Three Weeks On A Deserted Island

Categories: DesertFoodWater

For how many years has man asked the question, "what three items would you bring with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?" Well today that question will be answered. In the following essay it will be proven that an axe, a deep metal skillet, and very large spool of thick rope, would be the three items, which would help someone best survive for three weeks on a deserted island. This will be proven through careful analysis of the uses of these items.

Now the first item chosen was an axe.

The reasons that the axe was chosen as one of the three items are numerous in amount. The first reason, is that something sharp would be needed in order to survive, to kill animals to eat etc. and an axe is much more versatile than a knife. An axe could be used to cut down trees and chop them up to make firewood. This would be very useful for survival because in order to survive you need warmth all the time.

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It is one of the most important necessities of all. Without warmth death by hypothermia could result. The fire could also be used to cook food such as a wild hog or bird, or any other animal living on the island, and it could be used to purify water by boiling it, both of which are necessities as well. That wood cut down with the axe could also be used to make a shelter a numerous amount of trees could be cut down and used to make a lean to, or other type of shelter to protect from adverse weather conditions, obviously the shelter couldn't be built with just wood so that large spool of thick rope would come in handy there as well.

The axe could also be used to hunt; the axe could be thrown at the pig or other animal to immobilize it or possibly kill it.

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Once the pig or other animals is dead, it could be bound with rope then chopped up as well with the axe. It could be chopped up so that it cooked over the fire and then eaten. The axe could also be used to cut up lengths of rope in order to bind together pieces of wood for a shelter. Obviously a shelter would be something that would be needed to survive as well, especially if it started to storm, or if a hurricane moved in. The lengths of rope could also be used to make a hammock, or some kind of thing to lie down in; or maybe even a swinging rope to hang from a tree. That swinging rope could be used for entertainment for the three weeks on the island. Also the wood cut down could be used to make a different weapon.

A spear could be made with the axe, or even a multiple number of spears. These spears could be used in order to catch a pig, or to go spear fishing with to catch some nice tilapia, or other sea fish. Obviously this would be of use because food is one of the essential necessities of survival. It is without question that without food death by starvation would be the result. So that spear could come to very good use. If absolutely necessary the spear could be used to catch a bird to eat. Another thing that could be made using the axe would be a bow and arrow.

The wood from a tree could be used to make a bow with enough give to fire an arrow, and then the thick rope could be frayed down, and used as the wire on the bow. Then a series of arrows could be made with the wood cut down as well and they could be whittled into points at the end. This would be of good use for another weapon to kill animals with for food. It has been shown for all the above reasons that therefore an axe would be a good item to bring to a deserted island if it was needed to survive there.

The second item chosen was a deep metal skillet. There are many reasons surrounding the choosing of this item. The first and most important of which is that it would be much more versatile than a simple pot, as it could be used as a frying pan, or a pot if necessary. The skillet could be used to boil water, which is a major necessity of survival. Obviously the water would be boiled over the fire made by the wood and rope rubbing together. The skillet could also be used to collect water if necessary it could be left out in the rain and then have water collected and then boiled, in order to promote purification. As previously stated the purification of this water is absolutely necessary for human survival. Now there is more than one way that the water could be purified, but this is the simplest way to do it with the least amount of materials. Now another thing that the skillet could be used for would be as a weapon, to possibly immobilize a pig or other creature.

The skillet could be taken in one hand, and then the motion of beating the pig over the head could be used repeatedly, until the pig was either dead or unconscious. Then if the pig was not dead the beating motion could be continued with this or other weapons until it is sure that he is dead. A good sign to make sure he's dead is when there is no heart beat, as well as severe infractions or fissures in his head. Then all that would be left would be to cut the pigs head off and roast it over the fire like the beast it is. The skillet could also be used in assistance of building a shelter. The skillet could be used as a weight. The rope could be tied to the handle securely, then the skillet could be thrust upward over a tree branch in order to secure the shelter to a tree, which would make it much more secure in the event of adverse weather conditions. Also if necessary, the entire shelter could be built in the tree. In that case the skillet could be used again to thrust into the tree with the rope, but it could be used this time in order to climb up and then build from there using the rope and other logs cut down with the axe.

Another use for the skillet would be to fry up fish caught with a spear or other weapon. The fish could be de-boned, and then fried up until its nice and brown and tasty. The fish would make a good source of protein, which would be essential for maintaining the muscle on the human body. This would be very important as the person subjected to being on this deserted island would need to perform gruelling tasks, which would require strength to do, especially since this person is alone, and has nobody else to help out with heavy lifting which would be needed to build a shelter. Another use for the skillet would be to make soup, pork soup or fish soup or something to that effect, using some chopped up pieces of pork, or fish, or even bird along with any type of vegetation, and water a soup could be made. This would be favourable as soup may be an easier way to get the food down, as surely without spices the food wouldn't taste very good at all; and obviously eating is important, it is necessary for survival, so if one wanted to survive for the three weeks, it may be wise to eat soup, as at least with salt water it would have some taste.

The soup could also be made really thick like a stew, so that there is less salt water going into the body. This would more than likely be favourable, as drinking salt water creates thirst. One more use for this skillet would be to hit things with in order to take out frustrations. It would be very clear that being on a deserted island alone without much hope of being found would be very frustrating. So the skillet would serve as a good tool to take out frustrations. The person in question could take the skillet in one hand or two hands and begin to repeatedly beat or lash the dead pig, which has just been subdued, or a tree.

The person could even go into the water and begin beating the water with the skillet until their frustrations are gone for that period in time. It is clearly quite important not to let the anxiety and frustration build up inside, as the person in question may have a heart attack or stroke, due to the stress, and have nobody to revive them. This would undoubtedly result in death, which wouldn't be favourable as the goal is to survive for three weeks on the island. Another reason this method would be favourable, would be that the person in question would have nothing to do all day, so this would be a favourable practice for entertainment. It has now become evident for the above reasons that a skillet would be a wise choice to bring to a deserted island.

