A Critical Examination of Neal Shusterman's "Unwind"


Neal Shusterman's novel "Unwind" delves into the controversial concept of unwinding and its profound implications for the value of life. One of the most compelling aspects of the book is the exploration of the idea of "Unwinding" through the character of Cyrus, also known as CyFi. CyFi's experiences shed light on the intricate consequences of receiving body parts from unwinds, raising important questions about the ethical and moral dimensions of this practice.

CyFi's Unwinding Experience

CyFi serves as a pivotal character in "Unwind," not only for his personal journey but also for the impact he has on the development of other characters, particularly Lev.

CyFi's troubles begin after undergoing brain surgery, where he receives a right temporal lobe from an unwind named Tyler. This decision to incorporate body parts from unwinds into recipients triggers a cascade of challenges, ultimately leading to a fluctuation in CyFi's behavior.

CyFi and Lev's alliance is instrumental in the narrative, as it catalyzes Lev's growth as a character.

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Lev acquires invaluable survival skills from CyFi during their shared experiences, skills that prove essential for his continued journey. Most significantly, after parting ways with CyFi, Lev undergoes a transformation in his perspective on being a tithe, a person designated for unwinding. CyFi's influence plays a crucial role in this transformation, as Lev begins to question the moral and ethical dimensions of the unwinding process.

CyFi's temporary presence in the novel serves as a powerful testament to the devastating consequences of unwinding, particularly when children between the ages of thirteen and eighteen are subjected to this practice.

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The very premise of unwinding rests on the belief that children with unresolved issues or problems become candidates for this gruesome fate. As a result, those in need of body parts, especially those related to emotions and the brain, may inherit the psychological and emotional complications of the donors. In CyFi's case, this notion holds true.

The Burden of Donated Brain Parts

CyFi's ordeal paints a vivid picture of the challenges that recipients face when they inherit body parts from unwinds. His brain surgery involves receiving a complete brain part, a rarity in the world of unwinding. While the intention may have been to provide him with a seamless transition, it ultimately unleashes a series of unforeseen consequences.

The most evident manifestation of CyFi's struggles is the invasion of his consciousness by Tyler's personality and habits. Tyler had a compulsive urge to steal shiny objects, a habit that CyFi finds himself unable to resist. This internal conflict becomes a source of inner turmoil for CyFi, as he grapples with the compulsion to steal, a behavior he never exhibited before the surgery.

CyFi's helplessness in the face of Tyler's overpowering influence becomes glaringly apparent in several instances. He describes moments when he is compelled to act according to Tyler's desires, even when those actions are contrary to his own nature. For instance, the impulse to steal shiny items becomes uncontrollable, and CyFi acknowledges that he lacks agency over these urges.

Another compelling example of CyFi's internal struggle is his sudden desire to pet a dog, despite not being a "dog person." He recognizes that this inexplicable urge is a manifestation of Tyler's presence within him, a clear indication that his sense of self is being eroded by the donor's characteristics. These experiences serve as a stark reminder of the profound influence that unwound donors can exert on their recipients.

CyFi's situation reaches a critical juncture when Lev confronts him about the theft of a gold Christmas ornament. CyFi vehemently denies the theft, attributing it to Tyler's actions. This incident underscores the extent to which CyFi's autonomy has been compromised, as he struggles to distinguish between his own impulses and those imposed by Tyler's lingering presence.

CyFi's revelation that he only received an eighth of Tyler's cerebral cortex, making up one-eighth of his brain, further emphasizes the profound impact that even a fraction of an unwind's brain can have on a recipient. Despite being predominantly himself, CyFi experiences significant alterations in his personality and behavior due to the transplanted brain part. This transformation highlights the potential dangers of receiving complete brain parts and raises questions about the ethics of such procedures.

Lev's Transformation and Ethical Dilemmas

The relationship between CyFi and Lev is not merely a narrative device but a vehicle for character development and ethical reflection. CyFi imparts essential survival skills to Lev, encouraging him to think critically and strategize for his survival. This mentorship relationship catalyzes Lev's growth, transforming him from a compliant tithe into a more assertive and ethical individual.

Perhaps most significantly, CyFi's presence prompts Lev to confront his own beliefs and question the morality of being a tithe. Lev's initial blind obedience to his parents' decision to tithe him begins to waver as he grapples with the realization that his parents prioritize their faith over their love for him. This newfound awareness fuels Lev's determination to find a purpose beyond becoming an unwound.

Lev's journey reflects the larger ethical dilemmas surrounding unwinding. CyFi's struggles and the transformation of Lev's character underscore the inherent injustices and ethical ambiguities of a society that sanctions unwinding as a solution to unresolved problems. The novel invites readers to critically examine the moral implications of unwinding, especially when it involves children who have been subjected to this fate against their will.

CyFi's Advocacy Against Unwinding

CyFi's role in "Unwind" extends beyond his personal struggles and impact on Lev; it serves as a compelling argument against the practice of unwinding. While CyFi may not explicitly campaign against unwinding within the novel's narrative, his experiences and the challenges he faces speak volumes about the detrimental effects of the procedure.

CyFi's decision to embark on a mission to apologize to Tyler's parents for the thefts he committed serves as a poignant reflection of the guilt and burden that recipients of unwound body parts may carry. This personal quest highlights the human toll of unwinding, both on the unwinds themselves and on those who receive their body parts.

CyFi's public disclosure of his struggles and the impact of receiving a complete brain part is a powerful testament to the need for greater awareness and ethical considerations regarding unwinding. By sharing his story, CyFi indirectly advocates for more stringent regulations and ethical safeguards to protect individuals who undergo organ transplantation, especially when it involves brain parts.

Furthermore, CyFi's compassionate and helpful nature, as evidenced by his mentorship of Lev, suggests a desire to prevent others from experiencing the challenges he faced. His guidance and wisdom contribute to Lev's development into a more conscientious and ethically aware individual. CyFi's role as a mentor underscores the importance of fostering empathy and compassion within society, particularly when it comes to issues as complex and morally fraught as unwinding.


Overall, Neal Shusterman's "Unwind" offers a thought-provoking exploration of the practice of unwinding and its multifaceted consequences. Through the character of CyFi, the novel delves into the ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding the transplantation of unwound body parts. CyFi's struggles and his impact on Lev's transformation serve as a compelling argument against the practice of unwinding, especially when it involves children. The narrative invites readers to critically reflect on the value of life and the ethical considerations inherent in organ transplantation, ultimately challenging societal norms and values.

Written by Emily Wilson
Updated: Oct 11, 2024
Keep in mind: this is only a sample!
Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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A Critical Examination of Neal Shusterman's "Unwind". (2022, Nov 06). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-debate-on-the-value-of-life-in-unwind-by-neal-shusterman-essay

A Critical Examination of Neal Shusterman's "Unwind" essay
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