An Exploration of Humanity in Mark Twain's "The Damned Human Race"

Categories: HumanPhilosophy

Mark Twain's essay, "The Damned Human Race," delves into his critical perspective on humanity, drawing comparisons between human actions and those of animals. Twain skillfully employs metaphors to convey his intense emotions and successfully immerses the reader in his profound sentiments. This essay aims to analyze Twain's use of metaphors and his unique writing style, exploring how he paints a grim picture of human nature and society.

Metaphors as Reflections of Human Behavior

Twain utilizes a plethora of metaphors throughout his essay, employing them as a powerful tool to elucidate his belief that mankind has descended into a state of malevolence and callousness.

One striking example is when he contrasts the rooster's harem with human practices, stating, "Roosters keep harems, but it is by consent of their concubines; therefore no wrong is done. Men keep harems but it is by brute force, privileged by atrocious laws which the other sex were allowed no hand in making. In this matter, man occupies a far lower place than the rooster" (Twain, Mark 3).

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This metaphorical comparison serves as a poignant commentary on the degradation of humanity, emphasizing the unequal and oppressive nature of certain societal norms.

Twain's Unconventional Writing Style

Mark Twain, renowned for his fictional narratives, demonstrates a departure from his usual style in "The Damned Human Race." In this essay, he captivates readers with a pathos-driven persuasion, evoking emotional responses to convey his disdain for human behavior. Twain's choice of pathos, characterized by emotional appeal, aims to instill a sense of pity and anger in the audience.

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By doing so, he hopes to inspire a collective call to action, urging society to rectify its malevolent tendencies. While his essays may not adhere to contemporary MLA standards due to the historical context in which they were written, Twain's ability to evoke emotions through his writing remains unparalleled.

Pathos and Empathy: Catalysts for Change

Twain strategically employs empathy in his writing, compelling readers to resonate with his perspectives on the inherent flaws of humanity. By choosing empathy over scientific evidence, Twain articulates his beliefs with a certain crassness and bias. However, his intent is not to present a scientifically substantiated theory but rather to articulate his deep-seated feelings regarding the animalistic nature of man. Twain contends that humans are not only animalistic but, in some aspects, occupy a lower rung on the hierarchical ladder of species. He acknowledges the diversity among animals, some exhibiting virtuous traits while others embody less favorable characteristics.

Conclusion: A Provocative Reflection on Human Nature

In conclusion, Mark Twain's "The Damned Human Race" serves as a provocative exploration of human nature and societal constructs. Through the lens of metaphorical comparisons and a departure from his conventional writing style, Twain invites readers to reflect on the darker aspects of humanity. By utilizing pathos and empathy, he seeks to kindle a collective emotional response, hoping to stimulate societal change. While his beliefs may be crass and biased, Twain's contribution to the discourse on human nature remains significant, challenging readers to question and contemplate the complexities of their own existence.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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An Exploration of Humanity in Mark Twain's "The Damned Human Race". (2016, Oct 03). Retrieved from

An Exploration of Humanity in Mark Twain's "The Damned Human Race" essay
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