What do you think when someone says changes in society?

Categories: Weather And Climate

What do you think when someone says, "changes in society"? Your smartphone, car, or the medical field? What about other things such as the population growth, and how it affects us. How about climate change, and how we can prevent it from getting worse. The concept of change is when things are transformed and made radically different. Society should think about more things changing such as population growth, climate change, internet, and technology, so we know how it will affect our lives.

Population growth has affected society in several ways, but many of these things we do not notice because they are normal in todays world.

The population grows by about seventy-four million each year. The United Nations have predicated our world population to be around nine billion by the year 2050. It took until 1804 for population to reach one billion. It grew slowly because of diseases, climate, and social factors. The improvements of nutrition, medicine, and technology has helped our population grow.

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Our society today has consumed more resources in the past fifty years then humanity before us.

One of the main topics with population growth is how it is affecting our environment. Consumption of food, land, water, fossil fuels, minerals, and air are some things in the environment affected. With a growing population means a higher need for food and living space. Those two things mean there is a higher demand for land or space for people to live and grow food to feed everyone. With the growing population there is a higher production of waste.

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This production of waste affects our water and air. Toxic materials get into the water, and when it gets into the air which releases greenhouse gases.

Changes in society have also made changes in our climate. Climate change is a very serious topic right now. When you think of climate change you think of how it is affecting our ecosystem, but it is also affecting many other things. Climate change is affecting our health, agriculture, food security, and water supply. When there is extreme weather that is devastating it affects our health in many ways. Extreme weather can damage the areas where we live, our food and water supply, and can make the area more vulnerable for diseases.

Extreme weather is very damaging to our ecosystem. Most of society have experienced it such as the rise in temperatures; with these rises some places have suffered from droughts which affects the water supply for that area. Droughts have also affected farmers and the food supply. Increasing temperatures can also result in more wildfires and longer fire seasons. Raise in temperature also means melting ice caps raising the sea levels; therefore, affecting coastline areas. There has been a raise in coastal storms in the past few years this is causing flooding in those areas. Heat, raising sea levels, and heavy rain fall is affecting our forms of transportation such as roads, rail lines, and airports.

The economy has been affected by climate change. There is an increasing demand in energy which can mean higher electric bills. One good thing from climate change is longer growing seasons for farmer if there is not a drought in that area. Longer ice-free season which is good for shipping products to colder regions. There are some things society can do to help climate change. Using solar power products, reducing water waste, eat the food you buy, eating less meat, and using fuel-efficient cars or riding a bicycle. The main way to help stop climate change now is not going to be the people, but large corporations making changes.

Internet and technology have changed society in many ways that many of us don't even notice because they are normal in todays society. The transformation of knowledge has changed dramatically, from going to the library and finding the book you need for an answer to just being typed into your phone and having the answer in less than a minute. Paying bills, shopping, and transferring money have changed with the advances of the internet. You can do these things in seconds right at your fingertips with the invention of smartphones. Smartphones have changed much of society's lives. You have pretty much every type of technology in one device that fits in your pocket.

Advancements of internet also brings social media; therefore, brings up the topic of pros and cons of social media. Many of the pros are faster source of information, catching and prosecuting criminals, and easier for student to get information for school. Social media is one of the fastest ways today to receive news. The con of this is the information we see on social media isn't always correct. Social media helping catch criminals? Yes, with the advancements of social media police can use it to help solve cases and even cold cases. The growth of at home DNA testing is growing because of advertisement on social media. Police can access the database of these at home test kits. When the police have a DNA sample, they put it into the database of these DNA companies and can find the criminal or someone they are related to. The police can prosecute their criminals through this information. The con of this is people believe this is a lack of privacy and can expose users to the government and corporations. Having a smartphone in your pocket can make schoolwork easier for student, but this also means social media is right in their fingertips. Many kids are falling behind in school because of heavy social media use.

Changes in society happen every day without even going noticed. There are many things changing in the world that aren't positively affecting us that society could change. There are also many things that are positively affecting us, but we need to learn how to use these them and adapt to these changes. It's important to know these changes and how they will affect your life.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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What do you think when someone says changes in society?. (2019, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-do-you-think-when-someone-says-changes-in-society-example-essay

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