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Corporal punishment its using physical force with the intent to cause pain, but not injury. in order to correct behavior, 80% of parent use these form of discipline with their children, without knowing the consequence. According to research corporate punishment is a toxic stressor, chronic used repetitively. Several physical force is also emotionally painful which make parent the source of distress on their child instead of being a source of comfort. Toxic stress alters the brain and structure and function, Children who are spanked are subject to a negative impact on their cognitive development, social learning and physical health.
However even if spanking is permissible in the other hand it is still harmful.” In the strange situation study, the more often mothers spank their child, the higher the cortisol”,. The stress of corporal punishment reduces a child gray matter crucial in social cognition. Base on statistic the recommend spanking to parent 48% religion leaders recommend spanking to parent and 18% of mental health professionals recommend spanking to parent but pediatrician urge parent not to use physical punishment to influence discipline.
Corporate punishment has a negative effect on children as the grow.
Children who experience childhood brutality tend to be violent because violence is the response to form of distress and it also corporate punishment affect the children cognitive development, in terms of evolution of depression, social learning and social interaction. Though corporal punishment is not the highest form of child abuse but over 90% percent of pediatricians agree that physical punishment is bad and it is not a good measure to correct a child.
Even everyday of parent aggressive behavior towards kids do have negative consequences and the accumulate rapidly. The Evidence that kids have been harmed and development potential undermine because of low level of physical violence becomes available at 5 or 6 years of age. Every stage of a child development has a likely hood that the child will be violent its not as if the child behavior has a latency period the truth is that physical abused child will more likely hit their sibling, play mate when the grow the will more likely fight their boyfriend / girlfriend and even their spouse. It is not just anger that produces their violence behavior but its someone else pains that is being deposited in them and make them behave the way the do.
Base on my observation I realized that kids who is raised in a violent home tend to be violent. When the see another kid crying the can run to the crying kid and hit him / her, not with compassion but with violence. Its not anger that produce corporate punishment violence becomes a response to any form of distress. The more kids experience violence the more the comtemplate on committing suicide. The corporate punishment the experience the likelihood the greater likelihood the developing depression as a young kid transitioning to an adult. .Base on my observation on corporate punishment why do kids gets spank because the come home with bad grade. Bad grades is as a result of the spanking. There are a lot of inward torment and trouble that are produce by corporate punishment beyond the act of violent behavior.
Diana Baumrind is commonly known base on her research on parenting styles as she categorized three different form of parenting style. The authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting style. The parenting style influence a child cognitive development base on the parent and child relationship and also the corporal punishment administered to the child. First let look at the different parenting style and their influence to a child cognitive development. Authoritarian parenting style are he extremely demanding and rigid, the expect their orders to be followed. These type of parent in mist cases causes physical punishment to their child when their orders are not followed. However, the tend to raise primitive yet aggressive children. Authoritarian parent traditionally and believe that every situation is either right or wrong, good or bad. Permissive parent unlike their authoritarian counterpart, are very responsive to the need of the children the are not strict of enforce punishment on their children. Children of permissive parent tend to be rebellious and defiant when desire are not granted to them. As the are subjected to know punishment the usually have low persistence to challenging task. Task. Their potential is not always realized as they shy away from difficulty in school or at home. Authoritative is considered the best form of parenting. I t is not too demanding or too conforming. I t strikes a balance between the need of the children and control.
Came up with the three known parenting styles that describe differences in normal parenting behaviors, they include the authoritarian, authoritative and permissive parenting styles. According to Baumrind, authoritarian parents are the kind of parents that try to shape, control, and evaluate their children’s behavior based on the absolute set of standards. While permissive parents are warmer and more autonomy granting than controlling. Lastly, considered an authoritative parenting style to fall between those two extremes. The type of parenting that is more likely to involve corporal punishment is that of authoritarian parenting, it mostly involves spanking rather than relying on positive reinforcement which may result in poor academic skills, low self-esteem in children and delinquency. Permissive parents set very few rules and boundaries and they are reluctant to enforce rules. These parents are warm and indulgent, but they do not like to say no or disappoint their children. The outcome of kids raised with this kind of parenting cannot follow rules, have worse self-control, possess egocentric tendencies, and encounter more problems in relationships and social interactions. While children raised by authoritative parents tend to appear happy and content, they are more independent, achieve higher academic success, develop good self-esteem, interact with peers using competent social skills, have better mental health — less depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, delinquency, alcohol, and drug use, and exhibit less violent tendencies.
The first article used as a source was derived information from is a public health research article, Corporal punishment bans and physical fighting in adolescents written by Frank J Elgar a developmental psychologist with expertise in social inequalities in mental health and wellbeing. The second article was, Is Corporal Punishment an Effective Means of Discipline? By Elizabeth Gershoff a Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. Gershoff is known for her research on the impact of corporal punishment in the home and at school on children and their mental health
In conclusion, I believe corporal punishment which is using physical force with intent to cause pain, but not injury, in order to correct behavior, 80% of parent uses this style of discipline. The primary question that come to mind about corporal punishment what the relationship between the parent and the child being punished. With corporal punishment Parents can become the source of distress instead of comfort. Children who are physically punished are subjected to a negative impact on their cognitive and physical health. The more often a mother spanked their child the higher the stress hormone level to where the stress of corporal punishment reduces a child matter crucial in social cognition and produce opposite effect. Another question that come to mind regarding corporal punishment is why parent punish their kids, religious leaders’ advice that spare the rod and spoil the child. Base on my research, i realize that Corporal punishment is not a way of disciplining or setting children to go on the right path. Not only does it have a negative lasting impact on their lives both psychologically and mentally it also installs fear in them and affects the way they behave socially and how they grow up. Children's cognitive and intellectual development are also negatively affected by parental use of physical punishment. Analysis of several studies found that corporal punishment can ruin the parent-child relationship because it makes children feel rejected by their parents and teaches them to fear and avoid their parents not out of respect but out of fear.
The Debate on Corporal Punishment. (2021, Aug 18). Retrieved from
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