Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools

Background of the Study

Pursuant to its promising mission and vision, the Department of Education (DepEd) for years, has been implementing and adhering numerous means and methods to improve and empower the quality of education in the Philippines: be it a new alternative teaching method or a new policy that shall formalize education or any possible way.

One of the DepEd’s accredited organizations is the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) with the mission: to preserve and conserve our natural resources through environmental awareness of the community resulting in their active involvement on environmentally-related issues to achieve sustainable development and to protect mother nature; and vision: the Youth for Environment in Schools-Organization as an effective and respective school- based environmental organization linked with the agencies/ institutions for conservation and preservation of natural resources towards sustainable development.

(DepEd Region V)

Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools-Organization’s Constitutions and By-Laws for School Year 2010-2011 includes the projects and activities that YES-O should implement through the School Year 2010-2011.

The study aims to determine whether the activities and projects stated in Article XVIII of YES-O by-laws has been implemented throughout the school year 2010-2011.

Specific Questions:

1. What is the mission and vision of YES-O in the Bicol Regional Science High School for the School Year 2010-2011? 2. What are the projects, programs and activities implemented by Youth for Environment in Schools Organization as indicated on their accomplishment report or year-end reports in accordance of Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and activities? 3. Which among their projects, programs and activities in accordance to the mission and vision indicated in the Article XVIII which is not implemented? 4. What are the factors affecting the implementation of Article XVIII of Mandated projects and Activities?

Significance of the Study

The Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities which is stated in YES-O By-Laws states that the Youth for environment in Schools- Organization shall be required to implement, conduct or attend the following programs, projects, and activities; namely, clean-up drives, waste management, segregation and recycling, awareness campaigns, symposia or training, nursery establishment, tree planting activities, fun run and Youth for environment Summer Camp.

Through this, the researchers will analyze the year-end report of YES-O in BRSHS school year 2010-2011 to determine whether all the mandated projects and activities stated in Article XVIII of YES-O by- Laws were implemented through the school year.

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Teachers, students, officers of Youth for Environment Schools- Organization and other organization will be benefited with this study through the improvements of their projects and activities. Also, through this study the researchers will be able to determine the factor that affects the implementation of the projects and activities. With this, other organizations including YES-O would have solutions to those factors and can have better improvements with their programs and activities.

Scope and Limitations

The study will only focus on the implementation of Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) of Bicol Regional Science High School (BRSHS) through the school year 2010-2011. The study aims to determine whether all the mandated projects and activities stated in Article XVIII was implemented by YES- O through the school year 2010-2011. Also, the study aims to determine the factors affecting the implementation of Article XVIII of YES-O by-laws.

Conceptual Framework
Article XVIII
Mandated Projects and Activities

The Youth for Environment I Schools- Organization (YES-O) shall be required to implement, conduct or attend the following programs, projects and activities; namely, clean-up drives, waste management, segregation and recycling, awareness campaigns, symposia or training, nursery establishments, tree- planting activities, fun run and Youth for Environment Summer Camp.


The Youth for environment in Schools organization as n effective and respective school-based environmental organization linked with the other agencies/ institutions for conservation and preservation of natural resources towards sustainable development.


To preserve and conserve our natural resources through environmental awareness of the community resulting in their active involvement on environmentally related issues to achieve sustainable development and to protect mother nature.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technological Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in coordination with OCD, the National Youth Commission (NYC), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the DILG- BFP, the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD), and other relevant agencies, shall integrate disaster risk reduction and management education in the school curricula of secondary and tertiary levels of education including the National Service Training Program (NSTP), whether private and public, including formal and non-formal, technical-vocational, indigenous learning and out-of-school youth congress and programs. (Sandra C. Velacruz,2011)

It is important to put a prime on disaster risk reduction and management. When our systems are efficient, it increases and enhances human security. Republic Act No. 10121 also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) of 2010 strengthens the Philippine disaster risk reduction and management framework, institutionalizes the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRM), and appropriate funds for the use of its implementers. It calls for the development of a framework that taps the different sectors, agencies, and communities that will address disaster risk reduction and management concerns. (Sandra C. Velacruz, 2011)

The Department of Education (DepEd), in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), establishes the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) as the only recognized co-curricular environment club or organization in the school with the main and primary programs or projects for the environment on ecology in the said organization. (DepEd, 2003)

The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) is the youth arm of both Department of Education (DepEd) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to heighten pupils and students’ participation and action towards environment protection and conservation at the school level. As a co-curricular organization, it shall implement programs, projects, and activities that address various environmental issues and concerns such as global warming, climate change adaptation, deforestation, watershed protection, disaster risk reduction, among others. (Yolanda S. Quijano, 2010)

The Regional and Division Education Supervisors in Science, as Regional and Division coordinator respectively, shall lead, coordinate and monitor the conduct of activities pertinent to the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization in the respective areas of jurisdiction. The Science Department Head/ Coordinator and Teacher, herein designated as School –based Moderator respectively, shall lead operate the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) activities in the school level with the guidance of School Head/ Principal. (Edilberto C. De Jesus, 2003)

In view of the increasing global concerns for environmental action against threats to mother earth and consequent need to consolidate all efforts in safeguarding, protecting, and conserving the environment, and pursuant to the Department of Education order No. 72, s. 2003 on the establishment of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is announcing the Thrusts and Activities of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O). (Vilma L. Labrador, 2007)

The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) on its partnership with concerned government and non- government organizations undertake tree planting and growing, awareness campaigns and symposia on Environmental Issues and Actions, Outreach programs, Waste management, Segregation, Recycling and Entrepreneurship programs, watershed Protectin and Conservation, Environmental/ Science Camps. (Vilma L. Labrador, 2007)

The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) which is one of the Department of Education accredited organization helps to strengthens the government program concerning global warming, climate change, adaptation, reforestation, watershed protection, and disaster risk reduction.

