The Metamorphosis Through Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism

Categories: Marxism

Franz Kafka is one of the leading writers of modern world literature. He was not known at the time he lived. Thanks to his best friend Max Brod, he is known as a world famous writer. He was born on July 3, 1883 in Prague. He is the first child of a Jewish family and has 6 siblings. But the two brothers died at a very young age. Other brothers also lost their lives in the Holocaust. He has had a difficult and painful life.

therefore, in 1923, he decided to leave his family. So, he moved to Berlin, which is a more comfortable place to write. Here she met Dora, the love of her life. He had tuberculosis in 1917. After the disease, both his condition and his health have deteriorated. In 1924, he lost his life. Franz Kafka, who lost his life at a young age, expresses his life as a war. Thanks to his work, information about his life has been obtained. Franz Kafka creates the heroes of his work very successful.

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He has explained people's feelings and concerns very well. We see life in his works. Therefore, their characters are often in despair. his most popular book is Metamorphosis. Written in 1915, this book reveals his relationship with his father. In this article, Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis will be discussed through Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism. First, I will analyze the book called The Metamorphosis. Then, I will analyze the book through the theories of Marxism, Psychoanalysis and Feminism.

The book titled The Metamorphosis reveals the changing society after the 20th century.

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it shows the loneliness of the individual and the process of alienation to society after the industrial revolution. Franz Kafka, a writer who has never smiled, tells about his life in this book. the most important point is that his relationship with his father has been clearly explained. At the same time, the book deals with feelings of loneliness, helplessness and exclusion. The hero of the book is Gregor Samsa. The book begins with Gregor Samsa's transformation into a insect in the morning. His life changes after this incident. After this event, both the person and the people around him vary. Gregor Samsa lives with his family and has a job. He feeds the house and his family with the money he earns. However, he is not a valuable and effective person in his family or at work. Gregor Samsa works, but he does not know what he is doing. After his change, he clearly sees the attitudes of the people around him. his transformation first sees the father with his boss. His father put her back in his room while his boss ran away. He witnessed that every human being changed around him. her relationship with her father worsens. His father no longer wants him. That is why, he didn't have a job from his hand. So they want to throw him away. Since he cannot do a job, his family gives up on him. Gregor Samsa's eating habits also change. Instead formerly favorite things he like to eat stinky bad things. At first, his sister Grete helps him. She brings food to his brother, takes care of him. such that, grete even cleans his brother's room. But later on, Grete's attitudes change because, she thinks his brother can't heal. After that, she finds a job and quits his brother. She also begins to think that he should be expelled from the house. this tragic event ends with the death of Gregor Samsa. He is injured when his father throws apples at Samsa. Thus, his family is very happy and they go out for the first time. and they continue their daily lives. As it can be seen that the important thing in modern societies is money. social relations are connected with the economic situation. The heroes of the story are the members of the modern society. for this reason, the book deals with the change of social relations and the problem of existence.

First, The Metamorphosis will be examined according to Marxist theory. Marxist theory is concerned with economic theory. according to this theory, the interests of the ruling class are important. Also, they believe that society is divided into two. these; substructure and superstructure. The interests of the upper class are in the foreground. they claim that art is part of the superstructure. Therefore, they argue that the ideology of the period and the interests of the ruling class should be reflected. Therefore, they give importance to the work of art. The Metamorphosis book will be criticized in the light of this information. Firstly, the transformation of Gregor Samsa to the insect is important. Because, this change is also the change of the family at the same time. His parents want to throw his children away. It's because he doesn't work. According to Marxist theory, it shows that this family is capitalist. This is because, Marxist theory gives importance to the economy and the work of the lower class. Secondly, the transformation of samsa into the insect is important. Hence, this suggests that it is worthless. Therefore, Gregor Samsa is constantly working. He has to do this to care for his family and himself. He has to work for his family and earn money. Therefore, he is committed to his family. It is imperative to work for capitalist society. Non-workers are unnecessary. Moreover, it is seen that there is alienation within the family. while his father represents authority, his mother and sister cannot react. There is no love, support or interest among family members.

Secondly, The Metamorphosis will be criticized according to psychoanalysis theory. This theory includes criticism of the writer's life. It reflects the artist's psychology, personality and consciousness. Childhood is the most important period. Firstly, in the light of this information, it is seen that Fanz Kafka had a bad childhood. He disagreed with his father and he hates him. In the book, he has no communication with his father. The reason is that he portrays himself as a insect is worthless. It is an important point because, he is worthless in his father's eyes. In his works he shows himself as nothing. Secondly, he thinks how to get to work even though he has become an insect. This indicates the situation in which it resides. Although his parents do not like him, he has a sense of duty. Kafka is both alone and excluded. Furthermore, Samsa doesn't mean anything to her family. When Samsa dies, the maid takes care of him and throws him away. His family won't care about Samsa's death. As it can be seen that the reason why he is an unhappy writer is his childhood. His books end up unhappy because of his grief for his father.

Thirdly, The Metamorphosis will be evaluated according to feminism. It examines the position of woman in literary texts. Women's appearance in the events in the text is based on. In general, men are dominant characters in the text of male writers. böylece, kadınlar ikinci plandadır. In the light of this information,Gregor Samsa’s mother and sister in The Metamorphosis will be evaluated. When we look at Kafka's personal life, we see that he does not receive any special attention from her mother. He had no good communication with his mother as did his father. In the book, his mother lose consciousness when she sees the change of the child. She doesn't help him. Secondly, Grete at first helps his brother. he helps him, collects his room and cooks. but he believes that he cannot recover later. She believes that he cannot bring home any money and cannot fulfill his dreams. So, she finds a job and quits interested in his brother. As it can be seen that the appearance of women in the text is small.

As it is understood, these theories are interrelated. There are many reasons for social change. For economic reasons, the alienation of the person is shown. The heroes in the book represent the modern society. Gregor Samsa was treated as a lonely and desperate hero in industrial society. even if he turned to insect, he has done his best to go to work. Because it is important to work in modern society. The individual's functions indicate his/her value. Therefore, the value of man is related to his work. The value of an asset is situated on the second plan. therefore Gregor is both an employee in the capitalist system and the guardian of his parents and brother. As he becomes unable to work, the value is decreased. Moreover, his relationship with his father had deteriorated. It appears that money is at the forefront in both family and modern society.

To sum up, in this essay, I compared three theories with the book of The Metamorphosis. I showed the common points of theories. The text carries many criticisms within it. It has been tried to show that the change of human value is at the same time with the change of the system. Therefore, the system was criticized. Feelings of loneliness, helplessness and exclusion were written. Franz Kafka described the emotions with his excellent descriptions and classifications. the book is important in terms of telling the life of Franz Kafka. Moreover, it reveals Kafka's feelings, experiences and emotions. And thus, it clearly demonstrates the process of alienation. The important point is the alienation of the individual both to himself and to the system. As a result, The Metaphormosis, a book full of observations, shows the mechanization of man. Thus, it is a novel that explains that lack of communication is a problem.

Updated: Feb 13, 2024
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