hazards of the community, the barangay officials must provide a fire extinguisher and orient the people of Barangay 621, Zone 62 on what is the proper things to do when there is fire.

* They should avoid throwing around garbages and smoking non-spacious areas; this might be the cause of starting fire.

* The barangay officials should conduct a seminar to the citizens of their place for them to be aware that they must refrain themselves from using candles, throwing away their unfinished cigarettes and they must be sure that before sleeping the gas stove is close and intact.

* The barangay must provide a fire alarm so that in case of fire accidents the citizens will be aware as soon as possible.

* The barangay should designate police patrols in the area to minimize crime occurences.


* Jimenez, C. (2005). Community Organization Participatory Action Research (COPAR).Manila, Philippines * Maglaya A. (2008). Public Health Nursing in the Philippines. Marikina City..Argonauta * Reyala J. et. Al (2004) Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines. Community Health Nursing Section, National League of Philippine Government Nurses, Inc.

Survey Form

* Economic indicator
1. Combined monthly family income(Buwanang kita ng pamilya) ( ) 1,000-below (--) 1,000-5,000
( ) 5,000-10,000 ( ) 10,000-15,000
( ) 15,000-20,000 ( ) 20,000-25,000
( ) 25,000-30,000 ( ) 30,000-above

2. . Other sources of income-livelihood (Mayroon pa bang pinagkukunan ibang pangkabuhayan) ( ) Yes (--) No
If yes, what?
( ) sari-sari store ( ) poultry raising
( ) livestock raising ( ) craft making
( ) other (please specify) _________________

3. Monthly expenses ( Buwanang gastusin ng pamilya)
( ) 1,000-below (--) 1,000-5,000
( ) 5,000-10,000 ( ) 10,000-15,000
( ) 15,000-20,000 ( ) 20,000-25,000
( ) 25,000-30,000 ( ) 30,000-above

4. Resources allotted for healthcare ( Nakalaang pondo para sa kalusugan) ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, from where? ( kung oo, galling saan?)
( ) health insurance
( ) phil health
( ) others, please specify_______________

* Social variables
1. Communication network
-where do you get health information?
( ) health center (--) television
( ) radio ( ) newspaper fliers/posters ( ) phone
( ) poultry raising
( ) other, please specify__________________

2. . Transportation system
( ) by foot ( ) Bangka
( ) vehicles ( ) by animals
( ) other, please specify___________________

1. Housing condition

Lot: ( ) rented
(--) owned
( ) other, please specify__________________
House: ( ) rented
(--) owned
( ) other, please specify___________________
Number of rooms for sleeping______
Number of persons per room_______
2. Types of housing materials
( ) concrete ( ) makeshift
( ) wood (--) mixed
( ) other, please specify_______________

3. Ventilation
(--) adequate
( ) inadequate

4. Water supply
( ) level I-point sources
( ) level II-communal faucet
(--) level III-water work system
( ) shared

5. Excreta disposal
( ) level I-pit latrines
(--) level II-pour flush toilets
( ) level III-flush toilets
( ) ballot system/wrap and throw
( ) other, please specify__________________

6. Garbage disposal
(--) DPS collected
( ) open dumping
( ) burning
( ) waste segregation
( ) throw in the river and estero

1. Recognized leaders in the community ( Pangunahing taong kinokonsulta at kinikilingan pinuno ng komunidad) ( ) barangay officials ( ) religious leaders
( ) elders ( ) non-government organization (--) other, please specify:

2. Community program ( Ano ang alam na programa sa komunidad) (--) peace and order ( ) tapat ko linis ko
( ) curfew ( ) other, please specify_______________

3. Predominant organization in the community ( Kilalang samahan sa komunidad)

( ) barangay council ( ) ( ) sanggunian kabataan ( ) ( ) couples for Christ ( ) ( ) senior citizen club

( ) other, plese specify_______________

4. Tradition celebrated observed in the community ( tradisyong ipinagdaraos sa komunidad) (--) fiesta (--) holy week

5. Leadership system
* Governing authority

(--) barangay chairman ( ) sitio barangay
( ) datu ( ) religious leaders ( ) social workers ( ) counselors
( ) others, please specify__________________

6. Election system
( ) political dynasty ( ) kamag-anak system ( ) appointment (--) COMELEC
( ) others, please specify_________________

7. Political influences
( ) religion (--) educational attainment ( ) popularity ( ) political dynasty ( ) culture
( ) others, please specify________________

8. Social conflict
- Sources
( ) ethnic groups ( ) culture
( ) religion ( ) politics
( ) health problems
(--) others, please specify: fraternity

9. Ways in resolving conflicts in the barangay
(--) barangay meeting ( ) bahalana system
( ) house to house visit
( ) others, please specify_______________

1. Community health programs (Programang pangkalusugan)
Aware Unaware Utilizes
( ) free consultation _______ ________ _______ ( ) immunization_______ ________ _______ ( ) family planning _______ ________ _______ ( ) prenatal
check-up_______ ________ _______ ( ) well-baby clinic _______ ________ _______ ( ) others, please specify_______ ________ _______ 2. Food usually eaten (Madalas na kinakain)

