The Development Of Filipino Ideals

Our ideals as social beings are shaped in the context of our environment. First, we emerge to be the persons that we are through our relationships with our families, friends and neighbors; our associates in school or in the workplace, the people in authority: teachers, superiors and leaders in the different institutions or sectors. Of special influence are the people who have taught us life principles by their nurturing behaviors and good examples. Second, our societal realities determine the extend by which our social development as a people is achieved.

The healthy interplay between the responsiveness of our socio-political structures and leaders, on one hand, and the active and responsible citizenship of the people, and other hand, are essential in ensuring a governance that is maka-tao at maka-Diyos and thus, promotive of social development. Filipino value orientation for success

Filipinos in general, share common values for success. As a people, we promote our cultural heritage. For example, we pass on treasure Filipino proverbs from generation as our guide: precepts to observe or as warning to beware of.

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Consider the following : Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa.

Ang tunay na anyaya, sinasamahan ng hila.
Kapag ang tao’y matipid, maraming maililigpit.
Ano man ang gagawin, makapitong iisipin.
Ang magalang na sagot ay makakapawi ng poot.
Ako ang nagbayo, ako ang nagsaing,
Saka nang maluto’y iba ang kumain.
Kung sino ang masalita
Ay siyang kulang sa gawa.

Successful Filipinos would draw life-enduring principles from those that are expressed in the proverbs stated above and live by them.

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People who succeed actualized their value ideals and manifest these as their distinguishing qualities or traits. They adhere to enduring life principles as standards for life and conduct. They are determined to utilize value ideals as the bases for making choices, preferences and actions. On the other hand, Filipino who are not successful hold on to the same values, but only at the cognitive level. Their choices and actions would not be determined by life principles but most likely by the desire for immediate gratification of needs.

1.What enduring life principles can you draw from the proverbs?

2.What courses of action should we take?


Enduring life principles, the values that have been used as standards for life and conduct have guaranteed success to Filipinos who have adhered to such principles. Such values have served as the bases for making choices, determining preferences and actions. This chapter, which cites the work of Jocano, serves to complement the discussions under Essentials of Work Ethics.


In a study conducted by Jocano (2000), a cluster of the core traits of successful Filipinos in the workplace have been identified. The respondents involved 500 ordinary people who have a track record of superior performance and have succeeded in their fields of endeavor. The core traits of successful Filipinos are clustered as personal, relational and team.

Personal Traits

Personal traits consist of : katimpian (self-discipline), kapunyagian (perseverance), kasipagan (industriousness), katiyagaan (patience), katapatan (commitment) and kagitingin (integrity).

Relational Traits

Relational traits bring about good relations: marunong makisama (able to get get aong with others), marunong makitungo (flexible), marunong makiramay (emphatic), madaling lapitan (approachable), madaling kausapin (easy to talk to), matulungin (helpful, supportive) and masayahin (happy disposition; congenial).

Team Traits

Team traits characterize successful people who are group-oriented workers. They value interdependence more than independence. The traits include: may pag-aalala (concerned), may paggalang (respectful), may pananagutan (accountable), may pagkalinga (caring), may pakikibaka (involved) and may pagmamalasakit (selfless).

Take note that in the abovecited study, the Filipinos who have succeeded and have excelled are not the extraordinary or the gifted few. They are the ordinary persons who have to lived up to enduring life principles. Their transformations are attributed to their cultivation of a good combination of personal, relational and team traits.

Attributes of Filipinos based on
specific character traits


Personal Traits


Katimpian is the ability to control one’s emotions and to restrain one’s self from actions that are wrong or those which can cause distress in others. Such self-restraint results from one’s moral awareness. With katimpian, one achieves a sense of personal honor and dignity, enabling one to pursue what he/she views as the right path to success. The study shows that successful Filipino workers are very keen in imposing self-discipline.


With Kapunyagian, one has the determination to work hard against difficulties in order to attain one’s goals. The term means perseverance. It also means persistence. To persevere or to persist is to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. Many succeed because they work hard, not minding difficulties but enjoying them.


An industrious person works hard with steady effort,manifesting zealousness in accomplishing a task. He/she takes initiative, is creative and innovative. With the end view of attaining one’s dream, he/she works with self-satisfaction, such that he/she goes on and on without feeling tired.


A person with patience sticks to a purpose, manifesting consistency in his or her work, persistently carrying out his/her task demands. With tiyaga, one never gives up, he/she accepts setbacks in the process. The person patiently waits for his/her turn and does not take shortcuts nor manipulate to get what he/she wants. Instead, he/she works with honestly and integrity.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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The Development Of Filipino Ideals. (2016, Oct 27). Retrieved from

The Development Of Filipino Ideals essay
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