Global Development Disparities: Politics and Human Resources


Each country aspires to be among the most developed globally, creating a competitive environment where nations like China, Japan, and Korea lead in Asia, while European countries, including England and the United States, dominate headlines as the world's most developed. However, some South-East Asian countries, excluding Singapore and Malaysia, face challenges in development, exemplified by Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. The disparity in development is commonly believed to stem from geographical features and political tendencies. Personally, I contend that the root causes of uneven development can be traced to three primary factors.

Political Situation

The political landscape stands out as a pivotal factor influencing disparate development among nations.

Political stability attracts foreign investment, a cornerstone for economic prosperity. Nations that achieve political stability gain the trust of investors and become attractive to multinational companies. For instance, China's open-free-market policy has propelled it to become the world's foremost economic power, securing a spot in the G-20. Conversely, political instability, including factors like war, corruption, and poor governance, can deter investment.

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Nigeria serves as an example, grappling with corruption and political turmoil, hindering its overall development. Political unrest poses a high risk for business failure, prompting both local and foreign investors to seek more stable environments, draining resources from less stable countries and impeding their development.

Productivity and Trade

The productivity of a nation plays a pivotal role in its development trajectory. Higher productivity not only meets local demands but also caters to international markets, fostering increased export rates. This, in turn, boosts the country's profits and enhances its overall economic well-being.

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China exemplifies this principle, with approximately eighty percent of its income coming from exports. This substantial income has been instrumental in fueling the country's infrastructural, technological, and medical advancements. Conversely, a nation that relies heavily on imports without a commensurate level of exports faces challenges in generating enough revenue for development. Cambodia, for instance, imports around 80% of its goods from neighboring countries, primarily Thailand and Vietnam, while its export rate hovers below 15%, resulting in insufficient funds for development.

Human Resources

Human resources are a fundamental catalyst for development. A well-equipped workforce, comprising skilled individuals such as engineers and medical experts, propels a country to the pinnacle of development. Singapore, despite its small size, stands as a testament to the transformative power of abundant human resources. Ranked among the top five countries globally by the UNDP, Singapore's rapid advancement is attributed to its robust human capital. The adage "the smaller, the better" finds validation here, emphasizing the critical role of human resources in steering a nation toward development.


While some argue that uneven development results from geographical constraints, examples like Singapore and even China challenge this deterministic view. Singapore, despite its limited geographical expanse, has achieved substantial development, proving that size is not a hindrance. Similarly, China's successful development challenges the notion that a country's political tendency, in this case, communism, inherently impedes progress. These examples underscore that factors such as political stability, productivity, and human resources outweigh geographical limitations.


In conclusion, every country's development hinges on three critical factors: political stability, productivity, and human resources. Disparities in development among nations can be addressed by improving political stability, enhancing productivity, and nurturing human resources. As nations navigate these challenges, a concerted effort toward political resilience, increased productivity, and the cultivation of human capital can pave the way for more equitable and sustainable global development.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Global Development Disparities: Politics and Human Resources essay
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