The Problems of the Modern Day Marriage and Divorce

To say that in modern America marriage is not possible is simply not true. However, I think that people should think more about it before they decide to take such a step in their lives. Many people think that getting married is very simple, and I believe that is absolutely true. I believe that people should take a test to obtain a marriage license, that way you won't have any hesitation before you just jump into it. The more hoops you have to jump though, the less desire you have to get hitched until you are sure.

People have to prove that they love someone unconditionally and that they are ready to do whatever it takes to make that person happy, no matter if it gets better or worse.

Most people see this as a way to show someone how they feel about them, but they are not really willing to do what it takes to make the marriage work. They do not see things as a team effort, but merely as 2 separate people trying to make it in one household.

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Some people just like the idea of being married and when they actually get to the point of being married, they really wish they would have thought about it more. Although most people do not realize what it takes to make a marriage work, it really is entirely possible to make one work. The couple just has to be willing to do these things.

People need to take the time before getting married and explain to each other, what is expected and how they are going to deal with things.

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People get married now and end up fighting about all kinds of things that should have been resolved before they got into the marriage in the first place. Like how the children will be raised, disciplined, or even if they want children. How someone decides to handle this could make the other person mad, and this is just one of the things you need to get out of the way before you jump into a marriage. Many people do not look into the future of their marriage, just what it will do for them now. If people would find these things out first the divorce rate would not be nearly as high, and people would not wonder if modern marriage was possible.

To sum it up marriage is completely possible if the people are willing to do what it takes to have a successful marriage. The couple has to show how they feel in other ways then just words; they talk to the other person and let them know what is expected out of the marriage. People have to make a marriage work by working for it; it is not just something that is going to be great all the time.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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The Problems of the Modern Day Marriage and Divorce essay
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