Why Less homework is better?

Categories: Homework

Simply The Right Amount Of Research

Did you ever believe that the pressure from too much homework can cause illness such as stress and anxiety, and uneasy sleeping? Or that homework fuels the unfaithful epidemic? Well it does. Research was originally implied to be an evaluation of what was learned earlier that day in class. But, now at days trainees are getting back with a growing number of unnecessary hectic work. Some of the downsides of too much homework is that it ruins household life and social structure, due to the fact that it keeps the child in their space for hours working.

Also, the tension of too much after school work can really take a toll on student's mental health. Nonetheless, homework can be helpful. It teaches needed life lessons such as obligation and time management.

For these factors, I strongly think that if trainees are given a suitable quantity of useful work to take home, research can be very advantageous.

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Now at days, students are provided an unbounded supply of after school work. Alice, a sixteen years of age student from Washington D.C. says that she often has about 4 hours of research each night(Jesella). Contributed to the around 7 hours of school, she invests 12 hours a day working. In contrast, the typical adult works approximately 8 hours a day. How are we students supposed to enjoy our youth if we invest more time working than our parents? Likewise, painful amounts of research can take a gigantic toll on a student's health.

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The weight of a high schooler's bookbag can sustain their pain in the back for several years. In addition, the mental stress can leave a student sleep deprived and grouchy. (No wonder why the majority of us teenagers are so cranky the majority of the time!) The stress of homework can even be the reason of why students begin cheating. According to a 2005 research study of 1800 students carried out by Donald McCabe of Rutgers University, more than 60 percent of trainees confessed to have actually dedicated some sort of plagiarism(McAdams).

The mental stress caused by an overly unnecessary amount of homework has lead to students to believe there is no other choice than taking the easy way and cheating, thus, making them worse students. Just let that sink in. On the other hand, homework CAN be a useful tool if students are given an appropriate amount. If taken seriously by the student it teaches them important life long tools such as responsibility and time management. Also, by being able to review the work done earlier in the day, it helps settle the information into a student’s long term memory(Heyman). Such assessments are particularly useful for those students who do not take time out of their day to crack open a book and study. By reinforcing homework that is checked the next day, teachers are assured that the more lethargic students are not falling behind.

I think that as a nation, we should work together to bring back the highlights of homework. Teachers should have monthly meetings to plan out the dates of tests and quizzes. Also, teachers should really double think to guarantee the work they are giving their students is actually beneficial, and not just busy work. We students should make more study groups, so we can bring out the joy of learning. If we all work together, we can make the concept of homework an amazingly beneficial thing

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Why Less homework is better?. (2016, Apr 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-less-homework-is-better-essay

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