The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) is advised to conduct the activities in increasing global concerns for environmental action against threats to our planet in partnership with the government agencies such as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) .

Chapter 3
Methods of Research and Procedures

Methods of Research

The method of research used in the study is the descriptive method, specifically the content analysis. Content analysis focuses on the documentary materials that shall be analyzed. The documents to be analyzed are the year-end report or the accomplishment report of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) for the school year 2010-2011. The programs, projects, and activities which were stated in Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools Organization will be the basis for the analysis of the year-end report. The year-end report of the YES-O contains the projects, programs, and activities which were implemented in the school year 2010-2011.

Method of Collecting Data and Development of the Research Instrument

The researchers will conduct interviews with selected members and non-members of the YES-O and its officers in Bicol Regional Science High School. Interview Schedule will be the instrument to be used during the interview. This will include specific questions on how the YES-O implemented the mandated projects and activities which are stated in Article XVIII of the YES-O Constitution and By- Laws.

Sampling Design

The study will determine if the programs, projects, and activities stated in Article XVIII of the YES-O Constitution and By-laws for the school year 2010-2011 are implemented through analyzing their year-end report or accomplishment report.

The organization has forty-three members, twenty of them will be chosen through random or lottery sampling. This type of probability sampling is used so that everyone in the population has equal chance of being selected to be included in the sample. Since the population has no differentiated levels or classes, pure random sampling is used. The researchers will conduct three separate random samplings for the YES-O members and non- members.

The size of the population for the YES-O members is forty- three (43) and the study population is twenty (20). For the non-members of YES-O, the size of population is one hundred thirty- one (131) and the study population will also be twenty (20) and for the officers, the study population is seven (7).

Statistical Treatment

The researchers conducted an interview with the members, non-members, and officers of the Youth for Environment in Schools- Organization (YES-O). With this, the researchers will use tables and other graphical forms for the interpretation of data as statistical treatment.

Interview Schedule

1. Are you aware of the mission and vision of the YES-O?
____ Yes
____ No
If yes, what do you think are the mission and vision of the YES-O? 2. What are the projects, programs and activities conducted or implemented by the YES-O that you are aware of? 3. How satisfied are you with the programs and activities of the YES-O for the school year 2010-2011?

___ Very satisfied
___ Satisfied
___ Poorly satisfied
___ Not satisfied
4. Do you think the projects, programs and activities implemented by the YES-O in the school year 2010-2011 would benefit the students, teachers, the school, and other organizations?
___ Yes
___ No
5. What do you think are the benefits of the students, teachers, the school, and other organizations from the implementation of the projects, programs, and activities by the YES-O? 6. What do you think are the factors affecting the implementation of the programs, projects, and activities of the YES-O?

Chapter 4
Results and Discussions

The study shows the implementation of Article XVIII: Mandated Projects, Programs and Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools Organization in the school year 2010-2011. The researchers had conducted interviews with the members, non-members and officers of the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization to determine if the programs, activities, and projects were implemented throughout the school year 2010-2011. The tables below show the results of the interviews:

The interview shows that among the twenty selected members of the YES-O, three are aware of the mission and vision, while seventeen of them are not. On the other hand, four of the twenty non-members are aware of the mission and vision, and sixteen of them are otherwise.

Ninety-five percent of the YES-O and non-YES-O members convey that the students, teachers, school and other organizations can be benefitted by the projects, programs, and activities implemented by the YES-O while 5% of the said that there is no benefit. On the other hand, 100% of the YES-O officers say that the students, teachers, school and other organizations can be benefitted by the projects, programs, and activities implemented by the YES-O.

From the interviews with the YES-O and non-YES-O members, and the officers of the organization, environmental awareness is the most identified benefit with 15 responses from the members, eight responses from the non-members, and three from the officers.

The budget for the projects of the YES-O has the highest number of responses from the members, non-members and officers, with 14, nine and five, respectively. Five YES-O officers also cited the factor of time and schedule.

Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities includes clean-up drives, waste management, segregation and recycling, awareness campaigns, symposia or training, nursery establishments, tree-planting activities, fun runs, and the Youth for Science and Technology Environment Camp (YSTEC). In the YES-O accomplishment report for school year 2010-2011, all projects and activities stated in article XVIII are included, except for the waste management, segregation and recycling and nursery establishments. The interview results show that the students are all aware of all the projects and activities stated in article XVIII.



The main purpose of the study is to determine if the projects, programs and activities held by the YES-O is in accordance to Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities of the constitution and by-laws of the YES-O. The method of research used is the descriptive method, specifically the content analysis.

Based from the results of the interviews, all the activities stated in Article XVIII, except for waste management, segregation, recycling and nursery establishment are implemented.


With reference to the results gathered, it can be concluded that the clean-up drives, awareness campaigns, symposia or training, nursery establishment, tree-planting activities, fun run, and Youth for Environment Summer Camp stated in Article XVIII: Mandated Projects and Activities are implemented by the YES-O school year 2010-2011, while the waste management, segregation and recycling and nursery establishment are not implemented based on their constitution and by-laws.


The researchers recommend that researches on future YES-O year-end reports be conducted in order to strengthen the foundation of this study. The researchers further recommend conducting studies to answer why most students are not aware of the mission and vision of YES-O.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools. (2016, Oct 30). Retrieved from

Activities of Youth for Environment in Schools essay
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