Allegory of Human Nature in Lord of the Flies

Categories: Human Nature

Oxford University Press Dictionaries defines an allegory as “a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one” Many people read in William Golding's Lord of The Flies as an allegory. There’s no question that it can be looked at as a symbolic story, however, the question is what Lord of the Flies is an allegory of? One way this novel can be looked at is as an allegory of human nature.

In other words, this story can be seen as symbolism of how humans behave and show their true colors when placed into a survival situation.

Various characters in Lord of the Flies could be thought to symbolize different qualities of human nature. Ralph, Piggy, and Jack are three extremely influential characters and all three of them represent both sides of human nature: good versus evil. Ralph symbolizes the good in humanity in Lord of the Flies. The name Ralph derives from the Anglo-Saxon language and means “council.

” As commander of the conch, Ralph was voted chief of the boys on the island; and from this point, his name became affiliated with council and government.

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Throughout the story, Ralph never gave up on his views and priorities, them being to get off the island. Ralph also, in terms of Lord of the Flies, symbolized civilization and order. He established order and civilization on the island at the first meeting by creating a main goal, priorities, and gave out positions such as the hunters and his right hand man, Piggy.

Ralph was the only outlet of hope towards the end of the book and he was able to follow through and survive without falling into the savage state like the others.

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In this novel, Piggy symbolizes intelligence and logic. From the beginning, by finding the conch and recognizing its importance, he has always been the voice of intelligence and insight. One may say that piggy may be more logical and objective and therefore describe him as being left-brained.

He uses his logic at many points throughout the book in such times as when he wanted to take attendance or when make the sundial. Piggy has good intentions for his ideas, however, because of his lack of confidence and his physical appearance, he is shot down by most of the other boys. He is a great example of symbolism for human nature in Lord of the Flies because for one, he and Ralph both make up a nearly perfect leader with intelligence, leadership, logic, and insight. Also, it is important to connect that insight, being Piggy, was shot down and made savage by the hunters.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Allegory of Human Nature in Lord of the Flies essay
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