The Relevance of the Army Combat Fitness

Categories: Army

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is an innovative approach that will replace the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) in order to provide more comprehensive and accurate results. The ACFT aims to assess a wider range of fitness components that are crucial for training and combat readiness. This combat fitness test has been developed through extensive research conducted by army experts who have identified the most reliable indicators of successful performance in army-related tasks. The implementation of the new Army Combat Fitness Test is scheduled for October 2020, and it is expected to be a superior method for predicting a soldier's preparedness to face the challenges of the modern battlefield.

The ACFT framework is based on meticulous scientific research and has undergone multiple revisions to ensure its effectiveness. It is designed to be executed in three phases, with the Initial Operating Capability (IOC) as the first phase. Among the six events included in the ACFT, soldiers are challenged to perform a 3-repetition maximum deadlift using a hex bar.

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The ACFT, as described by Poser, Trautman, Dicks, Christensen, Lyman, & Hackney (2019), assesses various fitness aspects such as muscular strength, endurance, power, agility, anaerobic capacity, and aerobic endurance (p. 409).

The six events of the ACFT are conducted in a specific sequence and include the three-repetition maximum deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, leg tuck, and 2-mile run (Bigelman, East, Thomas, Turner, & Hertling, 2019, p. 1772). These standards have been developed to be applicable to all soldiers, irrespective of their age or gender.

The ACFT does not allow for any exceptions or alternative tests in its sequence, and the current guidelines state that the test should be completed in 70 minutes or less for two platoons of soldiers with 16 lanes, as mentioned in the U.

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S. Army ACFT field testing manual (2018). During the initial IOC-Field Testing phase, soldiers are tested in groups of two and four, following specific protocols.

For the ACFT to be considered a valid test, all six events must be completed successfully. Prior to the first test event, soldiers are required to engage in the FM 7-22 Preparation Drill and a warm-up exercise involving a 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift. Poser et al. (2019) recommend specific training exercises, such as squat variations, lunge variations, and explosive lower body exercises like power jumps or tuck jumps, to prepare military personnel for the deadlift (p. 409). The MDL test event is followed by the master continuous clock, ensuring that each event is completed with minimal rest and within the designated 70-minute timeframe. In cases where retesting is required, it can be administered and scored on an individual basis.

While the inclusion of the isometric deadlift protocol in the ACFT is based on its association with simulating casualty evacuation, its maximum isometric intensity offers advantages in terms of field-testing mobility, secure storage, and minimal time requirements. In comparison to the previous APFT, which proved inadequate in assessing crucial combat tasks, the ACFT has been specifically designed to evaluate a soldier's ability to lift and carry heavy loads, sprint, and endure sustained foot marches

Updated: Jun 30, 2023
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The Relevance of the Army Combat Fitness essay
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