The Importance of Teachers and Extracurricular Activities in Schools

The surroundings, extracurricular activities and teachers are all a part of education. A child with a solid educational background will almost always be successful in life. It's sad to say but most children with solid educational background also have parents with solid bank accounts. Poor children are often held back later in life by their lack of a good education. The difference between a good and bad education significantly shows in the way children look at their future.

Many people may not know it but the way a school is kept up does affect a child later.

In a wealthy area the schools look more like small college campuses and are very well kept. A child attending this school will always want the nicer things in life and will never settle for less than the best. But in a poor neighborhood where the schools look run down and are usually vandalized a child will settle for less. They will probably think they aren't good enough for the nicer things.

Both poor and wealthy communities will have extracurricular activities.

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But the wealthier school will have at least five or six different sports and will also have an arts and music program. The less fortunate school will probably have two or three sports and no arts or music program. The child that has the opportunity to learn about art and music as well as sports will more disciplined and creative. The children at the wealthier school will look at their extracurricular activities as a way to get scholarships.

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While the children who only have sports to focus on will have a false dream of making it to the NBA or NFL.

Teachers are the most important part of a child's education. They are the push that children need. All schools have teachers, but the wealthier schools have flexibility to pick and choose the best of them. In other words the wealthy schools get the best and the poor schools will more than likely get the rejects. The teacher in the wealthy school is successful and will push the students to attend college and be all they can be. While the teacher who is just there for a job won't care and just push the children to get out of high school. The poorer child will think they've succeeded once they've done that.

Wealth shouldn't determine the quality of a child's education but it does. Poor children will probably always be held back due to the schools they attend. School is not just a place where children learn reading, writing and arithmetic, it's where children learn about life. If a child receives a poor education, they'll have a poor outlook on life and vice versa.

Updated: Apr 18, 2022
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The Importance of Teachers and Extracurricular Activities in Schools essay
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