The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat

Categories: PsychologyWife

The book entitled “The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat” of Dr. Oliver Sacks describes various case histories of patients who have neurological disorders, patients who have lost their memories, people who have brain damages and weren't able to recognize scheme of things and common objects, people who are afflicted with intellectual aberrations, sand those who once felt hopeless and felt that their existence is meaningless but somehow cope with it through strong faith and love from the people around them.

The title basically comes from the first case history about a music professor whose brain stem is not functioning at all and thought that his wife's head was his hat.

In the end of every case history, we would see the great role of Dr. Sacks in helping these patients cope with all the hardships that they are experiencing and thus, they are hopeful and feel that they are valued. Sacks, Oliver. The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat.

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Jan 1987 II Why I picked this book?

I picked this book because I want to share to other people the importance of strengthening one's faith, coping with restlessness and hopelessness and appreciating our working brains. I also want them to realize how fortunate we are that we haven't experienced these neurological disorders and it allows us to adventure into an unknown world. This book opens the realm of life and death, a life struggling against incredibly adversity, and that will enhance our awareness on what it must to live and feel as these patients do.

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III. What makes this book appropriate for this assignment?

I strongly commend this book being an appropriate tool in accomplishing this assignment because it just doesn't consist of medical and neurological terms which are related to this subject but it has a lesson and realization in each case history. Furthermore, it specifically discuss specifics of how people cope with these diseases which are significant in our existence. Lastly, it depicts the lives of hopeless patients who are then hopeful in the end through Dr. Sacks' concern of helping them which is basically important in accomplishing our mission whatever it may be.

IV. How could this book used in HPRS class? Through this book, we can raise fundamental questions about the nature of reality, thus, enhancing our awareness about this medical/health issue. In addition to this, it can be very helpful in dealing with health problems in our future discussions and relate this topic to come up with a good idea or answers to our hesitations about case histories that we may encounter. We can also used this book in providing solutions to some issues being raised in this class or in the society in general related to the world of neurology. V.

What information did you learn and how can you apply this in your field of interest? The most relevant information I have learned in this book is how to cope with life's difficulties and challenges. Having a brain damage or disorder can be very devastating and I learned in this book how to handle this kind of situation which may be very difficult. I can apply this in my field of interest in many ways such as overcoming some struggles or hindrances that I may encounter in pursuing my goals being a professional in whatever field I may choose to devote my time, talents and treasure.

VI. Recommendation I strongly recommend this book because it teaches us about overcoming adversity. Handling situations which are a matter of life and death seem to be the hardest part but this book strongly teaches us how to overcome this which involves the virtues of faith and hope. This book also shows a deep concern and passion about helping other people which is priceless as what Dr. Sacks did in each case that he resolved.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat essay
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