Gender and Class Disparities in "The Men We Carry in Our Minds"

Categories: Mind

Scott Russell Sanders delves into the intricate relationship between sex and social class in his essay, "The Men We Carry in Our Minds". Through personal anecdotes and reflections, Sanders offers a unique perspective on the disparities that exist in society. His central thesis revolves around the portrayal of men who have been marginalized and the misconceptions surrounding their lives compared to those of women.

Initially, Sanders paints a vivid picture of his childhood experiences growing up in a working-class environment. He contrasts the perceived ease of women's lives, centered around domestic responsibilities, with the arduous and physically demanding labor that men were expected to perform to provide for their families.

Sanders vividly describes the toll this work took on men's bodies, with hands bearing the physical scars of their toil.

As Sanders transitions to his college years, he highlights the stark differences between the rich and the poor, as well as the contrasting experiences of men and women.

Attending college on a scholarship exposes Sanders to a world dominated by the wealthy, where assumptions and stereotypes about his gender are prevalent.

The women he encounters at college, accustomed to privilege and luxury, project their own perceptions onto Sanders, unaware of the struggles he faced in his upbringing.

These women, influenced by their own upbringing, assume that all men enjoy a life of comfort and ease, shielded from financial worries and societal challenges.

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In contrast, Sanders reflects on the reality faced by men in his social class, who grapple with financial instability and limited opportunities for advancement.

The divide between the privileged men of the upper class and the working-class men like Sanders becomes glaringly apparent, underscoring the pervasive influence of social class on one's life experiences.

Through his interactions with these women, Sanders gains insight into the power dynamics that shape society.

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He observes how men from affluent backgrounds wield influence and control, their voices amplified in decision-making processes and societal structures. This realization serves as a catalyst for Sanders to reflect on the enduring impact of gender and social class divisions, recognizing the enduring nature of these disparities in shaping individuals' life trajectories.

Sanders' poignant narrative sheds light on the complexities of gender and class dynamics, offering a nuanced perspective on the challenges faced by men in society. His essay serves as a poignant reminder of the need to acknowledge and address the inequalities that persist in our social fabric, urging readers to critically examine the assumptions and biases that underpin our understanding of gender and class.

Citation: Sanders, Scott Russell. “The Men We Carry in Our Minds.” Essay Writing for Canadian Students with Readings. 7th ed. Eds. Kay L. Stewart, Roger Davis, Chris J. Bullock, and Laura K. Davis. Toronto ON: Pearson, 2013. 292-296


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Gender and Class Disparities in "The Men We Carry in Our Minds". (2016, May 18). Retrieved from

Gender and Class Disparities in "The Men We Carry in Our Minds" essay
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