Computers for Engaging in Ethical Acts or Supporting Ethics

Computers can be used for many unethical purposes such as spying on others or stealing people's identities. This paper will highlight some of the ways that computers can help people engage themselves in ethical acts or support ethics.

One way that computers help support ethics are programs that monitor how people use their computers while they are at work. I do not view this as an invasion of privacy because when you are at work and getting paid to work then you are promising your best work to your employer in exchange for money.

If you are not using your time to help better the company or do something that your employer has tasked you with then you are essentially getting paid to do things that you should be doing on your own personal time. A program that monitors an employee's computer usage is making sure that the employee is ethically using their computer and not using it for personal goals.

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Social media in the workplace has become a growing problem in the corporate world. The problem is that some employees spend too much time on social media and neglect their duties to the company. When employees waste too much time on social media they are wasting company time. They are using the hours that they promised to devote to their job for their own personal entertainment. However some jobs require employees to use social media to help benefit the company and in that case it is fine for employees to be on social media unless it is strictly for personal use.

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Social media can also prove dangerous for a company's image if something hurtful or prejudice is said on social media. In order to make sure the company is maintaining a good public image it might be necessary for companies to monitor their employee's personal social media pages. I know that I have heard stories from people I know who have had to fire their employees because of things they have posted on social media.

Between correct usage of social media and ethical use of an employee's time at work computers can be used for very ethical things. The proper use of a computer at work so an employee does not interfere with their duties is very important, and if used properly computers can help companies almost infinitely. However most of the time employees do not always use their computers in an ethical manner and this can cause a loss in company money. Ethical use of computers is integral in the functioning of a corporation that uses technology.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Computers for Engaging in Ethical Acts or Supporting Ethics essay
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