The Purpose of Education - Build the Foundation of Our Future

Children need to be challenged to think critically, build character, and be a productive member of society Children learn best when they have clear expectations, cooperative learning experiences, family involvement, hands-on experiences, and are provided with a safe classroom environment. The curriculum of any classroom should include certain “basics” that contribute to students overall development. What teachers teach in school should go beyond the classroom. The official curriculum consisting of mathematics, reading, writing, science, social studies and the hidden curriculum consisting of the schools social and cultural values and expectations.

My philosophy of education is influenced by philosophers such as Lev Vygotsky and Howard Gardner.

Children learn best in an environment that promotes them to be their best selves and grow as an individual. A successful classroom values students differences and promotes growth for both students and teachers. Valuing diversity will boost students self-esteem and teaches students to be respectful to everyone. To promote diversity in the classroom, one should use a variety of teaching strategies and assessments and actively promote multiculturalism in lessons.

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Teachers must scaffold new content and be learning must be student-centered. Having a student-centered classroom allows students to collaborate with their peers and the teacher playing the role of a facilitator. I was influenced to by Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget whose theory that children actively construct their knowledge through their interactions, life experiences, and hands-on activities. In my lessons, students will think critically through problem solving veruses being lectured and given facts.

Differentiation of classroom instruction and assessments will also be implemented.

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The different strengths, weaknesses, needs, and abilities of students will be taken into consideration when creating lesson plans. Howard Gardner and his theory of Multiple Intelligences influences me to not ignore different types of intelligences my students will have. Everyone has different strengths and different learning styles (intelligences). The nine intelligences include: naturalist, musical, logical, existential, interpersonal, kinesthetic, linguistic, intra-personal, and spatial. Before teaching a lesson, students prior knowledge will be assessed through and will be done through activities such as graphic organizers, pre-tests, or a KWL chart. Students will be given choices on how or what they want to learn about and present their learning through different assigments such as drawings, technology, songs, acting, and more.

The basic needs for students include but are not limited to the following: security, support, consistency, education, and having a role model. To meet the needs of my students I will create a peaceful, clean, and organized learning environment. Students will be taught respect is an ongoing cycle. The teacher will respect the students, and the students will respect the teacher and one another. Educational equity will be in place, meaning each student will be given the same access to opportunities but not always the same tools and support. There will be clear schedules, routines, and procedures in place. Students accomplishments and life events will be celebrated and I will serve as an example for students to imitate.

There are qualities that successful teachers share. Teachers must value differences and maintain a professional and friendly manner. Communication is key as well as the ability to adapt to many situations. It is also the teachers responsibility to collaborate with coworkers, families, and the community. Another major responsibility a teacher has to his or her students is to attend professional development trainings to enhance teaching skills. Lastly and most importantly, the passion for knowledge and teaching. As an educator, I pledge to be patient and always do what I can to see every student succeed. I promise to always motivate and encourage my students and never give up.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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