Childhood obesity is just another form of child abuse done by adults, it puts children and young teens at an early age in risk of having health complications. Children are not capable of making decisions on their own, nor understand how their current actions will affect them negatively later on in life. Parents and constant caregivers need to understand that it is their responsibility to protect their kids in any way possible and that everything that happens to that child is their culpability.

By not managing their offspring's food intake they are causing significant amount of damage. When it comes to how many calories an infant consumes the idea is that the more they eat the healthier they will become. Under the concept that it will help them grow taller and stronger, not realizing that those factors cannot be change, our genes have already established our characteristics.

In some countries obesity is a sign of wealth or beauty. Parents are not suffering for their wrongdoing, their children are.

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Caregivers should always have in mind that it needs to be more about quality rather than quantity. They need to start thinking how the behavior they are imposing to their kids will make an impact in their future. No one can deny that most parents only want the best for their kids, but some have to open their eyes and look at the reality and take full blame for the harm they have cause to their love one.

Most times parents do not know how to go against a child's demands and gives into whatever the toddler asks for.

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It is not just about the amount of food they eat is also the lack of exercise that makes this a recipe for disaster. Many children are inside playing video games, watching television, or engaging in sedentary behavior ( Grossklaus and Marvicsin 69). Technology is also playing a huge role in this epidemic, yet is still not the one to be reprimand. Parents have the obligation of making sure their kids are not in any type of danger. Some of the things parents can do in order to help their children are teaching them at home what types foods should be avoided at and which ones they should eat in a regular basis, making the go outside and play games that will make their heart rate go up and gets blood pumping all over their bodies for at least 30 minutes, and try to focus on a healthier lifestyle and not just an image or a number on a scale (Childhood obesity).

An overweight problem can not only affect our physical health, it can and will damage our mental health as well. Many kids experience bullying and low-self esteem due to their physical appearance. Not fitting in with their peers can cause an irremediable suffering to a child and that is just because their parents felt it was okay to over feed them. As a society we make it seem that eating fast food almost every day and staring at a phone or Tv all day cannot do us any harm. The younger generations do not do as we say, they only imitate us. They think if the people with most experience and knowledge know about how unhealthy all this junk food is why do they keep eating, and why are they trying to stop me from having some.

That is why the problem starts at home with the excuse that parents also need a break a due to how drained they are are from work or their daily activities, they think having take out once in a while cannot be so bad. Which is untrue since parents and also kids become accustomed to this pattern, fast food once a week will turn into three times and it will only get worse. Those meals are not in any way beneficial to anyone, they are not design to keep you full for a long period of time, they can be call empty calories. Foods that contain empty calories usually have more calories than what we actually need to maintain a healthy weight (Komaroff Np). Fast food chains do this in order to make their customers come back for more. All big name companies do not care about the well being of kids, teens, and elderlies, they only care about how much profit they are making from the public and they ignore all the health problems connected to the product they manufacture.

Many big name companies are making money at our children expense not just by giving out toys with the purchase of a kid's meal, they also advertise themselves on Tv on average five food related commercials are air per hour, most featuring junk food (Galea Np). Parent need to take action and stop anybody or anything from trying to entice or manipulate their kids into doing or buying something. Parents need to take control and put a limit on how much Tv they can watch (Murphy Np). This will not only decrease the propaganda from the junk food, it will also make kids do something productive.

Childhood obesity is something that is almost one hundred percent preventable, but it does not depends on a child. Parents have an obligation and that is to take care of their children. Over feeding kids is just as bad as any other cruel punishment. The damage done by this practice is not only shows on their body, it is also seen internally. Thinking that filling up kids with tremendous amounts of processed food and drinks that are filled with sugar is okay. Not taking the time and showing how to make the right decisions when it come to what young teens and kids put into their bodies is one of the worst form parents neglect their children.

This behavior will never end if caregivers and parents do not inform their offsprings on how to live a healthier life that includes a well balanced diet that includes some type of exercise no matter how light it is. The things parents do now will affect their kids for their whole life and will definitely set the way for the future generations in a bad way. Best thing adults can do is to take full blame for what they have been doing and change their old ways and start immediately trying to fix the damage.

Works Cited

  • Grossklaus, Heather, and Donna Marvicsin. Parenting Efficacy and Its Relationship To the Prevention of Childhood Obesity.
  • Pediatric Nursing, vol. 40, no. 2, Mar. 2014, pp. 69-86. EBSCOhost, Obesity.
  • KASHRUS Magazine, vol. 35, no. 1, Oct. 2014, pp. 46-49. EBSCOhost, Melissa.
  • Overweight and UNDERACTIVE. Alive: Canada's Natural Health & Wellness Magazine, no. 371, Sept. 2013, pp. 59-63. EBSCOhost, ANTHONY L.
  • Ask the Doctor. Harvard Health Letter, vol. 41, no. 9, July 2016, p. 2. EBSCOhost,, Terri. "Overweight children." RelayClinical Education, vol. 2012,
  • RelayHealth, 2012. Health & Wellness Resource Center, Accessed 31 Mar. 2019.
Updated: May 19, 2021
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Childhood obesity. (2019, Dec 09). Retrieved from

Childhood obesity essay
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