The National Literacy Mission Programme

Categories: EducationLiteracy

The National Literacy Objective Program is an Indian programme which intends to make 80 million grownups in the age group of 15 - 35 literate over an eighty year period. By "Literacy", the NLM means not only discovering how to read, write and count but also assisting individuals become mindful of why they are denied and helping them move towards modification. National Literacy Mission (NLM) was established by the government of India on 5 Might 1988 with a goal to eradicate illiteracy in the nation by imparting practical literacy to non-literates.

Hence, National Literacy Mission was developed not only to make everyone just self reliant in the three Rs-- reading, writing and math-- however also to make them knowledgeable about the development problems affecting the society.

The target group of NLM is people between the age of 15 and 35. National Literate Mission works under the assistance of National Literacy Objective Authority, an independent wing of Ministry of Human Resources and Advancement. The National Literacy Objective has 2 flagship programs- Total literacy programmes and Post literacy Programme through which it provides shape to its objectives.

But with the revitalization of National Literacy Mission Program on 30 September 1999, both the projects have actually come under one single job: 'Literacy Campaigns an Operation Restoration'.

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The NLM started its very first effective literacy campaign in Kottayam city of Kerala followed by Ernakulam district of the exact same state. Till November 2002, 596 districts out of the overall 600 districts of the country had actually been concealed by the National Literacy Objective under the overall literacy project program.

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Out of which, 191 remained in the post literacy stage and 238 in the continuing education stage.

The initiation of total literacy campaigns by the National Literacy Mission has achieved due recognitions also. The UN agency-UNESCO in year 1999 conferred upon it UNESCO Noma Literacy Prize. It also received appreciation of the jury for the teaching learning material produced by it and for the voice raised by it to make quality primary education in schools. In achieving its objective of 100 percent literacy, the National Literacy Mission takes the help of various NGOs existing across the country. For taking active promotional role in the literacy movement, NGOs are provided financial assistance.

The National Literacy Mission also empowers women of the country by including them into their total literacy campaigns. If one goes by the 2001 census, then it will become clear that percentage of female literacy in the country is 54. 16. The literacy campaigns undertaken by NLM not only guides females on how to read and write but also make them aware of the various social issues in the society. Through education earned in campaigns by NLM, females find themselves tremendously confident. They run their family in a better way and have a greater say in the family matters.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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The National Literacy Mission Programme. (2016, Oct 13). Retrieved from

The National Literacy Mission Programme essay
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