Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Ethics Statement

As an assignment in my Specialist Communications class we were asked to make an Ethics Declaration concerning "Verbal and Nonverbal Interaction." I believe that individuals without understanding it can communicating something even if they didn't intend to do it. It's the manner in which the motions of our body are able to tell the genuine story, even if what we're stating with words is entirely different. Many people who make the effort to study your personality enough have the ability to gather more details about you than if they simply listened to you.

I know I need to be careful that I'm not meaning something but say another. What individuals hear and what is in fact stated is often extremely different. If we're not mindful we can all have dishonest behavior that demeans others. For example, if you speak in a buying from singing tone, if you shriek at the less effective, or if you touch people wrongly, you are engaging in dishonest nonverbal interaction.

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If you respond to others' communication in a way that misrepresents how you actually feel, you are being unethical. If you laugh at a racist joke even though you dislike it, your behavior is unethical both because it derogates others, and because it misrepresents your true reaction to the joke. Nonverbal behaviors reflect your real attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Without being aware of it we could be using our nonverbal behavior to intimidate, coerce, or even silence someone. Always try to remember that you are just as responsible for your nonverbal communication as you are for your verbal communication.

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I think if you do this you will make better and more ethical choices.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Ethics Statement. (2016, Mar 08). Retrieved from

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Ethics Statement essay
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