( ) fish ( ) meat
( ) vegetable (--) mixed

3. Food intake
( ) one a day (--) thrice
( ) twice ( ) others, please specify______________

4. Food storage practices (Pangangalaga sa pagkain)
( ) refrigerated ( ) not refrigerated
( ) table ( ) basket
(--) covered ( ) uncovered
( ) cabinet ( ) others, please specify_____________

5. First person consulted in times of illness (Unang taong kinukunsulta tuwing may nagkakasakit) ( ) doctor (--) albularyo
( ) midwife ( ) relatives
( ) nurse ( ) others, please specify_______________

6. Medication taken during illness (Gamot na iniinom)
( ) prescribed ( ) dispense (health center)
(--) herbal ( ) over the counter
( ) others, please specify______________

7. Health risk`s behavior
( ) smoking: ___________ for how long: ______
No. of years exposed (family member): ______________
No. of stick/s consumed per day: __________
( ) using illegal drugs, who: ___________________
( ) drinking alcohol, who: father duration: 18years ( ) eating salty foods, who: father
( ) sedentary lifestyle, who: ____________________

8. Methods of Family Planning (pagpaplano ng Pamilya)
Jennifer Ramos (mother)| 24| * | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
A. Natural
( ) rhythm( ) cervical mucus method
( ) withdrawal( ) basal body temperature
( ) Other, please specify

B. Artificial contraceptives
( ) condoms( ) IUD
( ) pills
( ) others, please specify

C. Permanent
( ) Vasectomy
( ) Tubal ligation

9. Infant feeding program
( ) breast milk( ) commercially prepared milk
( ) mixed

Commercially prepared:
( ) condensed milk( ) evaporated milk
( ) powdered milk
( ) other, please specify_____________

10. Maternal care ( Pangangalaga sa buntis)
Name(Pangalan)| Number of pregnancy(Bilang ng pagbubunti)| Age of Gestation(Bilang ng buwan ng pagbubuntis)| Expected date of delivery(Inaasahang Petsa ng panganganak)| Pre-natal check-up| Tetanus
Toxoid immunization| | | | | WITH| WITHOUT| WITH| WITHOUT|

| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |

* Obstetrical History

* Tetanus Toxoid taken:
( ) TT1( ) TT2( ) TT3( ) TT4
( ) TT5

* Prenatal check-up
First trimester:____________
Second trimester__________
Third trimester____________

* Sources of prenatal Check-up
( ) Doctor( ) Midwife
( ) Nurse( ) hilot
( ) Others, please specify _____________

* History of past illness
( ) vaginal bleeding( ) PIH/ Eclampsia
( ) high blood( ) Asthma
( ) Diabetes( ) Others, please specify__________
* Vitamins taken
( ) Iron with Folic acid( ) Vitamin A
( ) Others, please specify( ) Iodine

11. Immunization Status of Target age Group (0-12 months) Name| Age in moths| BCG| DPT| OPV| HEPATITIS| AMV| REMARKS| | | | 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3| | INC|
COMPLETE| FIC| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

12. Nutritional Status for Children (0-71 months)
Name(Pangalan)| Date of weighing(Petsa ng pagtimbang)| Date of birth(Kapanganakan)| Age(in months)| Weight(Bigat)| Remarks| | | | | .| |
| | | | | |

Identified Problems
1. Low Family Income
2. Accident hazard: Fire Hazard

Low Family Income
Criteria | Scoring| Actual Score| Justification|
Nature of Problem| 2/3 x 1| 0.67| It is a health resources problems since it may affect the ability of the each family in the community to sustain and support their future problems which may arise| Magnitude of problem| 2/4 x 3| 1.50| Approximately 42.17% of the total population is affected by the problem.| Modifiability of the problem| ½ x 1| 0.5| -The level of income of each individual depends on the type of their jobs.-Families can look for other alternatives for source of income | Preventive Potential | 2/3 x 1 | 0.67 | It is a preventive problem if all individual member of the community in legal age have work and/or had another source of income. Thus increasing the combined monthly income of each family in the community.| Social Concern| 0/2 x 1| 0| Not a community concern.| | Total| 3.34| |

Accidental Hazard : Fire Hazard
Criteria | Scoring | Actual Score| Justification|
Nature of Problem| 1/3 x 1| 0.33| It is a health-related factor since the physical and environmental factors affect each individual in the community.| Magnitude of problem| 4/4 x 3| 3| The whole population of the community is affected by the problem.| Modifiability of the problem| ½ x 2| 1| Intervention that can be used is to avoid the use of light
materials to their houses.| Preventive Potential | 1/3 x 1| 0.33| Members of the community don’t leave any unattended appliances and other materials (candles, insect repellant or “katol”) that can cause and start fire.| Social Concern| 1/2 x 1| 0.5| The community does not see this as a problem because they lived with this situation, mostly of them, over 10 years and learn how to cope up with scenario in case it will happen.| | Total| 5.16| |

1. Accidental hazard5.16
2. Low Family Income3.3

Action Plan

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Community Diagnosis essay
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