The Power of Prayer

Leaves of yellow, red, and orange that covered the ground on a warm fall afternoon. Through the sky flew a blue Frisbee with a man striding quickly behind it determined to snatch the flying disk out of the air. Screeching in the background someone yelled, Stop, Johnny! Johnny looked back to see who yelled his name. Out of the corner of his eyes two bright lights cut through the fog. Bam! Johnny was smacked by a black sports car that sped off without stopping.

No! Steve screamed, as he ran to help his best friend. He collapsed near the injured body, Johnny, can you hear me? Steve yelled in hysteria. Johnny lay motionless in a crumpled disfigured ball. He was barely breathing. Steves mother, Katherine, was picking apples on the other end of the house when she heard the commotion. She hurried to the scene and saw her son with a panicked, bright red face peering over his best friends bloody, irresponsive body.

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Katherine then ran inside and called for the paramedics.

Johnny was rushed to the hospital. Steve and his mother sat in the waiting room with its theme of warm calming hues of pink and green. Steve was well aware of that room because of his numerous injuries last year in football, which had ruined his promising junior year as starting linebacker. He was wore grass-stained sweats and a baggy green sweatshirt. Katherine was still sporting her dirty overalls and her blue butterfly sweatshirt. The boy sat with his head buried in his hands looking down at the ground.

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His mom squeezed her hips into the chair next to him. She then perched over her child placing her tender hand on his back for support. The kid gasped for air as he squeezed out, This is all my fault. I should have never thrown the Frisbee so far.

Steves mom took one look into her sons teary eyes and began to wipe away the tears like she had done when he was younger. She then began to speak, her voice choked up with emotion, Honey, take a deep breath. God has Johnny in his hands.

Steve cried out with great anguish Mom, my friend is dying. Why is this happening? Katherine inhaled deeply and explained, Johnny is being watched over. I cant tell you why bad things happen to good people, only God knows. You just need to trust in Gods sovereignty; He will take care of this.

Steve rose to his feet and walked to the bathroom. The young man began to think about the treasured memories he and his best friend had shared. Steve thought about all the times they had played in his backyard for hours, pretending to be their favorite football players. Johnny would always be Walter Patton. Steve remembered when his best friend had saved his life. He had nearly fallen off a balcony and Johnny caught him. He thought about how Johnny continued to support him, which is why Steve never hesitated to lend a hand for his good buddy. He was willing to do anything that he believed would encourage Johnny through this dreadful time.

Steve returned to his seat as the nurse came out to talk to them. She nurse sat down and looked Steve in his big brown eyes, then explained, Your friend is in critical condition, he does not look good, but please hang in there. He needs the love and support. I have seen amazing things happen. Johnnys best friend just stared into nothing, dazed and doubtful.

Steve whispered to his mom with the little energy he had left, What does she mean, the amazing things she has seen happen? She is just trying to make me feel better.

Katherine gave her son a big empathetic hug, reminiscent of old times when he was little and fell off his bike. She answered, Well, I think that the nurse was talking about the miracles that happen everyday when people have faith and pray. Jesus once said, as it states in the book of Matthew, I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to this Fig Tree, but also you can say to this mountain, Go throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Steve rolled his eyes and gave his mom the glare of a four year old told to finish his broccoli. Steve regained his composure and exclaimed, Mom, I dont see how you can tell me that having faith in something I cant even see will save my friend. I have prayed many times and nothing happened. Why would God listen to me now?

Katherine maintained her loving motherly instincts as she smiled, replying with a calm yet firm sympathetic tone, Steve if you dont want to believe, then that is your choice, but right now God is all Johnny has. I know God is real and that prayer works. Why do you need to have complete scientific proof to believe in something? One writer, Jeanie Davis, brought up a good point stating how Keppler was accused of being insane when he said tides were due to the tug of lunar gravity, even Galileo considered it to be ravings of a lunatic, until Marconi proved the theory. If proof is what you need to believe, there is plenty of it out there. But what you need is faith.

Steve became less tense but was further perplexed. He shook his head of thick black hair in confusion, like he would in football if he didnt comprehend the play. He gave a sigh of frustration, I think I know what you are saying but I need proof. I have never found concrete evidence to prove your point. I want to believe you Mom, because I dont know what else will work, and I really want to help Johnny

The mother smiled, Well did you know that when a blind woman had faith and touched Jesus she was healed? There are hundreds of studies today that prove prayer works. In one recent study, women at an in vitro fertilization clinic had higher pregnancy rates when complete strangers were praying for them. Another study finds that people undergoing risky cardiovascular surgery have fewer complications when they are made the focus of prayer groups.

This information instigated a revelation for Steve. His eyes opened wide with faith and understanding, everything his mom was saying suddenly made sense. The teenager remembered he was there for Johnny and realized he had to swallow his pride and admit to himself that his mom was correct. Steve explained, Mom I am now starting to become aware of how I must pray for Johnny, for God to work fully in his life. Steve and his mom shed tears as they both prayed with intensity and faith, waiting for the next update.

A few minutes after they began to pray, the nurse swung open the double doors, her face was filled with apprehension. She sat them down and tenderly spoke, I am sorry, but Johnny has passed away. The nurse left, allowing the news to sink in and the mourning process to begin.

Steve was dumbfounded. He stood up slowly, and then somberly gazed into the corner with his arms crossed over his chest. He quietly sobbed in a moment to mourn Johnnys death. Katherine moved close to him as she gently pulled his chin towards her to look at him; surprisingly Steves eyes appeared soft and tranquil and he had a peaceful smile. The mother explained, Darling I know this does not make sense to you, but God has answered our prayers. God is omnipotent; he knows what is best for everyone. He listened to our prayers and he took Johnny to heaven because that was his will. In the book of John it shows how God answers our prayers only according to his will when Jesus clearly states, Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. Son, Johnnys passing was a part of Gods will. Its going to be ok, you dont have to understand right now.

Steve sat loosely in the chair and looked at his mom with tears streaming down his cheek, and said, Mom, I do understand, thank you for being here for me. You brought a new light in to my life. I know God heard me and answered my prayers according to His will. When I was praying I felt God flow through me like warm water. I heard God talk to me for the first time in my life. He is real and He will do amazing things in my life. I have faith. I trust in God, confident he is holding Johnny in his arms right now.

Updated: Dec 14, 2021
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The Power of Prayer. (2021, Dec 14). Retrieved from

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