Training Evaluation

The findings of this study revealed that majority (75%) of respondents believed that training evaluation contributed to enhancing employee performance. Equally, (91%) of respondents noted that evaluations enhance employees' skills that need to be emphasized in training programs, and thus, enhance resultant employee performance from trainings. These findings are in line with Ozcelik and Ferman (2010) who argues that training evaluation does helps organizations design effective training and development programs that are effective for the current and future workforce. Further, they noted that training evaluation is important to employee performance in that evaluation findings go towards enhancing training goals and content, thus enhancing desired training output.

This argument was also placed by Meyrowitz et al., (2012) who argued that competency based model are used to measure effectiveness of trainings particularly the content of the training. Thus, an organization can use the content of a competency based model to determine whether employee competencies being measured are relevant, significant, and addressing organizational need for performance.

This means that training evaluations are important and inherent part of employee performance that cannot be ignored by organizations.

The findings of this study revealed that (100%) of respondents were of the view that training evaluation is used to check employees' behavior which is not only essential for training effectiveness, but also employee performance.

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Kamotho (2012) argued that competencies are behaviors that encompass the skills and knowledge attributes required to successfully perform a given function. Therefore, evaluation of training means that an organization will undoubtedly evaluate employees' behaviors, and how they influence performance. Some organizations use knowledge and skills, habits, social roles and even self-image as necessary requirements for competency based performance.

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Therefore, when such organizations develop an evaluation framework, they are basically looking for these traits. Similarly, Elkin (2009) contended that despite efforts by organizations to assess competencies associated with employee personal characteristics, motivation and traits, such competencies cannot be directly measured using behavioral terms. Thus, they argue that assessment of such employee competencies are not objective but rather based on faultly intepretable assumptions about the behaviors observed. Therefore,to effectively measure and quantify employees competencies, or training evaluation, measurements that meet professional standards are needed.


Training and Development and Employee Performance

This study has established a statistically significant relationship between training and development and employee performance. The study concludes that all components of training and development including coaching and mentoring, job rotations and transfers, conference training, and professional courses significantly influenced employee performance. Training programs are essential in ensuring that employees are adequately equiped to deal with their work responsibilities ands as such, imporve employee performance. Job rotation and job transfers equally enhance employee performance since they enable ebloyees to learn new ideas and ways of doing work form their usual rotation.

Employee perceptions Influence on Training Programs

This study sought to determine whether employee perceptions have influence on training programs. The study revealed relationship between employee perceptions and employee performance. This study concludes that all components employee perceptions including perception on promotions, perceptions on work responsibility, skills and knowledge, were statistically significant. Employee perceptions does influence employee performance in that positive perceptions on training programs enhances the acceptability of the program, and by extension employee performance. Thus, promotions also form positive and negative perceptions. When training programs lead to employees' new knowledge and skills, and results in promotions, then employees have a positive perception of the training programs. However, if the perception concerning promotion, and work responsibilities are negative, then the training programs will become ineffective.

Training Evaluation Influence on Employee Performance

This study sought to determine whether training evaluations do influence employee performance. The relationship between training evaluation and employee performance were statistically significant. The study concludes that competency evaluation, evaluation of training model, and skills and knowledge evaluation were all statistically significant to enhancing employee performance. Thus, training evaluations model is important in determining the extent to which a training evaluation will be effective. Evaluation model determines the parameters that would be used in determining which components of the training are effective and which components need to be reviewed. Equally, skills and knowledge evaluation contribute to employee performance only to the extent that the results will positively impact employee's motivation to enhance their performance.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Training Evaluation. (2019, Nov 25). Retrieved from

Training Evaluation essay
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