The Ubiquitous Nature of Art in Our Lives.

Categories: ArtPhilosophy

Art is my body and my clothes, it is my phone, and the food we eat and art really consumes our life. Art is in everything, out in the world as you walk past things you don't realize that everything is art. A fence in your neighbors garden isn't something you think is art but if you look at it like art you start to consider the work that was put into making this fence, the tree it came from, the process of cutting it down and into the shape it now is, how it was conjoined, and the paint job it now has.

Most objects are there to serve some purpose or have a useful function to us and that's also the way we view them. An artistic thought was the beginning of all these objects and it still is artistic even though now it probably is not even built by people but rather machines, an artistic thought is what created all this we see around us.

We are constantly surrounded by art and beauty, we just don't necessarily notice it all the time and that statement makes people wonder what art is and how one does interpret it.

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If you look up the definition of art it tells you that art is creating something visual, making artworks, expression of imagination, technical skills and intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power, it is something human created to represent some emotion or thing to provide the onlooker with some experience.

Until the 17th century, art was referred to as any mastery or skill and didn't differ from sciences or crafts, so what art is, has for centuries constantly been changed, altered and debated.

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Art is and has been stereotyped as paintings on canvases, sculptures, and talented drawings like you see if you take a trip to a museum but just because it is in a museum you consider it art and then you walk out of the museum you stop looking at things as art even though they are.

Everyone has the power to appreciate art, and it absolutely doesn't take a trip to the museum to do so, because it is truly everywhere you go. Take for example a museum full of pictures someone took or painted of everyday things like an ATM or a crumpled piece of paper, as soon as they are put in a museum you look at them as art otherwise you wouldn't. As I write this essay I have to try to be as creative as I can with the use of words and keep you as the reader interested and try to open your eyes in some way, spark a new thought or a question, so I'm thinking artistically as I write this.

We all have experienced traveling to another place and as you do, you look at your surroundings and are more alert and curious, you take pictures of things and enjoy your view while the people that have lived there their whole life are constantly surrounded by all this they just walk past it and even find it odd that you would be interested in some of these things. Everybody takes things differently, meaning that people interpret the things they see and hear in a different way and if you look at things from an artistic point of view, in some way you will notice the beauty of art everywhere you look and listen for it.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

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