Badminton: Popularity and Personal Experience

Badminton first originated in India centuries ago where it was known as Poona. The British army officers were very much fascinated by the game, and so they introduced in England sometime between 1870 and 1880. Badminton was invented in the 1860s by the daughters of the Duke of Beaufort, who entertained themselves with a version of the children’s game known as battledore and shuttlecock. The game they derived for themselves soon became for the house in the which they played it, the duke’s Badminton House in Gloustershire, England.

Before long, badminton societies and clubs were sprouting throughout England. In 1893, the first Badminton Association was formed. Six years later, the All-England Badminton Championship was played. Eventually, the sport igrated to continental Europe.

From there it reached India via British military officers and Indonesia by way of Dutch colonists. The far-flung expansion necessitated the formation of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934. The International Badminton Federation (IBF) is the governing body for international events.

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In the Philippines, the Badminton Association of the Philippines (BAP) governs the game. It is responsible for the promotion and he development of the game in the country. The BAP is also te body that provides Filipino players competing in international competitions representing the country. The Association is also conducting or sponsoring seminars and clinic to those who are aspiring to become players, coaches, referees and umpires. In playing badminton, it is very necessary to learn the different terms used in order to understand the game.

The origins of badminton can be traced back thousands of years though it was not formalised into the game we know today until the 19th century.

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Badminton takes its name from Badminton House - home of the Duke of Beaufort in the English county of Gloucestershire. Though the estate is now better known for horse trials and hunting, it is credited as the formal birthplace of the racquet sport.

But badminton's roots date back thousands of years. Sports played with a shuttlecock and racquets probably developed in ancient Greece around 2000 years ago but are also mentioned in India and China. In England a children's game known as "battledore and shuttlecock" in which players used a paddle - a battledore - to keep a small feathered cork - a shuttlecock - in the air as long as possible - was popular from medieval times.

In the 17th century, Battledore or Jeu de Volant was an upper class pastime in many European countries. Versions of the game had been played for centuries by children in the Far East, and were adapted by British Army officers stationed in Pune (or Poona), India in the 1860s. They added a net and the game became a competitive sport called "poona", with documented rules in 1867.

In 1873 the sport made its way back to England and gained its current title after guests at a Badminton House lawn party held by the Duke of Beaufort introduced it to their friends as "the Badminton game". It was credit to its popularity that in 1877 the first sets of written rules were laid out by the Bath Badminton Club. A national organising body followed 16 years later with the setting up of the Badminton Federation of England, which in 1899 held the first All England Championships.

Badminton's popularity grew dramatically in the 20th century and it soon became a major racquet sport worldwide with the establishment of the International Badminton Federation in 1934. From nine founding members, the IBF now numbers 149 associate members, from Aruba to Zambia. Having been a demonstration and exhibition sport in 1972 and 1988 respectively, the sport was finally granted Olympic status for the 1992 Barcelona Games. Indonesia dominated that first Olympics, winning gold in each of the four disciplines, the country's first in Games history, and seven medals in total.

Badminton is the world's fastest racket sport with shuttles hitting the 200mph mark.Specificity- The type of training that you do should be specific to you and your sport. You should train the energy system which you use mainly. For example don't run 5,000 meters in training if you're a sprinter. Progression- The process of increasing the intensity, duration, frequency, or amount of activity or exercise as the body adapts to a given activity. Recovery- Rest is required in order for the body to recover from the training and to allow adaptation to take place. The longer and more intense the activity, the longer the rest needed.

Reversibility- Recovery sessions may not necessarily mean complete rest. Periods of lower intensity activity will allow the body to adapt without increasing the stress placed on it. These periods are excellent opportunities for work on technique and tactics. Overload- Overload is when the body is worked more than usual to reach the extra workload must meet the maximum of your training.

My Personal Exercise Program My aim by the end of my six week trainin  programme is to improve the strength in my arms as well as my general fitness particularly my cardiovascular fitness. This is due to the fact that I play badminton and I feel it would benefit me if I was fitter and my arms were more muscular to enable me to get more power in my shots. I currently play badminton twice a week, football twice a week as well as doing P.E twice a week but I feel I can push myself to do more which would benefit me in the long run. In P.E we cover several sports including football and badminton.

