Chris McCandless: Unraveling Personality Through MBTI

Categories: IntrovertPsychology

Chris McCandless, the central figure in Jon Krakauer's narrative, is a compelling character whose temperament aligns with introversion (I), sensing (S), and perceiving (P) in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This essay provides an in-depth exploration of McCandless's personality traits, delving into his preferences for extroversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, and thinking/feeling.

Introversion: A Journey into Solitude

In the dichotomy of extroversion and introversion, McCandless distinctly leans towards introversion. The MBTI Basics asserts that introverts find solace in solitary activities or small group settings, a trait vividly portrayed in McCandless's persona.

His preference for solo travel is exemplified by his abandonment of his car to traverse on foot, relishing the freedom of isolation (Krakauer 28). An extrovert, seeking external stimuli for energy, would unlikely embark on such solitary journeys. McCandless's introversion signifies a need to disconnect from society, perhaps for rejuvenation or self-discovery.

Further analysis of McCandless's interactions with others reveals his introverted nature. His relationship with his car becomes symbolic of his preference for solitude.

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McCandless deliberately chose to undertake trips alone, showcasing a proclivity for doing things independently. This solitude extended beyond choice when he left his car, embracing the open road and foot travel, reinforcing the idea that his introversion was not merely a preference but a fundamental aspect of his character (Krakauer 28).

Sensing: Navigating Reality with Pragmatism

Turning to the sensing and intuition preferences, McCandless aligns with sensing. According to the MBTI Basics, sensing individuals prioritize tangible facts and recall essential details. McCandless's decision-making process is a testament to this preference.

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At the Morelos Dam and the Mexican border, McCandless, lacking identification, employs a pragmatic approach by navigating through the dam's open floodgates and the spillway below (Krakauer 34).

This incident highlights McCandless's inclination toward sensing. Rather than meticulously planning ahead, he learns through action, adapting on the go. Sensing individuals, as opposed to their intuitive counterparts, eschew detailed plans, preferring to embrace uncertainty. McCandless embodies this sensor's approach, navigating through challenges with a focus on the present moment rather than relying on preconceived plans.

Thinking: Rationality in Decision-Making

Examining the thinking and feeling preferences, McCandless exhibits a proclivity for thinking. Thinkers, as per the MBTI Basics, may overlook the emotional aspects of a situation. This inclination is evident in McCandless's interactions with people, exemplified by his communication with Burres. Despite sending her a postcard disclosing his location and expressing relief at her well-being, McCandless's decision to abruptly depart without meeting her in person reflects a rational, detached approach (Krakauer 43).

A feeling individual might have opted for a more emotionally connected departure, waiting for a face-to-face interaction before embarking on a new journey. McCandless's characterization as a "thinker" is accentuated by his disdain for the mundane, as seen in his departure from Bullhead, a town he perceived as filled with "plastic people."

Further evidence of McCandless's thinking preference is seen in how he handles situations with people. His description of the people around him as "plastic" suggests a lack of emotional connection, indicating a rational assessment of his social environment. The decision to leave a note instead of waiting for a visit demonstrates his prioritization of autonomy over interpersonal connections (Krakauer 43).

Perceiving: Embracing the Unpredictable

In the judging and perceiving preferences, McCandless leans towards perceiving. Perceivers favor adaptability and spontaneity over structure, aligning perfectly with McCandless's unconventional lifestyle. His narrative unfolds as a testament to perceiving, deliberately escaping the constraints of a planned and orderly life, immersing himself in the unpredictability of the wilderness.

Even in seemingly structured environments, such as his stint at McDonald's in Bullhead, McCandless operates at his own pace, resisting conformity and maintaining a deliberate, measured approach to his work (Krakauer 40). A judicious individual would prefer a predetermined path with a set list of tasks, a stark contrast to McCandless's free-spirited, spontaneous disposition.

McCandless's entire story revolves around perceiving. His escape into the wilderness is a manifestation of his desire to break free from the confines of a planned and orderly existence. His resistance to conforming to societal norms and his embrace of the unknown showcase a profound commitment to living life on his own terms.

Conclusion: A Complex Tapestry of Personality

In conclusion, Chris McCandless's temperament, analyzed through the MBTI framework, reveals a multifaceted personality characterized by introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving tendencies. His solitary journeys, pragmatic decision-making, rational detachment from relationships, and embrace of unpredictability collectively paint a vivid picture of a unique individual who defies conventional norms.

McCandless's story serves as a compelling case study for understanding how individual temperament shapes life choices and responses to the world. The intricate interplay of his personality traits adds depth to the narrative, making it a captivating exploration of human behavior amidst the backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Chris McCandless: Unraveling Personality Through MBTI. (2016, Oct 01). Retrieved from

Chris McCandless: Unraveling Personality Through MBTI essay
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