The Divine Plan: From Creation to Motherhood

When God set the world in place and hung the stars up in space, He made the land and the sea, and then He made you and me. He sat back and saw that all was good and that things were as they should be. Then he decided that he needed to create an angel in disguise, and He named her Mother. But why did He do this? He knew that she would be there to teach and guide me, to see through my smile and know when I am hurting.

She would do just about anything to see me happy, standing quietly by my side, giving me the strength I need, and encouraging me to succeed.

She is someone I can lean on in times of trouble, and her fervent prayers have kept me safe from harm and sickness. She steers me away from wrong and leads me towards what is right. She has instilled in me the values of family life and taught me to be a caring person.

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She taught me not to judge anyone because of their race or religion and to always be polite. My angel on earth was sent from above, and God does not pay her in wages but with eternal love.

She has been my confidante, my rock, my protector. And when God says her job is through, I know I won't forget her. She does not need a halo or silken wings of grace, for the glory of God's love shines upon her face.

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She is God's gift to me and cannot be replaced by anyone else. She always called me her little angel, but I call her my guardian angel for making me what I am. In conclusion, I end my talk about my mother, my angel, with a quotation from Abraham Lincoln, who said, "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."

Updated: Mar 30, 2023
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The Divine Plan: From Creation to Motherhood essay
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