We also do fitness which involves circuit training, interval training and continuous training. Circuit training means going quickly from one exercise apparatus to another and doing a prescribed number of exercises or time on each apparatus, keeps pulse rate high. Interval training means to alternate between brief periods of lower and higher intensity levels during a workout it is a method used to maximize cardiovascular endurance. Continuous training is where a person trains using 70%-85% of their energy for a long period of time. This method is good for long distance runners and joggers as well as tennis players etc; because it means that their endurance levels will increase.

To achieve my aim I will be doing weight training as well as fitness training. I will be doing this in the gym for 1 hour 30 minutes a week on a Wednesday. I will do this by starting off with light weights and doing lots of sets and reps and then pushing on to do my maximum with fewer reps and sets. This will improve both my muscular strength and my muscular endurance. I will be doing this to work on my legs as well as my arms. I am going to improve my cardiovascular fitness by using the cardiovascular machines such as the treadmill and the exercise bike. I will progress by working for longer periods of time as well as increasing the intensity for example running faster on the treadmill and pedalling on a high level on the exercise bike.

The Different Skills Used in Playing Badminton

* Drive - A fast and low shot that makes a horizontal flight over the net. * Drop - A shot hit sonly and with finesse to fall rapidly and close to the net on the opponent’s side. * Fault - A violation of the playing rules, either in serving, receiving, or during play (sees common faults listed below). * Flick - A quick wrist and forearm rotation that surprises an opponent by changing an apparently soft shot into a faster passing one; used primarily on the serve and at the net. * Hairpin Net Shot - Shot made from below and very close to the net with the shuttle rising, just clearing the net, and then dropping sharply down the other side. The shuttle’s flight approximates the shape of a hairpin. * Half court Shot - A shot hit low and to midcourt, used effectively in doubles against the up-and-back formation.

* Kill - Fast, downward shot that cannot be returned; a "put away." * Let - A legitimate cessation of play to allow a rally to be replayed. * Match - A series of games (at U.S. Olympic Festival-’93 it is three out of five), to determine a winner. Midcourt - The middle third of the court, halfway between the net and the back boundary line. * Net Shot - Shot hit from the forecourt that just clears the net and drops sharply. * Push Shot - Gentle shot played by pushing the shuttle with little wrist motion, usually from net or midcourt to the opponent’s midcourt.

* Rally – this occurs when the players hit the bird back and forth several times before one side scores a point * Serve or Service – players put the shuttlecock into play for points by “serving” it to opponents, hitting it over the net into a special part of the court near their opponent * Smash – when a shuttle is floated high into the air, a player has time to unleash a powerful overhand shot straight to the floor of the opposing court * Wood Shot - Shot that result when the base of the shuttle is hit by the frame of the racquet. Once illegal, this shot was ruled acceptable by the International Badminton Federation in 1963.

Equipment and Materials used in Playing Badminton

Racquet – used to hit the bird, the racquet is shaped like a tennis racquet and has strings, but weighs much less. The frame of the racket, including the handle, is not to exceed 680 mm (26.75 inches) in overall length, and 230 mm (9 inches) in overall width. The overall length of the head is not to exceed 290 mm. Most racquets are made from light man-made materials such as aluminum or graphite, and are strung with synthetic material such as nylon.

Shuttle, Shuttlecock, Bird, Birdie - whatever it is called, it is badminton's version of a tennis ball. It has a small ball at the front to give it speed, and feathers protruding from it to help it float when it is hit high into the air. An official shuttlecock must have 14-16 feathers and are usually made from a goose or duck and from the left wing of the bird only.

Shoes – special court shoes are worn to allow players to move quickly across the court, and to give them traction for quick movements around the court.
Badminton Court Dimensions
The overall dimension is 20 feet by 44 feet, marking the sidelines for doubles play and long service lines for singles play.
The Net Line
The net line marks the middle of the court where the net is placed, creating a 22 feet by 20 feet area on each side of the net.
The Badminton Net
The top of the badminton net is hung 5 feet above in the center net line.

Updated: Jun 14, 2022
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Badminton: Popularity and Personal Experience essay
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