Verbal Abuse of Children

A child’s brain is as fragile as glass. It quickly catches stains; it immediately breaks and once gotten a crack can never be repaired again. A child’s mind once damaged always has the lasting effects. The blemish and trauma remains for a much longer period. It just not affects the early childhood of a young life but also leaves an unforgettable memory which tends to remain for the rest of their lives. It reshapes their entire way of living and in a very unpleasant manner.

Sadly verbal abuse is common regardless borders, culture, race and ethnicity.

Worse it is actually being done by the care-takers and protectors of the family – parents and elders. These are the people children turn to, if they hinder in the protection then who will these naive souls reach out to save themselves? A small but imperative question people don’t think about. Parents become oblivious to children’s safety and leave marks that last forever.

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Elders take their frustration out on the children without giving a second thought how that will they react to it. It later on becomes a continuous cycle. These children end up growing and taking character of their parents. This cycle goes on for eternity.

For generations and generations people adapt the same life style and the torture goes on. A study was carried out inviting more than 500 young adults to see the exposure to physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse and domestic violence. They were also reviewed and evaluated for symptoms of dissociation, anger hostility, nervousness and depression.

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The research studied relations and links between verbal abuse during childhood and current edginess and aggression; also between other types of mistreatment and current physiological problems; and comparison of verbal abuse with other childhood abuse.

The study concluded that outcome of verbal abuse has high associations with current depression and anger behavior. These abuses may weaken physiological mayhem greater than caused by physical abuse (Arehart, Jaon-Treichel, July 2006). Another study carried out in Florida State University stated that children who were verbal abused in their childhood turn out to be self critical adults and are inclined towards hopelessness and fretfulness (FSU, n. d. ). This study affirmed that verbally abused children had 1.

6 times as many symptoms of depression, anxiety and mood swings compared with children who had a decent youth. Over a time period children tend to believe every negative word they were being told. These negative statements later on become explanation in case anything goes wrong. This pattern is later on carried by these children in their future lives. Verbal abuse can take many forms. It varies from shouting to yelling, calling children by many different names, degrading sexist words and comments against them, telling them they are good for nothing and also verbally threatening them.

These children usually face these tortures when they go out of their little way to protect violence being committed against their family members like mother or siblings. They price that they pay for standing up for family is very high. Effects of Verbal Abuse Emotional Effects of Verbal Abuse Children, who suffered the misery of verbal abuse, constantly have a fear established in their persona. They have great difficulty in facing general problems like anger and sadness. They feel guilty and helpless in their daily chores. They are incapable to act themselves.

They become in different to other people’s feelings and emotions. They also lose hold of their own feelings and feel insecure about leaving people behind. Physical Effects of Verbal Abuse Victims of verbal abuse often undergo physical problems like stomach ache, headaches, ulcer, diarrhea and bed wetting. They have a great a stress level. Their pace of development is very slow. They are shy and have speech disorder. Social Effects of Verbal Abuse They make themselves isolated with the society. They become slow in responding to any query.

They are unable to concentrate at school and face great academic problems. They spend their lives with low self esteem. They also fail to trust their own parents and other adults. They hardly mingle around with friends as they cannot be vocal about their family trouble (Womanabuseprevention, n. d). Long Term Effects of Verbal Abuse Long term effects of verbal abuse include apprehension, dejection and disconnectedness with one’s self and others. This means that feelings of apprehension and dejection become a part of everyday life and may keep these individuals from performing their best.

Performance in the simplest everyday tasks might be hindered because of recurring feelings of depression. Children who are being brought up where they are victims of verbal abuse usual grow up to be more at risk of adapting habits like alcoholism, intake of drugs, criminal records, mental problem, poverty and short temper. Children when see one of their parents being verbally abused by the other has a physiological effect on their minds. It serves as indirect abuse on them (compassionpower, n. d. ). Children who have suffered abuse tend to have low self esteem and low self confidence.

They will not be sure of themselves and will be unable to stand up for themselves. They may also constantly feel that they are not worthy of things. They will also develop feelings of guilt and helplessness. Furthermore, they will fee like they do not deserve to be happy or successful and this will in turn have a negative affect on their quality of life. It is the responsibility of a parent to have a happy marital life. Any problem between them should strictly stay between them. It should not be discussed in front of the kids. Parents should avoid fighting in front of the children.

They should not abuse or yell at each other. Parents, most of the times take out their rage, anger and annoyance on their children without realizing its consequence on their young mind. They forget how a young brain captures disparagements and criticisms and how the outcomes last forever. Children should look at their parents and learn how to be happy and take care of people around them. They should also learn how to handle a difficult situation without fretting. Parents should involve more and more of their children’s participation in their daily activities.

It increases a strong bond between them. Parents should be a part of their children’s happiness and learn to value every moment they spend together. Instead of finding reasons to yell and shout at your children, parents should dig out reasons to give them happiness and a normal living. If a child makes a mistake, he should not be abused or screamed at. He should be given proper counseling for him to avoid any future mistake. It is commonly observed that children with step parents usually go through the ordeal of verbal abusing.

They feel neglected by their real parents and start living an abnormal life. Degrading your child with low word sabotage their self respect and also makes them feel worthless. They lose interest in all sorts of activities. They feel an emotional pain through out their lives. They can’t seem to have a normal relationship in their entire life with anyone. Children who’ve been through the pain of revolting words can only understand and feel the pain of it. Even after understanding their own talents they are unable to face the challenges in life (Theparentszone, n.

d. ). Conclusion Children who have experienced verbal abuse may also go on to develop poor relationships. They may not be able to develop long lasting relationships. And in many cases it might be very difficult for them to trust people and they may feel insecure in their relationships. For some of these reasons they may feel the need to confide in a total stranger than someone they have known for longer periods of time. Children’s stable future lies in the hand of parents. They should always encourage children to build their confidence.

They should pay extra attention while conversing with anyone as long as their children are in their sight. Kid should feel comfortable enough to speak to their parent about any trouble causing them. They should learn responsibility, respect of all age, relationship skills and parameters and ways to express emotions and sentiments.


Arehart, Jaon-Treichel (2006). Parents' Verbal Abuse Leaves Long-Term Legacy. Volume 41, Number 13, page 28 Retrieved on January 25, 2009 http://pn. psychiatryonline. org/cgi/content/full/41/13/28Compassionpower. (Internet) Effects on Children. Accessed on January 25, 2009 http://compassionpower. com/emotional%20abuse%20effects%20on%20children. php FSU. (Internet). Invisible scars: Verbal abuse triggers adult anxiety, depression. Accessed on January 25, 2009 http://www. fsu. edu/news/2006/05/22/invisible. scars/ Theparentszone. (Internet). What Are The Effects Of Verbal Abuse On Children? Accessed on January 26, 2009

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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