Teenager and Early Adulthood Problems

Varied age brackets are identified to cover early adulthood stage of development. Eric Erikson describes this stage as young adulthood, somewhere between ages 18 to 25 (Harder, 2002), the development stage occurring after adolescence. This is when an individual settles down and starts his own family. This is the stage when a person usually separates from the parents and becomes independent. In the course of this turning point, the young adult goes through voluminous challenges and trials. As he goes through these trials, he will need the strong support of family, his intimate partner and his peers.

The moment the young adult embarks on a new life, to find work so that he can eat, pay rent, buy his necessities, he realizes that life is not that easy as it has been when he was under the roof of his parents.

If he does not work, he will not be able to satisfy his basic needs. He does not have the liberty of relaxing because he is on his own.

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This situation is the same for both men and women. Modern situations put both genders in similar situations when it comes to responsibilities of adulthood. Many experience emotional breakdown when they finally settle down and start their own families.

The pressure that the community imposes on the young adult, to establish a monogamous relationship with an intimate partner and to become a parent may also cause emotional trauma. Those who are caught unprepared for challenges may end up with anxieties manifested through various defense mechanisms such as suppression, regression, and other psychological problems.

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(Van Wagner, n. d. ) When these problems become serious, they may experience sleeplessness, irritability and may resort to alcohol or drug abuse. Consequently, work, family life and relationships with the community are affected.

Despite independence, parents of young adults need to continue to monitor their children’s lives so they will be ready and available to provide support should their children show signs of difficulties, and prevent traumatic experiences that may lead to psychological problems.


  1. Andrews, D. W. (1997). Understanding Adolescent Problem Behavior. Ohio State University. Retrieved 21 October 2008 from http://fcs. osu. edu/hdfs/bulletin/volume. 2/bull21a. htm
  2. Boeree, G. (2006) Sigmund Freud. Personality Theories. Retrieved 21 October 2008 from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/freud. html
  3. Harder, A. F. (2002) The Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson. Learning Place Online. com. Retrieved 21 October 2008 from http://www. learningplaceonline. com/stages/organize/Erikson. htm
  4. Themes of Adult Development (n. d. ) Retrieved 21 October 2008 from http://209. 85. 173. 104/search? q=cache:K6w_C2TbqDoJ:www. coping. org/write/C6035humandev/Lectures/lecture19adultdevthemes. ppt+early+adulthood+stages+development&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=8&gl=ph
  5. Van Wagner, K. (n. d. ) Defense Mechanisms. About. com. Retrieved 21 October 2008 from http://psychology. about. com/od/theoriesofpersonality/ss/defensemech_3. htm
Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Teenager and Early Adulthood Problems. (2016, Aug 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/teenager-and-early-adulthood-problems-essay

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