The Role of Critical Thinking in Military Decision-Making


The primary mission of the Army is to organize, train, and equip forces for prompt and sustained land combat operations (ADRP 6-0, 1-1). To achieve this mission effectively, the Army employs the concept of unified land operations, which involves seizing, retaining, and exploiting the initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage. This advantage is essential for preventing or deterring conflict, prevailing in war, and creating conditions favorable for conflict resolution (ADP 3-0, p. 9). In the context of decisive actions within a mission command structure, critical thinking plays a vital role.

The Significance of Critical Thinking for Military Commanders

Critical thinking skills have become indispensable for the United States Army as it adapts to new forms of warfare.

In this era, critical thinking is essential to ensure the effective functioning of Army forces and the successful accomplishment of missions within a mission command structure. Commanders and leaders at all levels have incorporated different decision-making practices into their roles.

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This research paper explores the pivotal role of critical thinking in understanding and supporting diverse decision-making approaches within a mission command structure.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical thinking, along with creative thinking, comes into play when commanders and leaders need to comprehend missions and make informed decisions. Critical thinking involves a comprehensive examination of a problem from multiple perspectives (ADRP 6-0, 2-7).

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Critical thinkers assess whether there is sufficient justification to accept a given conclusion as true based on a provided inference or argument. They rely on well-informed judgment to make decisions in response to known facts, observations, experience, oral or written information sources, or arguments (ADRP 6-0, 2-7). Creative thinking, on the other hand, encourages innovative approaches, drawing upon imagination, insight, and novel ideas. Whether faced with familiar or novel problems, creative solutions can be applied to address them effectively.

Utilizing both critical and creative thinking, commanders and leaders gain a deeper understanding of their mission, which, in turn, informs their decision-making process. Decisions are the means through which commanders and leaders translate their objectives into action. To arrive at a decision, they must employ the appropriate decision-making approach that suits the situation. Commanders and leaders can choose between systematic analytic decision-making or intuitive decision-making based on the circumstances at hand.

Analytic Decision Making

Analytic decision making involves gathering information from various sources, including provided data and personal experiences. Subsequently, a range of alternative solutions, referred to as options, is generated. These options are then compared and evaluated to identify the optimal course of action (ADRP 6-0, 2-8). Analytic decision making follows a systematic approach that breaks down tasks into identifiable elements. It ensures that commanders and leaders consider, analyze, and evaluate relevant factors, often employing techniques like war-gaming. This method is particularly valuable when decisions require the processing of substantial information and the resolution of conflicts among courses of action. Additionally, it provides a logically structured approach that benefits less experienced personnel. However, due to its meticulous nature, analytic decision making can be time-consuming and may require complete reevaluation if mission conditions change rapidly (ADRP 6-0, 2-9).

Intuitive Decision Making

Intuitive decision making relies on knowledge, judgment, experience, education, intelligence, boldness, perception, and character (ADRP 6-0, 2-47). It is a more rapid decision-making approach that stems from the commander's innate abilities and familiarity with the key elements and implications of a specific problem or situation. This method focuses on assessing the situation rather than comparing multiple options, making it highly effective when time is limited. Intuitive decision making is often employed at lower levels of command and emphasizes the bigger picture over individual components (ADRP 6-0, 2-47).

In a mission command structure, commanders and leaders frequently blend both intuitive and analytic decision-making approaches to ensure objective, timely, and effective decisions (ADRP 6-0, 2-49). While intuitive decision making offers speed, analytic thinking provides depth. Rushed or overthought decisions can have grave consequences, highlighting the need for critical and creative thinking skills when commanders and leaders employ either analytical or intuitive approaches.

Decision Making in Mission Command

Within a mission command structure, decisions are a composite of both analytic and intuitive decision-making processes. Critical and creative thinking skills play a crucial role in facilitating decision-making for commanders and leaders at all levels. These skills are essential for well-rounded decision-making, as erroneous decisions can be not only detrimental to mission outcomes but also endanger the lives of service members carrying out the mission. The decisions made by commanders and leaders directly influence the actions of service members in the field.

Therefore, the development of critical thinking skills is paramount for military leaders. Decision-making is a key characteristic of a military leader's role, and without the application of critical and creative thinking, effective decisions are unlikely to materialize. These thinking skills have been integrated into Professional Military Education (PME) for leaders at all levels, recognizing their critical importance. In essence, critical thinking entails constructing and defending an argument using reason, applying intellectual standards, taking epistemic responsibility, and identifying and countering logical fallacies in both oneself and others (Colonel Thomas M. Williams).


Critical thinking stands as an indispensable tool for military commanders and leaders. In the evolving landscape of modern warfare, where adaptability and innovation are paramount, critical thinking is a cornerstone for effective decision-making within a mission command structure. The ability to analyze problems from various angles, assess information critically, and employ creative thinking to devise novel solutions is central to mission success.

Commanders and leaders are confronted with a range of decision-making approaches, including analytical and intuitive methods, depending on the situation's demands. A balanced blend of these approaches ensures that decisions are both timely and objective. Critical thinking serves as the bridge between these decision-making paradigms, enabling commanders and leaders to make informed, rational, and effective choices.

As the military continues to navigate complex and dynamic operational environments, the cultivation of critical thinking skills remains an imperative. These skills empower leaders at all levels to uphold the Army's mission of organizing, training, and equipping forces for prompt and sustained land combat operations, ultimately contributing to the nation's defense and security.

Updated: Nov 08, 2023
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The Role of Critical Thinking in Military Decision-Making essay
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