The Role of the Chief Elder in Governing the Community in "The Giver".

Categories: Chief Elder

In Lois Lowry's dystopian novel "The Giver," the Chief Elder is a central figure responsible for overseeing the governance of the community. As a symbol of authority and control, the Chief Elder plays a crucial role in maintaining the structured and regulated society depicted in the story.

The Chief Elder's primary function is to preside over important community events, particularly the annual Ceremony of Twelve. During this event, the Chief Elder assigns roles to each Twelve, determining their lifelong paths within the community.

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This ritual reinforces the idea of predetermined roles and stifles individual choice, contributing to the society's strict conformity. The Chief Elder's authority in this process highlights the extent to which the community's destiny is controlled and guided by a centralized figure.

Furthermore, the Chief Elder embodies the community's value of sameness and the suppression of individuality. The use of a single, gender-neutral name for the Chief Elder underscores the society's efforts to minimize distinctions among individuals. This choice serves as a representation of the community's desire to eliminate uniqueness and enforce uniformity.

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The Chief Elder is also responsible for keeping the community's history and memories. Through the Receiver of Memory, a pivotal role within the community, the Chief Elder maintains knowledge of the past and transmits essential information to ensure that history remains controlled and sanitized. This power over information reinforces the community's control over its citizens' understanding of the world, further illustrating the Chief Elder's role in shaping the narrative of their existence.

Additionally, the Chief Elder symbolizes the power dynamics at play within the community. While appearing to be a figure of wisdom and guidance, the Chief Elder's authority is often unquestioned. The community members look up to the Chief Elder as a symbol of order and stability. This power dynamic reinforces the submission of citizens to a single authority, diminishing the possibility of dissent or rebellion.

The Chief Elder's role becomes particularly significant when Jonas, the novel's protagonist, begins to challenge the community's values and seeks to learn the truth about their society. The Chief Elder's interactions with Jonas and the Receiver of Memory reveal the extent to which the leadership controls information, selectively sharing details to maintain the status quo and discourage questioning.

In conclusion, the Chief Elder in "The Giver" embodies the central authority responsible for governing the community's tightly controlled and regulated society. Through the annual ceremonies, preservation of history, and manipulation of information, the Chief Elder ensures that citizens conform to predetermined roles and live within strict boundaries. The Chief Elder symbolizes the suppression of individuality, the enforcement of sameness, and the preservation of a controlled narrative. As a powerful representation of the community's governance, the Chief Elder's role underscores the novel's exploration of the dangers of unchecked authority and the importance of questioning the status quo.

Updated: Aug 25, 2023
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The Role of the Chief Elder in Governing the Community in "The Giver".. (2023, Aug 25). Retrieved from

The Role of the Chief Elder in Governing the Community in "The Giver". essay
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