Character of Mr. Darcy in "Pride And Prejudice"

Mr.Darcy, a character portrayed by Austen as a rich, self-absorbed, prideful man. Because of his pride, Elizabeth denies any form to be with him because of his unknown insults towards her. “Darcys subsequent letter to her is ‘all pride and insolence’ and expresses nothing of sorrow or regret for his behavior toward Jane…” (Bloom’s Literature) He treats her awfully in the beginning because of his pride and thought of how much better he was, due to their social difference.

When Elizabeth asks him to dance and he says no, it not only offends Elizabeth, but also Mrs.Bennet by rejecting her daughter. It makes Elizabeth upset with him for rejecting her, but insulting her as well. As the novel progresses, he slowly begins to realize that Elizabeth is different than anyone he’s ever known and is quite possibly the one he’s been waiting for his whole life. After the conclusion that he is in love with her, he tells her and expects the same from response from Elizabeth.

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“Darcy begins by telling her how he tried and failed to overcome his love for her because of the social inferiority of her family.” (Bloom’s Literature) Darcy is clearly terribly prejudiced towards Elizabeth's family and especially the very fact that they are available from a social class than himself. He mentions in his letter that he sends to Elizabeth to explain his relationship with Wickham how her family connections are something that he could take no pleasure in when he was thinking about proposing to her.

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This is something that Lizzie, after some thought, actually agrees with herself. “Darcy learns to see Elizabeth as his equal, regardless of her low social connections and small fortune.” (Bloom’s Literature) Although Mr. Darcy was very well-mannered, he had no respect for women whatsoever. Especially of those who were lower than him in social ranking. However, as he soon realizes that he fancies her and how she acts, and ends up proposing to her proclaiming that he is in fact, in love with her. It does not end well, as she beings to say all of the snap judgements she has about him and declines. 'In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you,' (Austen 160). Darcy's prejudice gradually declines, and his walls are slowly let down after his first meeting with Elizabeth. “Darcy learns to see Elizabeth as his equal, regardless of her low social connections and small fortune.” (Bloom’s Literature) Although Mr. Darcy was very well-mannered, he had no respect for women whatsoever. Especially of those who were lower than him in social ranking. However, as he soon realizes that he fancies her and how she acts, and ends up proposing to her proclaiming that he is in fact, in love with her. It does not end well, as she beings to say all of the snap judgements she has about him and declines. 'In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you,' (Austen 160). Darcy's prejudice gradually declines, and his walls are slowly let down after his first meeting with Elizabeth. By the time of the Netherfield ball, Darcy admits that he's taken by Elizabeth quite more than he would really like to be.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Character of Mr. Darcy in "Pride And Prejudice" essay
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