The third and final item chosen was a large spool of thick rope. There are numerous motives surrounding this decision. The first of which is that if absolutely necessary, and the person in question felt they could not survive, the rope could be used to hang oneself, ultimately resulting in death which may look better to that person in question than attempting to survive the remaining amount of the three weeks. Another use would be to make a swing or something to that effect for entertainment on the island. The person in question could tie lengths of rope to a tree branch and tie the lengths of rope, which would be tied a little broader than shoulder length apart, to a log or plank to be used as a seat. This would be a good thing to do as if there is nothing for entertainment, the person in question may risk going insane. Another use for the rope would be one of the most important ones, and that's to start a fire. A length of rope could be tied to a small bow, which could then be used in conjunction with a series of small twigs and sticks to make a fire.

The fire without question would be created by the large amount of friction created. Another use for it would be while building a shelter. The rope would be an essential part needed for that, especially if adverse weather conditions came into play. The shelter could be tied up to a tree or possible even in the upper branches of the tree. Either way, the person in question could use lashing techniques to form a small stable shelter, which could easily last two weeks. The shelter could be made from logs, and or any other materials found on the island. Another use for the rope would be to climb with the rope could be tied to oneself, and then the person in question could scale the mountaintops of a hill safely if necessary. The rope could just be tied to the body of the person in question, and while scaling the mountain they could tie the rope to small branches or brush sticking out of the side of the mountain. This way preventing any injury, or possible death that could result from slipping, and falling.

Obviously that would be of quite integral importance, as if the person was injured they may have a much harder time surviving on the island. This would be especially true if the person in question was killed in the fall. Another reason that the large spool of thick rope would be good would be to catch a pig. All the person in question would have to do would be to lasso the pig, and then jump on him. It could then be tied with all four feet tied together, and the pig could then be killed using a large stick, rock or axe if available.

Then the pig could be cooked over the fire, either in the skillet or possibly on a spit. Which could also be made using the rope and some tree branches. The branches could be tied together using the rope, and then it could be situated over top of the fire, with the pig on it. Obviously both of these reasons would be important, as food is an essential necessity for survival on the island. For the above reasons it has become evident that a large spool of thick rope would be a wise choice of an item to bring to a deserted island if it would be necessary to survive for three weeks.

If stuck on a deserted island for three weeks, survival would be the first and most important thing to think about. The three items, which were chosen for the purpose of survival for a period of three weeks on this island, were an axe, a deep metal skillet, and a large spool of thick rope. Through analysis of all their uses, it has been proven that these would be the best three items to bring on an island in order to provide the best chance of survival for the three-week period.

Stranded - Original writing

The holiday had finally begun. As I climbed aboard the jumbo I looked forward to arriving in Florida but the thought of the 8 hour journey was not a good one. I'm afraid of flying and rarely do fly but I was so stressed at work I felt I deserved a relaxing break.

We had been in the air for about 5 hours when the turbulence started the pilot's voice rang out from the speakers above as the TV screens folded away into the space above. I felt slightly worried.

Suddenly we hit further turbulence the plane seemed to drop dramatically. We emerged from the sky like a bullet out of a gun; I saw a small island nearing in the distance. BANG! A piece of luggage fell from the above compartments and hit an elderly lady. Panic surged through me and my vision went blurred I suddenly found myself being sick. The pilots voice screamed through the speakers but was drowned out by the sound of petrified screams.

The last thing I saw was the tops of trees bright green trees we were heading straight for them... then I passed out...

OW! My head was pounding like crazy, there was blood

Over my jeans a sense of confusion overwhelmed me. I was sick once again. I undone my tangled seatbelt and clambered up, the smell of smoke filled my nostrils I coughed and then drew back when I saw the huge flames they screamed at me to go away. I turned around and clambered over bodies and luggage until I found the door it was broken already so I climbed through the small gap. One part of me felt like going back to look for survivors I poked my head through the gap...however, death was all around and nothing but silence could be heard throughout the pit of hell.

There was trees everywhere the only clearing was where the remains of the jumbo jet lied. The clearing jumped out from the rest of the island. I took a few steps into the wilderness and dropped to my knees and began to sob. I started to feel dizzy so I lied down... my vision began to fade I vaguely saw several figures emerging from the wreck and then darkness.....

I awoke to a bright sky... sun shining but it was lightly raining. The remains of a fire smouldered a few metres from me the smell of the salty sea overwhelmed me and I felt slightly sick. The sea glistened in the morning sun burning my eyes as I stared wearily around.

Suddenly I was distracted by 3 people. I immediately realised that the three dirty-faced people were the people from the wreckage the night before. I was scared about what news they were going to tell me.

They explained to me that I and them was the only survivors left from the crash. A strange sense of luck and guilt surged through me.

Longingly we chatted for hours about what we had experienced and what we were going to do, they said that they had found minimal rations and a survival kit. I guess this was going to be my dreaded life for a while........ As the dark powerful sky overwhelmed the warmth of the sun, I felt my eyes weaken and suddenly I was asleep.....

I have learnt many life skills why I have been here. A few days ago I harpooned a fish the bright red blood spilled out within the crystal clear water and a few moments later the blood seemed like it bad never been there.

I don't believe 2 weeks have passed already. The routine sound of the angrily crashing waves woke me every morning and I fell asleep to the relaxing sound of the crickets. One of the 3 who saved me has gone missing the others have built a raft and are setting sail tomorrow. I am making the decision to stay and look for him. Who knows what the dark future holds for me...

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Three Weeks On A Deserted Island essay
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