A Man’s Free Will in The Movie Love, So Divine

Love is just like a disease, you don’t know when it affects your body. You will only know it when you notice the changes in your body, physically and emotionally. Love is a powerful thing in the world that can change a person’s perspective in life. And it is amazing that you can’t also explain why this powerful thing can change everyone’s path. It can make everyone astonish that you can do everything for the sake of love.

Love is capable of doing things that you do not usually do, sacrifice and suffering as well as to be happy. Love is a boundless feeling; just like the love of God that is limitless. Love can fulfil the emptiness inside and even felt contented when you find someone whom you can share the same feelings with.

A man had a choice to be loved and be loved. To choose a person whom you can rely on even when the world was against to both of you.

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In the movie love, so divine they portray that love can change a person’s point of view. George is man who dedicated his life to be a priest not until when he met Bon-hee an American-Korean girl who follows her boyfriend in Korea but later on dumped her. George and Bon hee got to know each other very well, when father Nam told him that bon hee must agree to be baptized. George is uncomfortable around women so he felt awkwardness every time Bon-he was with him.

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While Bon-hee grows out to be childish and selfish, being together didn’t end up well. They’re destined to meet each other though they are two different people with different out looks in life; it God’s plan for them.

Love cannot actually change people but rather making them a better person for someone whom they chose to surrender their whole life and spend the rest of it. When George and Bon-hee finally became friends, Bon-hee agreed to be baptized so that George will now become a priest. George wanted Bon Hee to become happy before he leave, so he decided to buy her shoes, but he saw Bon-hee talking to her ex and heard that he wanted her back. He felt really sad and for the first time he tried to drink alcohol. He realized that he is falling in love slowly with this girl but still chose to his career. He also consider that letting go means a lot if it makes other people happier since the confrontation with the ex had been set. He already knew that this ex of the girl wanted to take her to America for good. Love is not all about happiness but also accompanies aching and tearing apart of your whole character as a person. With this, he convinced himself to leave behind his feelings and his calling as a priest is a commitment. He prayed deeply to God for his forgiveness and induce himself that priest is forbidden to fall in love even marry.

As the time comes when Bon Hee faced him about his feelings with her but he denied it. It was in the ceremony of becoming a priest when he made up mind and questioned himself if he is worthy enough to be a priest because he loved a girl knowing that it is a sin. He then asked his friend, and answered him that love can never be a sinned, god is proud of you more than anyone in this world. As he heard his friend’s encouragement, he made a concrete decision- to prefer to his feelings and by choice not to pretend anymore that he still wanted to continue his devotion. He started to cry and didn’t answer when he was asked by the priest if God really called him to become a priest. He and Bon Hee found themselves in the church and he pointed out that being a priest doesn’t suit him.

Believing in God for whatever we desire and trusting Him with all our hearts matters most. We can do everything with his guidance and being honest with our acts and emotions can set us free. We are not living to please and to live with the principles of other people. Life is too short to waste. We must make the most of it as the day ends we will never regret no matter what decisions we’ve made. Love with all your heart. Never let someone pass in your life without telling that they are important to us. Love is selfless. We should never ask for return and never expect too much. Keep on praying because God never fails to listen and he always forgives us with all our sins.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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A Man’s Free Will in The Movie Love, So Divine. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-man-s-free-will-in-the-movie-love-so-divine-essay

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